
on 11/28/06 1:44 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi, I just came from the orthopedic surgeon and was told that both of my knees are shot.  Because I am only 51 and still have a considerable amount of weight to lose the surgeon is going to try Synisc wihich is injected on three seperate visits.  It is supposed to give relief for at least 6 months.   Has anyone tried this therapy?  If so please liet me know what your outcome is. Thanks. Jeanne
on 12/2/06 1:10 pm - Poplar Grove, IL
I suppose it depends what they are shot from.  Before my surgery I had horrible pain in my left knee and my doctor told me I should duct tape my mouth.  Hmmmmm thanks doc...I got the Synisc shots and they didn't help a bit.  Come to find out I had a torn meniscus.  I got it repaired but I have never been pain free.  I now have no cartiledge in my knee and need a knee replacement, which I was scheduled for in three days.  I decided I'm not in enough pain though and still too young.  Knee pain sucks... The Synisc shots might work great for you as long as you have a problem that CAN be helped by them.  Good luck. Bev
on 12/3/06 4:50 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hey Beverly, Thanks for getting back to me.  I have trust in this doctor.  The X-rays were just taken and there is still some cartiledge left so I am going to cross my fingers.  I have lost 120 lbs. in 6 months and the weight loss is slowing down but I still have another 170 to go.  I also want to have a panniculecomy (sp?) before I have knees replaced.  I also feel I am too young as I know the knees are only guarenteed for 10 years.  It will be a race for me, which comes first the pannus surgery or the knee surgery.  The shots will be the answer.   Thanks again, much success in your journey.  Happy Holidays to you. Jeanne
Marie R.
on 8/24/07 6:41 am - Canada
Hi Jeanne, I had neovisc injections in both knees every 3 to 4 months for about 4 years.  I'd say overall it's worthwhile.  I could literally feel that my knees had more "juice" in them - and anything that could lessen the friction of the bone on bone was good enough for me! Sometimes, the injections would pop your eyeballs out with the pain.  Other times, it was ho-hum.  My ortho said that when your knee is really inflammed, there are more nerves jumping around - so when the needle goes in he's more likely to hit more nerves.  Another indicator of bad inflammation is the amount of blood that wells up at the injection spot. I'm happy I had the injections, I think they provided me relief a little longer and a little more mobility.  About 1 1/2 years ago though, I found that they didn't really work anymore.  I scratched it up to I was too far gone. What I like about these injections over the cortisone is that you can get them done as often as you need them.  I think smaller people can go 6 months or a year before having a repeat of the 3 shots.  I may be wrong about the weight situation ... but we all know that the more weight you have, the more pressure you put on  your joints. Get the shots as soon as you can.   Start it up so you can get more cushioning in there!   It's expensive though.  My insurance wouldn't pay for them .. and the set of shots for both knees was about $500.  ACCK! Cheers, Marie
on 8/24/07 10:23 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank, Marie, I just completed my second set of them.  Although I don't get as much relief from them as I have from the cortizone.  My insurance paid all but the initial co-pay of $25.00 so I was fortunate there.  My problem is soon going to be solved.  I wanted to have them replaced but because I still have 120 lbs. to lose and suffer from lymphedmia in one leg and groin my GBS has decided to let me get a panni first, then the knees in about 1 year.   With the panni I will automatically lose 50 lbs. putting me right where I need to be for the knee replacement.   This all took place yesterday so I am still trying to process the new turn of events.  I trust my surgeon and his team so I am going to do it. Thanks again.  I am hoping to have this problem settled soon.  It will nice to be more mobile again.  Good luck to you also. Jeanne 
on 12/3/06 4:54 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Beverly, Me again.  I forgot that I wanted to comment about the duct tape.  I would have suggested that the doctor super glue a certain oriface on his body and I don't mean his mouth.  What a jerk.  I have been fortunate as I have never had a doctor say that to me.  I had one doctor treat me negatively, but not be specific as to why and I told her not to bother to transfer my records as I wanted a doctor who didn't get their degree at Doctors R Us. Just my humble opinion on fat-phobia doctors.   My PCP is a butterball and so is my orthopedic doc.   Jeanne
on 1/20/07 12:41 am - Somewhere, AL
My sister has arthritis in her hips and knees. Unlike me she just has simple arthritis and I have RA. She got the synisc injection and lets just say we should have brought the duct tape. She said it hurt like no other and the burning was the worse of it all. She did get relief within a few hours though and she has not had to have another in almost 3 months. I wish they would work for me I would get it and bare whatever pain they cause for I am sure this RA pain I endure is the worse I have ever had. I would not wish this type pain on my worse enemy. Irish aka Ms Pisces

Ms Pisces

Amy Bell
on 2/26/07 8:51 am - Alice, TX
Hi,  I just read your message and let me tell you I have had the synvisc injections in both knees at the same time. The first shot in my right knee hurt so bad I wanted to cry and I could  barely walk. It took me close to 30 minutes to get to my car. The following sets of shots didn't hurt at all, but they didn't help my knees either. I have no cartlage left in my knees and it is bone on bone. The doctor tells me he wants to wait until I am at least 55 or older before he does any replacement surgery and I am 52 now, so I have a while to go. I hope that you have a better outcome and you don't have as much pain. Good luck, Amy
on 2/26/07 10:48 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Amy, I had quite a long haul with these shots.  I had the first one and within 24 hours the pain that I had in my right knee was gone.  I was still stiff and hobbyling but the pain was gone.  24 hours after that I came down with a bad case of cellulitis.  This delayed my geting shots 2 & 3 for over a month.. The two shots then have enabled me to walk slightly better, but I still have a give out on now my left knee if I stand too long or if I go down steps.  Going down hurts worse than going up.  Go figure.  I am please enough with the shots.  I had the doc give me Ultram and that also seems to help.  The injections were painful but I was willing to try anything.  I am 51 and want to put off knee surgery as long as I can.  I am hoping losing another 100 lbs might help.   Thanks for your imput.  Please keep in touch. Jeanne
Amy Bell
on 2/27/07 2:42 am - Alice, TX
I know what you mean be trying anything, but I was really disappointed in the shots. I thought they might help a little at least. My Dr. told me it helps some and others it didn't. I guess I was one of the ones it didn't.  I am hoping to have the surgery and lose a hundred lbs. also and hope it helps, because I too want to put it off as long as possible. I hope things get better for you soon and hope you also stay in touch. Amy
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