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Topic: Help please, I'm desperate.
Hi all you great folks out there! I have a bad situation, (doesn't everyone on here though?) and wondered if there was anyone out there with any advice.
I'm pre-op. My consult date is in the middle of July. While that's not too far away, they're expecting surgery to be in Sept/Oct due to scheduling. While I believe this is probably a normal time frame, and compared to 40 yrs of the bondage of this 360 lb massive body, it's still relatively close. But, this is my situation...Because of all the co-morbidities, I've not been able to work. My body is just not up to handling the stress/heat, and some days it's all I can do to get out of bed. I'm single, and have to support myself. I have enough in savings for about 2 more months, then I stand to lose everything. I KNOW I'll lose my housing, and possibly losing my car. I had a larger savings, but since my work has been increasingly limited, I've been dipping into it just to make ends meet. At this point, I'm looking into moving into a nursing home if I can get insurance to cover it till surgery and recovery, and to the point I can go back to work again. I do NOT want to do this. I don't have family to help, and would rather not live in a homeless shelter either. Anyone have any advice? Thanks for any help you can give.
Topic: CPAP use post op
I have used a CPAP for years, and sometimes it fills my stomach with positive pressure instead of my lungs with the obvious result of this a problem for any in the post op? I am curious how a pouch can handle the added pressure of air. Thanks for your help.
Topic: RE: Post OP 5+ years and beyond.....A question from a newbie!
Well Jen,
I am not 5 months not a year out but i just switched to a new pcp here in my hometown and he is a doc for other gastric bypass patients and he said the biggie was the vitamins and iron ....... and he also knows what tests to run. I still dump occasionally on fats..i basically avoid all sweets unless they are sugar free. The first time i dumped was at a Christmas party. One of the side affects for me is that my sugar level bottoms out and goes way too low! So I really have to watch out on that especially if I am not feeling good..that is my first indicator that i may drop too low and now i keep glucose tablets. I would do it again!
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
I also had my band removed after 3 years and revised to the DS. Best thing I've done in a LONG time. I love my DS!
Topic: RE: Mental health and surgery
Thanks for the update. I'm so happy you are feeling better now. That anger and depression is a horrible place to be.
Be kind to yourself. Food isn't everything, although it is something to everyone.
Good Luck on your continued journey
Topic: RE: Post OP 5+ years and beyond.....A question from a newbie!
Hi Jen, well.....I'm not THAT far out, only 15 months, but I still experience dumping from sugar and fat. Also, I have become both lactose intolerant and iron deficient. With all that said, I still thank God every day for WLS! Good luck in your journey.

Topic: RE: was chased away from wls grads???
Hi--I'm almost three years out, after the first six months I was tired, exhausted. I was following all the rules, but my iron had dropped too low, had to go on prescription iron supplements for six months. Then all was okay, or so I thought. Still following the rules, regarding multivitamin with iron, calcium (taken at different times), lots of protein. You know. Then, after about another year, I was feeling that "exhausted, dragged out feeling" again, could barely lift myself up from the couch at the end of the day. Don't know why it took me so long to remember, "oh yeah, this is what anemia feels like". Okay, so now I am taking over the counter iron glycinate, my labs last month were great. Energy has returned too. Doc says I can cut back to every other day, but, I don't know, better not mess with what seems to be working.
Obviously, the other problems, osteoporosis, other forms of malnutrition, can take many years to manifest themselves, so, I've learned my lesson with iron. I will never stop taking my multivits, 2 calcium citrates a day, one iron glycinate, plus other things for arthritis and joint pain (glucosamine chondroitin and milk thistle if you're interested). Oh yeah, weekly B12, better not forget that today--I'm a day late!!!!
To be honest, sometimes one can actually forget that that you have had the surgery, forget to take the supplements that you must take for life,'s quite dangerous. Perhaps the ritual of taking the supplements is what helps me, and others, keep reminded of where we came from, and where we are, and where we might end up if we start forgetting what we need to live a healthy life.
Topic: RE: DR. ORTIZ???
Check out
Most of the people on that board are banders from Mexico. Of course there are great stories about him and bad stories about him, but you can find out a lot more information over there on him!!
Good luck!!
Jo Ann
Topic: RE: LapBand Regrets?????
Hi ya....
I had my band in for 3.5 years and after one issue after another I now had the RNY done. The band is great if you have 60 or less Lbs to lose but anything more....not a great pick! I did everything I was supposed to with my lap band and still only lost 30 lbs in that time. Once my band was opened ( fluid removed ) the 30 lbs was right back.....I was one of the 1st 200 in mich to have the band placed....the kicker part was the 30 LBS I lost....was doing Weigh****chers on line. it's a tool........If you would like to know anything else...please let me know...I have a long post on the issues I had. If you choose the band....know what your getting into.....I never liked the Idea of getting my insides all cut up..that's why I got the band in the first place.... but I know now I can control my weight loss a bit better! good luck!