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I take Tramadol also and it doesn't seem to have an effect on my stomach...I have been warned to stay away from NSAIDS of all kinds...I did use Celebrex...I have psoriatic arthritis...It is like Rheumatoid Arthritis except in addition to the joint pain and damage, you skin is damaged as well,
I take injectable Methrexate on and off...And I have been having a serious problem for the last two days...Ever since about an hour after the injection, I have been having severe adbominal cramping. My lower abdomen is so tender that I can't even tolerate a waistband...My lower abdomen is distended and feels very tight.. No diarrhea, no fever, severe nausea but no vomiting. .I called the doc, and he ordered Bentyl to relieve the spasms and told me that if the severity continued that I should go to the ER... Well two days later the near constant cramping is signficantly better, I seem to be having a very severe contraction like wave of cramping for a couple minutes every hour, but it much better. I have been drinking ginger tea and eating saltines...I have a heating pad on my belly....I have no chance of having a pregnancy related issue nor do I think this is gynecological because I hear my intenstines rumbling....This just seems to be a drug issue....But the drug works very well...I am hoping this cramping thing is a coincidence...not really caused by the injection... I have had stomach problems in the past, related to how slowly foods tranit out of my intestines...They are very slow, I probably only have 2-3 BM's a week, and I haven't had one since thecramping started, but i have passed gas, so neither my doc or O am worried about obstrucitve problems...