My misery
Sorry to hear that you are having so many problems but do not give up. Even though the test appear normal is it possible that you have a B12 deficiency because seizures can result from this. I would consider looking at my intake of vitamins making sure that those and my mineral intake is above normal. I will keep you in my prayers.

Take a quick read of this: I am not in the medical profession but I do a lot of research and reading. Some of problems that you mentioned are listed as resulting from a B12 deficiency such as the loose stools, seizure and depression. You can get B12 from your doctor or actually in the liquid form from GNC.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
The body requires only tiny amounts of this nutrient, so deficiencies
are most frequently due to poor absorption. In order to absorb B12
there needs to be adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid, intrinsic
factor and the enzyme trypsin in the stomach. The small intestine
also needs to be functioning well, as this is where absorption occurs.
A lack of intrinsic factor results in pernicious anemia. Because B12
is found almost exclusively in animal products, deficiencies are
mostly seen in strict vegetarians. It can take many years of a low
B12 intake for a deficiency to become apparent (the body’s B12
stores last up to 6 years), with the brain and nervous systems being
affected first.
Symptoms of severe B12 deficiency include: pallor, poor energy,
shortness of breath, a sore red and swollen tongue, loose stools
and heart and nervous system problems. Nervous system symptoms
include numbness or tingling of the arms or legs, depression, mental
confusion and loss of both vibration sense and deep tendon reflexes.
In the elderly, B12 deficiency can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
Dietary sources of Vitamin B12 include: most meat and seafood,
and possibly brewers yeast, nori, tempeh and miso. Supplemental
forms include tablets, drops or injections. Sub-lingual tablets or drops
of methylcobalamin (one form of B12) are best as they do not require
intrinsic factor for absorption.

Hi Bill
I don't know if you still come on this website. I have written you before. I now weigh 102 pounds I look like dead lady walking. My teeth are all rotting out. I just OD. was in a coma and lost much of my memory. They said I was dead twice. Hopefully we both can get the help we need. Good Luck. blkcloud38
I don't know if you still come on this website. I have written you before. I now weigh 102 pounds I look like dead lady walking. My teeth are all rotting out. I just OD. was in a coma and lost much of my memory. They said I was dead twice. Hopefully we both can get the help we need. Good Luck. blkcloud38