Twas the Night before Squidmas...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through creation,
People believed almost anything with no hesitation;
With their hearts hung open for anyone who'd care,
They had no idea that skeptics could be there;
Children nestled asleep with their thoughts on the stars,
They had visions of quasars and novas and Mars;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Settled down, nary a thought for the world's bullcrap;
When out on the lawn I heard voices speaking,
People gathering at my house, what could they be seeking?
Away to the window I went to hear more,
Tore open the shutters, too much to ignore;
The light from the moon on their faces did pull,
Doesn't the moon have effects on folks when its full?
When, what to my wandering brain should I hear,
But new thoughts, suggestions, and alternative ideas;
With my mind not quite being able to click,
I knew right that moment they must be skeptics;
More rapid than eagles, these great apes made no claims,
I hadn't seen them before, but I could place their names;
There's Sagan and Kurtz and Randi and Klass!
Carson, Dawkins, Gould and DeAngelis!
At the top of my porch they rang my doorbell,
Dare I let these gents in? Will I go straight to hell?
As dry leaves that crumble with the crush of a hand,
My defenses went down and my mind did expand;
So I opened the door and inside they flew,
Their minds full of science, with a skeptical view;
And then, in a twinkling, I heard in the room,
The prancing and pawing of reason in full bloom;
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
This skeptical gathering seemed suddenly profound;
My concerns about why on this earth we've been put,
Had me down in the dumps, in a rut, low as soot;
A bundle of monkeys I had flung on my back,
Could these people help me? Oh, what do I lack?
In their eyes was a twinkle, and they saw my frustration,
Gullibility and ignorance led me to all sorts of temptation;
The words from their mouths were drawn up like a bow,
The beards on their chins gave a most distinguished glow;
Their grip on reality they held tight as their teeth,
The light of their thoughts circled my head like a wreath;
Offering broad thoughts and ideas like a bowl full of brilliance,
They shook my foundations and broke down my resilience;
They explained away myths, be them UFO, ghost, or elf,
And I laughed when I realized, in spite of myself;
In the wink of an eye they shone light to my head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
They spoke many words and went straight to their work,
My head swelled with great knowledge, I had felt like a jerk;
Each shaking my hand, a heart-felt sense of pride,
They gave me a nod, my gullibility had died;
They sprang out the door leaving nothing but knowledge,
Oh, if only I'd learned these things back in college;
So please hear me exclaim as I finish to write,
"Merry Squidmas to all, and to all a good-night."