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Debbie In Lucerne
on 11/27/05 2:44 am - Lucerne 7, Switzerland
I just saw there are only nine...yes 9 people who have listed atheism as one of their intrests!!! There must be thousands of members of OH !! D
Debbie In Lucerne
on 11/27/05 12:44 am - Lucerne 7, Switzerland
Topic: RE: Did you celebrate Thanksgiving?
We have never prayed at tHanksgiving..never burdened with a religous family. This year we didn't have Thanksgiving really becasue we no longer live in the US. We decided to celebrate Sami Claus tag on December 6th instead!! Debbie In Lucerne
Jessica D.
on 11/26/05 10:20 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: Did you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Hey ya'll! I was just wondering what you all did on Thanksgiving. Did you spend it with family. Did you have to do the "let's all take hands and thank god for...."? I have many things in my life I am thankful for. Not thankful TO anything or any one; just very grateful and honored to have the people in my life that I do. I can't fake the praying thing. I'm totally okay with taking hands of everyone at the dinner table, but the bowing of the head, and the random talking out loud to "the deity"---just not working for me. I usually end up using the prayer time to look around the table and see all my loved ones. I know that my life is rich and full of good people, a tough but fulfilling job, my fairly decent health (sans the optimal BMI!!). Does you family pray, or do they ask everyone to speak to something they are grateful/thankful for. Is grateful different than thankful?? Thanksgiving and Christmas are holidays I look forward to because it's the excuse people use to make the effort to drop everything, and spend the day with loved ones. I sure wish we'd do it more often; but it is what it is.... What do you all think? Jessica ...just thinking out loud!
Jessica D.
on 11/25/05 10:01 am - Edmonds, WA
Debbie In Lucerne
on 11/25/05 6:08 am - Lucerne 7, Switzerland
Topic: RE: Atheism in Europe
Not sure if you will be able to read this response Dona but here goes! There is a difference!! I guess I can't speak for all of Europe but I can see the difference between Tampa, Florida and Lucerne, Switzerland. Even though religion is integrated with government here it is not the same as religion in the US. Here religion means giving, caring, helping. It does not mean proselytizing .Recently the local Catholic league sponsored an AIDS awareness program at my nieces middle school. Most churches here have extensive charity programs, and I don't mean missions. I mean counseling Bosnian war victims, or visiting jailed immigrants. I mean human to human giving. Not human to human if you except my god into your heart and don't drink on Sundays and so on. Our city is so liberal religiously that they made a installed a prayer beacon for Muslims on top of the city watchtower which is over 800 years old!! I have never felt more comfortable having my seemingly screwy thoughts on religion since living here. Simply put: religion is a welfare program operating with no expectations. In the states religion is a clique. People believe that their pastor deserves to drive a Cadillac while they take the bus. Religion is banned from schools and government but the same rule is often ignored because the "people" want it. I fear the day when non fundamental Christians are the only "people" being listened too any more. So is Europe better then the US? For a 333 lb broke and opinionated American who doesn't really know yet what the heck she believes it is. Back to your question...I think Europe has learned their lesson somewhat. They have a very long and lurid history of religious oppression. I know people who can trace their ancestors back to the crusades! Maybe one day in the future someone will be tracing back their ancestry to the modern day American crusades. Thanks for listening and Thanks OH I really do appreciate it even if I am *****ing. Debbie in Lucerne
Debbie In Lucerne
on 11/25/05 5:25 am - Lucerne 7, Switzerland
Topic: RE: I Agree With This
Wow, that was powerful. Makes me think...ahhh that's why the fire alarm keeps going off...lmao.... Even though I am posting on this board I do not know if I am really an atheist. Hope that is ok with every one!! Debbie in Lucerne
Debbie In Lucerne
on 11/25/05 5:18 am - Lucerne 7, Switzerland
(deactivated member)
on 11/23/05 11:50 pm - Oak park, MI
Jessica D.
on 11/23/05 4:27 am - Edmonds, WA
(deactivated member)
on 11/23/05 12:42 am
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