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Topic: RE: everyone is not a lapaband success story!!!!
Thanks for the post. I had the same experience with both my pregnancies. I had really bad nausea throughout and lost 30 lbs by one month after delievery -- but gained it all back within like 2 mos. even though I was walking and nursing.
I worry alot about the metabolism issue. But what I have found is that the one thing even my stubborn metabolism reacts to is EXERCISE. Not at first mind you - its really stubborn - but after a couple of weeks of consistent exercise and eating more healthy I can see a loss, even without changing my eating habits much.
I also second what the others said about your fills. Sounds to me like you don't have enough saline in the band. RUN don't walk to a dr that's going to work with you to find the right fill level for you and keep at it every two weeks until you have good restriction....
Good luck !
Topic: RE: My Hair loss....
A year ago I was diagnosed with severe anemia. Since getting my iron levels where they need to be my hair has made great improvements. It's finally back to being thicker (not like before but it's better). I recently has bloodwork done and EVERYTHING is great... I walked around for days all proud of myself once I found out my cholesterol is 161! WOOO HOOO!