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432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life
432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life
432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life
Fibromyalgia is a condition where you feel chronic pain in certain parts of your body; it is a muscular pain especially around the joints. There can also be centralized pain felt in the spinal chord, brain, neck shoulders etc. People with fibromyalgia generally complain of pain in the joints, but it actually is the muscles and the tendons around it that cause the pain, it can be excruciating sometimes and can be a continuous throbbing pain. People suffering from Fibromyalgia also show symptoms of depression, sleeplessness, irritable bowel syndrome, stress and many others, which are caused due to the pain.
Usually Fibromyalgia affects women over 30, but even children and men are sometimes affected. There is no known cure for fibromyalgia, however you can overcome this symptom over a period of time with natural cures like herbs and dietary supplements that help with the condition.
Here's Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and steps to treat it naturally.
For free info and helpful articles on fighting fibromyalgia, here's Rid Fibromyalgia .
Hi there... Yes I did receive word from my OBGYN that the prednisone that I take (5mg x 1 a day) and the plaquenil (200mg x 2 times a day) is ok to take during pregnancy. In fact, I got the ok from all 3 doctors. All my lab works came back fine and she's like just get pregnant!! so, thats what we're trying to do. Right now I am just trying to maintain my weight and wouldn't help to loose a few either.. I just wanna get preggers already!! thanks for letting me share and for your reply! KIT Irene =)
I hate the word Fibromyalgia. It took so long to diagnose. It has been 14 years since I was diagnosed, I also have arthritis, have had a anterior fusion C4-5, Facet Injections C-5 through T-1 and Neurotomies L4-5 S1. It has helped quite a bit, especially since I am allergic to most all drugs, pain, anti-depressants etc. I do take Klonopin(Clonazapam) 2mg at night and 1 mg daytime if needed. Ibuprofen 800 mg twice a day. Otherwise I deal with the pain. I am looking into WLS, but the more I see the people who have any complications, I'm not sure if I want to add to the complications I already have. Just got to think more about it...