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You seem to be impeding your own weight loss by only eating carbs and fat. Isn't this counter to the recommendations prior to surgery? Nobody can lose weight on that program.
Have you talked to your surgeon and nutritionist about ideas for protein that you may be able to tolerate? It sounds like you've given up.">
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HW: 295; SW: 272; CW: 159; Surgeon's goal: 167; My goal: 140
on 6/11/15 7:39 pm
In my case (as well as my wife's) the gastric sleeve has, in the long run, been counterproductive to the purpose for which I had the surgery. Though I (and my wife) lost weight during the first few months after the procedure, the weight loss has stopped altogether and now further weight loss is harder rather than easier. I realize that exercise and diet are needed to lose weight and that further efforts in this will facilitate weight loss for my wife and me, but the gastric sleeve has made these basics of weight loss more difficult to do. I cannot eat most healthy foods without getting nauseated. Almost the only foods I can eat without feeling sick are high in carbohydrates or fat. I have other medical problems (several) which make exercise quite difficult. This is why I thought the sleeve would help to facilitate weight loss and boost overall health. In the long run, it has only made my goals more difficult to achieve and caused unpleasant side-effects such as muscle cramps and nausea. I have been faithful to follow-up visits with all of the specialists but as friendly as these people are they have been of no substantial help.
I would say my overall health and quality of life are lower as a result of the sleeve and my prospects for improvement are less rather than more likely due to the increased difficulty of losing weight. Knowing what I do now I would not have had the procedure and I would not have recommended it to my wife for whom it has also proved counterproductive. A good friend of mine's sister had the sleeve and she too deeply regrets it since it has made her weight loss more difficult in the long run and resulted in many, unpleasant side effects. The surgery is irreversible so my only option now is to try to lose weight and recover health in spite of the procedure which has made my goals much more difficult to achieve.
My severe bone pain ended up being that I tanked out on Vit D?? I am so sorry you hurt
Lady if you beat all those horrid things no one should have to go thru, don't say you failed. You fought the big C so you can fight this weight too. You are unstoppable I have faith in you. Hugs
Warning! This same post was here 12 or so years ago???
Thanks Jeff and everyone else for your advice. I do stay on top of all my nutritional and supplemental requirements, like I said it is a FT job. I had diabetes so bad that I could not afford a "bad" habit so don't have them! I have come to accept that this is what my life will be now and I am happy to still be here, I just had my 1 year anniversary of the RNY on Jan 29th. The RNY has been pretty amazing for my diabetes control- I am no longer on any insulin (was on 500 units a day before it) and just take oral meds now- so that is a VICTORY! I don't need to take needles anymore! There is always a give and take I guess in everything. The other health issues I just have to deal with and hope for the best, my faith will see me thru. Thanks for all your support, I appreciate it and if anyone who is going for the surgery for diabetes treatment wants to contact me feel free to do so.
Hi, I am two years out and all I can offer you is that you need to stay on top of your nutrition, vitamins, and water. There are some days I do not stay on top of this and regret it because of weakness, but the upside is that if you are diligent with the vitamins such as sublingual B then you will feel better. A good B vitamin is a liquid B complex. I use Natures Bounty and hold it under the tongue for 3 to 5 minutes. It greatly helps. I also take in a lot off protein to help me supplement my protein levels. The one thing you want to do is drink lots of water and make it a habit to to sip as if you were a chain smoker. Keep a bottle that is 1 liter in size with you always and drink drink drink. I hope this helps you out some. Over time the good habits like these become a way of life and they will replace the bad ones.
Yeah, I'm on your side, for sure. I hope things turn around. I hear alot of stories where people were sold on RNY's or VSG when they really weren't seeking them out in the first place. I also hear stories from folks who never really wanted them in the first place. I think some of the intolerant folks may lose sight of that. I know I wanted mine, and I went through a lot of flaming hoops to get it. But I needed mine to lose weight to save my life. Diabetes is a terrible disease and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope things improve for you. I really do.
Hi Dashmatrix,
I have been followed by experts in Diabetes care all along (some of the best in the world) and continue to do so. I am very confident in my knowledge of diabetes and everything that goes with it. I am pretty sure I had the Dysautonomia all along too now. I was diagnosed with severe peripheral neuropathy many years ago (the neuropathy in the feet, legs, hands, arms) but also have autonomic neuropathy. Dysautonomia is a more advanced case and involves all the systems of the autonomic nervous system. The RNY would have been helpful in stabilizing my blood sugars because of the intestinal changes it makes (changes the way hormones/enzymes involved in insulin processes are utilized) but I was told I would be given a larger stomach pouch (which I never got) so that I would be able to eat more to help stabilize after the surgery and so that I wouldn't loose too much weight. Now that I have less stomach I have a really hard time getting enough nutrition in. I get lows and highs lots and have to eat or drink pretty much every minute of my waking hours. It is a FT job. I think the stress of the RNY on my body made the Dysautonomia worsen by lots! That's why I am telling others if they are looking at it to treat diabetes and they are NOT obese, to be very careful! Thanks though for your comments and support.
I know that comes across as harsh but I really am tired of hearing people *****ing about how much they regret having WLS when they have had nothing but success and health because of it.
Believe me, I know regret. I had my first WLS in 2002 and I had all kinds of problems that made my life a living hell, not to mention major regain. It was all my fault and I didn't go around complaining about having WLS. No on put a gun to my head and forced me to have it.
I was able to have a revision 4 years ago that solved my side effects and along with that I lost the excess weight. Am I thrilled that I ate myself onto the operating table? Of course not. I wish I had other options but I had tried every thing and I never had any kind of long term success until I had WLS AND I did what I was supposed to do. Having WLS isn't enough, it is just a treatment, not a cure.
Anyway, I just get upset because there are so many people who would give anything to have this opportunity. I have a friend now who is 360 lbs, severely diabetic and was going to have WLS but she was required to lose 50 lbs first and could not do it.
Then she was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery and treatment and spent 6 months in a nursing home with an incision that would not heal. She finally got better but was told that she could not have WLS because it was too risky for her to have another surgery.
She doesn't have the chance that we have been given and I feel so blessed that I was, even if it hasn't always been a walk in the park and even if having WLS has created issues I never would have had if I didn't have it.
It is like someone complaining about their house when there are so many who would give anything to just have a roof over their head. Instead of being grateful for this gift all she does is complain even though according to her she hasn't had any problems because of it. I just don't get it.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.