rumatoid arthritis in knees
its weird it sometimes is so easy to walk yet sometomes it is so painful i have been walking 4 times a day about a mile each time it helps that i have a walker with a seat on it because i do sit down when knees hurt , anyway i am taking ibrofin for my arthritis but it is not helping lately , i am going to see anew specialist today to try to figure out what to do i know that my old doc. wanted to do surgery but i am to heavy . so if you could give me some ideas on what to do to help knees i would appricate it thank you
patti jo
I used to take Mobicox 45 mg/daily but apparently it is the cause of my kidney failure so... I am not trying some steroid alternative... Concerning your weight... I don't know how much too heavy is too heavy... I know that the surgeon I am seeing performed surgeries on peope over 550+ so I don't know what was the heaviest person but I don't think that there is a limit per se...
Best of luck!
Best of luck!
Waiting!!! Waiting!!! Getting Ready... No I am now ready!!! Please calll! I'll answer!!!!