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Topic: Post OP 5+ years and beyond.....A question from a newbie!
I think I will post this question in complications as some of you may see this twice....
I have been doing alot of research over the last 4-5 months on WLS. I have had my initial consult with my surgeon and I have one subject I need to obtain more information on.
Complications long after surgery. I have read the OSSG gone bad board, complications, and WLS regret boards. Does anyone have an idea as to how many people are exposed to the various complications long after surgery? such as anemia, dumping, chronic pain, malnutrition, etc?
I have a class on Tuesday night....but would really like to hear from all of you.
I appreciate it.
God Bless.
Topic: RE: Lapband is NOT for everyone!
After much research, I chose the lap-band. I was prepared for the possibility of erosion, slippage, BP, vomitting, etc, and even death. What I was not prepared for was not being able to banded.
I wish they had REALLY made me aware of the possibility of waking up from surgery WITHOUT the lap-band (according to my DR due to abnormality in my anatomy for which they do not test pre-op) and that the scar tissue from the first aborted attempt at placing the lap-band would make the second attempt at surgery to place band unsuccessful.
2) I also was not prepared for the adverse reaction I had to the derma-bond (the surgical glue my surgeon uses to close wounds).
All things considered if I had the opition of trying to have a band palced a 3rd time, with a VIABLE possibilty of it being successfully placed, I would do it again.
Topic: RE: Any Regrets??
After much research, I chose the lap-band. I was prepared for the possibility of erosion, slippage, BP, vomitting, etc, and even death. What I was not prepared for was not being able to banded.
I wish they had REALLY made me aware of the possibility of waking up from surgery WITHOUT the lap-band (according to my DR due to abnormality in my anatomy for which they do not test pre-op) . Then i got my hopes up again. Bt I was not successfully banded during second surgery either. The scar tissue from the first aborted lap-band surgery attempt would made the second attempt at surgerically placing the band unsuccessful.
2) I also was not prepared for the adverse reaction I had to the derma-bond (the surgical glue my surgeon uses to close wounds).
All things considered if I had the opition of trying to have a band palced a 3rd time, with a VIABLE possibilty of it being successfully placed, I would do it again.
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
Hi Rachel. I'm glad you're doing so much research before getting the band. I had my surgery on May 19th, and was one of the rare people who got an infection and had to have the band removed. You can check out my profile. If I could turn back time I would have never had surgery. I did not (do not) have any co-morbitities, any health problems other than needing to lose about 100 lbs. I wish I would have stuck with the diet and exercise instead. The last few weeks have been the worst of my life. I had to have a second surgery to have the band removed and that was after a week of feeling like I had the worst flu ever, and the doctor had no idea what was going on until I had a ct scan. I know there are a lot of people who have great success with the band. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, just keep in mind when they say there are chances of complications, they do happen to someone!
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
Vanessa - I would love to hear more about what type of complications you are having and what is causing them. Just out of personal interest - you can email me privately if you prefer. I to date have not had any problems but I think understanding the problems that others go through will help me to if not avoid at least recognize potental issues.
Unfortuantly there are no "long term" studies in the US due to the short time the band has been FDA approved here but Internationaly it is concidered the "Gold Standard" in WLS - kinda opposite of the US.
I hope all goes well for you and you have a successful revision.
Topic: RE: was chased away from wls grads???
Hey Sharon,
I had the Vertical Stomach Gastrectomy with Biliopancreatic division and Duodenal Switch...or what most people call it the Duodenal Switch or DS for short. You can find out more information about this surgery here on OH by going ot the Duodenal Switch forum or y ou can go to
As for the weight loss, i'm not concerned at all. With the DS most people lose at a pretty quick rate. I've heard the general goals for Dr. Hess's patients (the person who basically invented the DS) is this : 30% of your Excess weight by 3 months 50 percent by 6 months. Now i started at almost 500 lbs and my excess weight was 300 lbs. By 3 months i lost slightly more then 30 percent. The moer you have to lose the faster you lose, light weights usually go along much slower.
As for being worried? Nope. I have a great surgeon who has kept a very close eye on me, i've had about 6 post surgical visits, and blood work at 4 weeks and i'm going for blood work again this month.
I can't tell you how great it has been to lose 125 lbs (my weight loss as of friday) in such a short period of time, it's been life changing. I can now do normal things like sit in a resturant booth, go to the movies (before i couldn't fit into the seats), i can buy cloths now at walmart and go shopping at marshalls, best of all i can find pants my size (i had outgrown the big and tall store catelogs about a 2 years ago). I don't go into a doctors office or any public place for that matter fretting that i won't find a seat to sit in, and when i do find a seat, i'm not concerne that it will collapse under my weight.
I went to a birthday party for one of my sons friends the other day, and for the first time in about 10 years i felt normal. I wasn't the fat man at the circus, i was overweight sure...but normal overweight. I was able to sit in one of those really flimsy folding chairs....and i wasn't concerned that i would cru**** When it came time to eat the DS allowed me the freedom to eat whatever i wanted. I had pasta salad, ribs, fried chicken,...i didnt' have birthday cake because i'm not a cake person...but i did go home and have some regular pudding (not the sugar free variety). I didn't have to worry about dumping (a side effect of the RNY), and i ate pretty close to what a normal person would eat (DSers have larger stomachs) except i didn't go back for 2nds and 3rds like some of the other people were doing.
Hope this helps
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
I am currently hoping to have the band taken out and have revision to the DS. I would strongly recommend reviewing the studies showing the long-term results of lapband. Actually after throwing $21,000 down the drain, I do have some resentment issues involving why I was never ever able to eat the proposed foods from the lapband diet. I still throw up everyday and there is no fluid in my band. This has been going on for 3 years and I am really tired of it.
I do think eventually the FDA will review the effectiveness of this device. (Disclaimer) My comments are in no way meant to insult those of you who are successful bandsters. This is merely my experience.
V in Tennessee

Ms. Cal Culator
on 6/7/06 3:23 pm - Tuvalu
on 6/7/06 3:23 pm - Tuvalu
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
i had my band for three years and had it removed because it was causing complications. There is a board I visit that has pre-banding prople, banded people, banded people with complications and formerly banded people.
I lost about 60 pounds...half of my excess weight and regained it. I'm not SORRY I got a band, but I'm happier that I had it removed and revised to the DS.
Good luck and it is wise of you to solicit the pros and cons before making your decision...
Topic: RE: was chased away from wls grads???
Hi Sharon
Do you have any regret with respect to your surgery?
Sharon M
Topic: RE: was chased away from wls grads???
Hi Scott:
May l ask why so much of a weight loss in such a short period of time?
Like congrats to you, but...does this not worry you some with how much you have lost?
What surgey did you have?
Sharon M