Lady A-A response
Hi Terry,
Thanks so much for your response. The thing that is so puzzling is the young lady who started this post, ask me to respond and yet, she still has yet to respond to me
I have learned that there are always gonna be negative people no matter what you do or say. I have learned to ignore them and I still keep voicing my opinion, REGARDLESS.
Thanks again,

I don't suppose there is anything left for me to say (but I know I will find something with my mouthy butt
) since Adrienne summed it up for you mature and professional. Let me just tell you one thing~~this surgery is 90% MENTAL! You better do more than RESEARCH! Start trying to live this life NOW! I DON'T CARE what your doctor tell you, he/she only performs the surgery; he/she does not live the life of a gastric bypass patient. Each person is different. Their metabolism is different. Their lifestyle is different. Their demands are different, so their journey will be different. I NEVER EVER EXCERCISE~read my profile...NEVER...SHYT, I don't have time. Unless there become 100 hours in a day, I'll NEVER be able to excercise. I LOST 133lbs in less than a YEAR! So don't point fingers at one person, try to understand that person's feeling. Walk in their shoes. The key is SUPPORT! Adrienne have always been there for me. I am one of those *****ceived a package from her to cheer up when I was feeling down in the dumps b/c I had lost all of my SEXUAL stamina after this surgery. Girlfriend, read my post, emailed me, we exchanged numbers, she encouraged me and sent me package...she SUPPORTS. At least she is honest. You could have found a better way to say what you said instead of calling her lazy. Hell, we are all lazy (the majority anyway) b/c if not we would not need or have had the dag surgery. So in a sense, you were speaking to yourself and every other obese person in the world. People are quick to call and lazy and say "just pull away from the table" and YOU an OBESE person turned around and attacked your own b/c you have RESEARCHED a surgery, but have not lived the life and now you feel you deserve a GRAMMY award or something
It's not that serious. Everyone's journey is different. I complained about losing too much weight for my height...but I didn't get bashed...people embraced me and made me feel assured. That's all we need sometime. If you want to really see the effects before surgery, start eating with a baby spoon now. One ounce of food every 3 hours. Be sure to count as you chew...I suggest 42 times on each side of the mouth (a total of 84) then swallow. B/c that is your life....FOREVER! It is in NO WAY easy! Have I had regrets--not one day!!! Too dayum busy to regret busy to think about it...but that is my JOURNEY! Am I lazy---NO! I just don't have time to excercise...Is LADY A lazy...well, I don't know that depends on how you define LAZY....pulling a full-time job, organizing and managing a non-profit WLS organization, raising SMALL kids (one with an illness), being a wife, taking care of an ailing mom,....did I mention pulling a full-time job
Well, anyhoo. To each their own, but you should be a little more sensitive...I wish you well on your journey. And to tell someone to get a life~ that's really, really harsh!

That is why I love you so much. Thank you for your support and making it clear, that although I have had my share of problems, I do support people who make the decesion to take this HUGE step.
Thanks Dee.....Boy with all that is on my everyday PLATE, lord knows I am anything but LAZY
Love you

That was well spoken (written).
I agree soooo much, everyone's journey will be different. I am still pre op surgery date of March 9th and yes I have read about the complications, I am giving it to God and praying for the best. I wish for everyone to have a safe and uneventful surgery and that everyone losses as much as they want.
Best Wishes,

Hi (?)
I came to this board tonight because I am now almost 7 months out and I am afraid of failure. I have lost weight, I do excersize (most days) but now that I am this far out, the weight is coming off so slowly. What I am fearful of is going back to my old habits of eating. I can eat anything now, sweets included, I still love chocolate and still have some. This WLS is still very hard. You dont loose your brain because you loose most of your stomach. I know of people who start to gain weight after a year. To me this is no easier than when I used to be on a diet. I can eat more than when I first had the surgery, and it is hard to say "no" to foods I shouldnt have, just like my old diet days. I wish you all the best, and just wanted to post my thoughts.
PS Dolphin (sorry if I got your name wrong) You look great for someone who doesnt excersize!

Ok - I'm a pre-op, discount what I have to say if you like.
I too have been following the string of messages from Lady A-A's original post, and I agree and disagree with some of my fellow pre-ops, as well as some of the other posters.
Honestly, at first I was offended by her post, because yes, it appeared that she was looking for the easy way out by having the surgery. However, as a pre-op I knew I was looking at this process through rose colored glasses, and I really had no right to voice that opinion as I had not been through the surgery yet. Regardless of the fact that I have read everything I can, and asked nutritionist and doctors what to expect, I won't really know until I get there. Much like childbirth...were any of us really prepared after our Lamaze classes?
Rather than react to that initial emotion I took the time to read her profile, to read some of Lady's other posts, to try to better understand where she was coming from.
Whether LadyA-A truly regrets her decision probably remains to be seen, but the bottom line here is that she is struggling, that she seems to be facing enormous demons that she used to keep at bay with food, and that she needs support rather than chastising. This is supposed to be a support group, isn't it?
Lady A-A - Your honesty is commendable. The best of luck to you, with all you are going through. We all have our struggles and demons to face, and we all face them differently. I hope you're able to overcome your issues, and you are better able use your tool to reach your weight loss goal.
Thank you Joni,
I cried when I read your response, because I am dealing with alot and I do have my good and bad days.
I have so much on me these days, but if you look at my new pictures, I am doing well. I have lost 117 pounds and still going.
I still have my days of confusion and regret, however with the therapy that I have been getting and my re dedication to Church, I am able to deal with it better.
At anyrate, thank you and much luck and success to you.

Phia in reading your profile I see you have not really researched this surgery as extensively as you should. 2 years 10 years it does not make any difference until you have gone through it. When you wake up and the pain**** you and they are telling you to try and sip some water and you can't for to save your life you are going to say "Lord what did I do to myself, Why did I not just try to diet one more time". Then a few weeks later your tastebuds wake up and you want every food you see advertised or smell even. The gas pains are worse than the actual surgery itself cause what you sip on will also cause you to have gas. The dumping syndrome is worse than vomiting ever. I have been very fortunate to not have had any complications, but I do have Rheumatoid arthritis. I see on your profile you have it in your knees I believe. Well sister let me say that my RA got worse. In losing over 140 plus pounds it is lighter for my knee joints and other parts of my body, but my RA got worse. I have flare ups more often. Every 10 days. I have to exercise everyday not to lose the weight, but to be able to keep mobile. If not I get stiff, soreness and swelling so bad I have to have fluid drawn off my joints. Before passing judgement on Lady A have the surgery first. I started researching this surgery back in 1982 after I had my first child. It was written no where about having to exercise and eat right. It was about going on with your regular routine life and enjoying losing the weight and whatever, but nothing heavily about exercise or dieting ever again. A quick fix for sure as some said. I got hooked and when my insurance on my job would not cover it I gave up on having it done until 4 years ago. Just have the surgery first and then come back and give your opinion of it. I don't regret having the surgery just that I have the darn RA and it is what is killing me now.