Strongly Regret Lap-Band
I have to call BS on the study that is being posted. You can not EVER take any graphs/charts/data at face value. You have to look at the sources. If you actually look at the souces cited as resource for this particular chart, you will notice first of all that the data is very old (1994-2001) compared to the newer information that is actually available AND out of 20 sources, NOT ONE pertained DIRECTLY to lapbanding.
So, I'm not buying the info in this chart.
Having the DS was the best thing I ever did after marrying my late husband and bearing three children with him.
I'm loving my life, feeling great, feeling like at last I really can live, and can live long enough to see all of little boys finish college and start families.
Do your research on the "platinum standard" DS and you will learn it really has the fewest potential complications, and that done via lap, you'll be dancin' in a week. No stomal ulcers, much less possibility of weight regain, no dumping, the opportunity to eat a normal diet. All WLS folks should take vitamin supplements and calcium forever, but probably most Americans should do that, too.
BC changed it policy on the DS and it is no longer considered experimental. The DS forum can point you to a lot of research. There's another one on Yahoo, as well.
Good luck. Buck up! Be of good cheer! It's not over until the you-know-who sings!!
DS 8/4/04
Dr John Rabkin
San Francisco
hi Vannessa!
I am preop and totally shocked at some of the emails you have wrongly recieved. This forum is here, for us: the preops. We need more people like you willing to stand up and scream. I have read more posts from people begging for the truth, than people actually complaining. If this place isnt a true representation of WLS what is the point in even being here? Ignore haters, and continue to be true to yourself. Your honesty is refreshing.
God Bless you on your journey,
Dear Kristina,
As you can tell from some of the negative feedback I have received I am no longer feel welcome on this forum. I would like to be able to inform EVERYONE of what happened to me. There are some real "vultures" on here that seek to squeelch your every word. I did not ever think I would get that kind of reaction for simply telling my story. My story is what it is--no more no less. Why would I have any reason to embellish anything I have posted? I appreciate your response and I am sorry for not responding sooner. I hope you come to the best conclusion in regaining your health.
Vanessa in Tennessee
I want to thank you sooo much for your honesty.
I've been researching and the main message board seems to lean toward positive reinforcement. Nothing wrong with that, but it does cause pre-ops pause. Its like, "Its that awesome?!?" but what about gall bladder problems? More surgeries? When I asked for more negative information, NO ONE RESPONDED. I felt like, "what did I do wrong?",
This portion of the message board was a eye opener and something I now have to think on. I will research once more into all 3 surgeries ,happily..
You and all others who want to share their personal experience, the great results to the regrets is most helpful for people like me, who are trying to make wise, healthy life decisions. Hats off to you all.

IMO the fills haven't been timed right... I mean I've NEVER heard of a surgeon SCHEDULING fills FOR you??!! THAT would be the first and foremost issue that has you where you are today(which ISN'T your fault AT ALL! It's the surgeons!) who's put you in this position which is so so so so unforetunate! So from the sounds of it it's quite possible you've never attained your "sweet spot" and wouldn't really know if the band could work for you after all this time! I belong to 3 different bandster boards and have NEVER heard a story like yours... I'm absolutely stunned and feel so bad for you. As long as "the bandster rules" are followed, it seems next to impossible to fail (mind you some have a slower rate of loss), as long as you have restriction weight gain(in VOLUME) is a VERY hard fiet!! Eating slowly, chewing VERY well, not drinking with meals, and some regular excersise this glorious tool(once again as long as you have restriction) can only help!
I hope before you go lopping out and rerouting stuff (get another doc that can get you at a proper fill level!) and REALLY give that band a chance living by the bandster rules!! You CAN't fail!
Good Luck and I'll be praying for you!
Almost 7 mths out and 50lbs down!
What was you rstarting weight b4 the band? Have you lost any or significant amount of weight from the band? I was thinking about getting the band, but now hearing about how you have to get fills constantly, I am pretty much concerned about it. What is second stage food? Can you tell me all about your expirience from the band? If you could do a revision surgery which one would it be? RNY, VGB, or DS? At 1st I wanted the RNY but it seems like that one causes to much problems with the after effects, dumping, ulcers, etc. Then I strongly wanted the band, but then I starting to read all of the forums, how people are struggling with that when it come to eating (PBing), and how you can cheat it, and then all the fills. So now I have been doing alot of research on the DS. So far I haven't read anything negative about it.
I would like to stick up for southern band girl. She is a very positive person and you asked for view on what others thought. Don't be mad because she told you. Sometimes it is hard for us to hear the truth. I delt with alot of negativity when I was having my band removed and I do understand. I must say that she has helped me many times especially when I was going throught my band removal. I feel for you also but please take it with a grain of salt!!! were are just here to help each other....Julie