Autoimmune defiency?
Hi there, I was one day from surgery when it was cancelled because my rheumatologist decided that because of my IgA deficency that it was not going to be a safe proceedure for me and she faxed a letter to the clinic who in turn cancelled the proceedure. I would like to hear from anyone who has an IgA deficency and has had RNY surgery. The surgeon does not agree with the increaed risk for infection but because he is not a canadain doctor OHIP, needs me to get a letter from a Canadain doctor before they will reapprove my funding. I am very frustrated and heart broken. Has anyone had RNY with an IgA defiency and would like to share their experiance with me.
thank you for your reply. I posted on this board, as I didn't think it fit on another board. I do not regularly take anything with the exception of thyriod medication. Her reasoning I have since found out is that there could be a higher risk of infections due to the IgA defiency. I know have another appointment to get a second opinion from another rheumatologist, but have to wait to get in.