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Best of luck!
I did another type of trigger point injections with the new doctor. It didn't work. She said I actually have degenerative disk disease and arthritus ontop of that. She's asked that I swim at least 2-3 times a week as long as the pool is open. I am going in for nerve blocks in August. I'm going on vacation July 18-29th so we'll not be home anyways. So I'll be excited to come back and get this figured out. They did say they think it might be due to being more active now. Thanks forthe input
432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life
The pain getting worse might be to the fact you are getting more active as the weight is coming off. It’s hard to keep up the activity to take off more weight when you are having pain. I’m trying Physical Therapy and some different medications. I went in the pool last week and found I can do a good work out with no pain.