Bush declares "Katrina Prayer Day"
I've read that Bush had declared the 16th (or was it the 15th) to be "Katrina Prayer Day." What kind of message does this sort of thing send? It feels like a diversionary tactic to me. Like our government can't do it all so they have to ask for divine intervention. I was really disgusted when the governor of Louisiana called for a day of prayer back on the day after the levees broke. Like that was the best thing she could come up with in the middle of a major crisis when her state needed LEADERSHIP and DECISIVE ACTION. Instead she calls for prayer...
I get so frustrated by people trying to explain what they can't understand with religion. My dad died when I was 14 and if one more person (even at 14) said it was god will, I was going to punch them! Religion is a coping mechinism and easily explains to people what they can't bare to put into perspective.