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Sarah Joy
on 5/31/06 9:40 am - Hawthorne, CA
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
Hey there, I personally have no regrets myself, but if you are looking for regrets, and the reasons that people regret having the surgery, dig back a few pages on this forum, I know there are a few there. Not many, but a few, and if memory serves me, the folks who had the regrets had complications that I'd never before heard about (ie; probably rare). There is a complications forum at as well, and a forum for people who've had their bands removed for various reasons. Not that I want you to read a whole bunch of bad stuff and get scared, but it's good to read up on the bad side and make sure that you know what you are diving into. I hope this helps! Sarah
on 5/30/06 11:35 pm - Derry, NH
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
Hi Rachel, I had the lapband surgery on January 10th of this year and I have NO REGRETS whatsoever (aside from the fact that I wish I could have done this a lot sooner) I have had 2 fills and I feel great restriction. I am 51 (52 in September) and I am 5'3. I am no longer showing any signs of diabetes, my blood pressure is great, and my cholesterol level is pristine according to my doctor! When I look at my old picture and compare it to my current picture, I am amazed at the difference. Check it out on my profile page! I am so very happy that I did this. It is, however, a journey. You realize, I am sure, from your research that it can be a slow process. It can take some time before you reach proper restriction and that there are ups and downs along the way. I went into this fully aware that I will lose the weight slowly and I am fine with that. If you follow your surgeon's advice you will do great. You don't have to be perfect but you do need to follow the rules 80% (so they say) of the time. You are the one that has to make the right choices about what you are eating. The band doesn't stop you from eating junk food like cookies and ice cream, (2 of my favorites pre-band) The band only allows me to eat a small portion at a time and I now choose to eat healthy. I wish you the best and I hope that you will have great success no matter what you chose to do. take care Linda
on 5/30/06 11:33 am - Yelm, WA
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
Mary,Idon't know what antidepressant you are taking,but zoloft comes in liquid form with no sugar. It is bitter but take it with juice.
on 5/30/06 3:39 am - Macon, GA
Topic: LapBand Regrets?????
Hi everyone, I am new in this particular forum. I have been researching WLS for over a year now. I have decided that the lapband is the best option for me. Has anyone had the lapband and now regrets it ? I hope I have researched all the negative possibilities, but I am sure there are other things that could go wrong that I may not have researched. Now that it is time to begin my journey, I am a bit nervous; however, I am 110% sure that I want/need this surgery. Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys for letting me express my concerns!
on 5/28/06 9:52 pm - St. Louis, MO
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
Please try an Overeaters Anonymous Meeting. The directory is on the net. They even have on-line meetings and support. I really believe it will help. Love and prayers, Mary
on 5/28/06 1:12 pm - Reno, NV
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
Jennifer, you have a year of work ahead of you. You will be able to eat again and actually enjoy it. I do but not anywhere near the extent I did. Food is no longer a reward or an escape. It is still something I look forward to but it isn't "all consuming" like it was. You will have to find another way to cope and deal with life. This is the part that is hard. Be sure and take your drugs and maybe see someone that will teach you different copeing skills. You can do this. Many before you have and i have no doughbt you will suceed. Bets of luck, Bob
Victoria C.
on 5/28/06 6:47 am - Dalton, GA
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
"I guess I'm angry I love food, and am adddicted to food and my body type could not handle it." We've all been there and felt that. I know I still do feel that way, and I doubt that it will ever change. It makes me wish I had some other compusion. Maybe something less feeling that I have to scrub my kitchen floor three times a day. The other person *****sponded is right, though. You will enjoy food even more now. You're just going to enjoy less of it. To steal from someone who posted on a Yahoo! Lapband group, you will become a "Food Princess: eating the best bits and morsels of food off of beautiful plates, instead of being a garbage disposal for more and more food." That sentiment really hit home with me. To think now that I was eating food just because it was there and not because I actually NEEDED it to sustain life is now a sickening thought. Now I'm not eating every single meal like it is my last meal. Certainly don't stop your meds without consulting with your doctor. I've found that mixing crushed pills with a bit of applesauce or yogurt helps them to go down with less of the yuck factor. And certainly ask the hubby to keep those temptations away from you! Hope this helps. ~Victoria 354/295/170
Victoria C.
on 5/28/06 6:27 am - Dalton, GA
Topic: RE: I'm getting scared. Help.
There was a question about this the other day on the lap band board. My feeling on the matter is that they can have every hair on my head if it means my body will feel, look and BE healthier for it! I can always get a new wig to celebrate my shrinking butt! Don't get me wrong...I'd be upset if I lost hair to the point of baldness. If that's what it takes, though, it's a small price to pay to be healthier, move more easily and live longer. ~Victoria 354/295/170
on 5/27/06 1:39 pm - Sullivans Island, SC
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
Whatever you do, don't stop your medications! I have tried it, and think that it is a large part of the reason that I am at this place. The crushed pill thing really stinks, especially considering the sheer volume of the amount of pills that I take. Try breaking them up with a pill cutter and swallow the much smaller portions that way-made a huge difference for me. Your husband, no offense, needs to take his cakes and cookies to work and keep them out of the house. Yes, you will be able to buy food, only eat part of it, and enjoy it. Probably 10x more than you enjoyed it before, if not more. Keep in mind that your body, lifestyle, and whole mentality have just undergone a major overhaul, so emotions are bound to be running high. You are not crazy, and I don't think you could have done anything else to prepare for this part of the "aftermath" of the surgery. You will adapt to it, and please know that you have hundreds of people here and on other websites who are going through the same crazy feelings, emotions, changes, etc that you are. Hope that helps a little!
Jennifer J.
on 5/25/06 1:22 pm
Topic: Mental health and surgery
I have left a few posts on different sites. Need a release and to hear voices from the other side! No support groups around me so I am on my own. (except for occassional reads of this site and feedback) I am one week out (postop Open RNY) and having some major mental breakdowns. All my energy was getting this surgery to be paid by insurance, surgery happened immmediately after all the phonecalls and wrangling but now I am mentally nuts and depressed!! I was not living life and unhappy at 355lbs but yet I could eat what I wanted, when i wanted.(not healthy...I know) I think now I am shocked to have had to have this surgery, freaked that my weightloss history has made this be my final chance at longterm weightloss and that I am so scared of the feeling of being deprived, hungry and counting every bloody calorie for the rest of my life. Will I ever just be able to sit down and have a sandwich or filet mignon?? I know life will be better, too many people are friggin happy on this site for it not to be a good thing. I guess I'm angry I love food, and am adddicted to food and my body type could not handle it. My husband is skinny and makes cakes and cookies and whatever else and never gains an ounce. Just call me Mrs. Cynical cuz I am miserable and just want some peace, happiness and to still one day be able to enjoy food. Enjoy not abuse, this I know! I just want to buy a chicken pita with tzatiki and be only able to eat part of it because I am full...but able to buy one! Is this too much to ask???! P.S. I take anti depressants and the crushed pill thing is not working. Just kill me now if they want me to continue forcing this putrid crap down my throat. I may attempt to swallow the small pill and see what happens or just stop taking the drug and then end up going pyschotic in my neighbourhood. Hope some one has some words of hope, Miserable
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