If i could do it Over!!!
I am new to this Forum and I am glad I found it. I have many people who ask if I could do it over again would I. Well, let me say that I am 9 months post op and I have yet to feel that I would do it again.
You have some people who have this surgery and never miss food. Well, I miss my food and the amount I could eat. I can not honestly say that I would do it again. I researched this for 2 years or better and there is no amount of research that can prepare you for the emotional rollercoaster that this surgery puts you thru.
You have a lot of dishonest people that do not tell the truth about what they experience in this journey. If you read my profile, I am bluntly truthful, because there I post everything that I feel from good days to bad and that is the way it should be. I read hundreds probably thousands of profiles before I had surgery and I found very few that were blatenly honest about their journey.
So the long of the short is, I can not say I would do it again. How do you feel? No hate mail please.....
I understand fully! Are you in counselling? Try this approach and stay with it. I hate going every week and glad she will be on vacation for a couple of weeks. Yeah! But its working for me and one thing for sure God don't love me more than you. How much weight have you lost? How much do you want to lose? E-mail me with your answers [email protected].
I have to say I regret that it has triggered flare ups from Rheumatoid arthritis more often than before I had surgery. I can't take Nsaids and pain meds are limited. I am healthy as far as having lost the weight. So no I do not regret having this surgery.
I try to be a truthful person when I post to my profile. I do not stretch my weightloss total or say somethings I do not do. I came to realize that some will post about whatever goes on in their life like a diary. I thought that the profile is to show what you have accomplished since wls. and your ups and downs with the surgery as far as any complications from it or eating complications. Without this surgery I would not have lost any weight and if I did I would have gained it all back and some. I miss food sometimes and I hate I can't eat all of somethings sometimes. But I realize I can't and I put it up and save the rest for later or the next day. This surgery affects people differently. Our bodies are structured different. I do what I do cause I choose not to deviate from what I am suppose to do. I try to exercise as much as I can. Cause truthfully sometimes when I do not exercise I miss doing it. Cause my life has changed does not mean someone elses is suppose to. I do not post about the weight I have lost cause I do not want to hurt others feelings that I know have not lost as much or does not feel the way I do. I don't judge others for their decisions to not do what they need to, but when they ask or post a question about things pertaining to not losing enough weight I will say do not compare your weightloss to others cause we are all made and structured different. As my surgeon told me that this is a tool to help me lose weight. He did not say to me that my brain would be fixed right along with the weightloss. I had to do this on my own. Seek needed help. I have done the psych thing and unlike Oprah and some others I did not find what made me fat in the first place, but I did come to realize that with time and a little encouragement from some others things will work themselves out if I put more effort in on my part. And it did. I am happy I had wls. This is something I did for me to get healthy and to get off all those expensive meds I was taking.
Thats great Irish,
I can understand fully why you do what you do. I for one do write about most things in my life in profile because this WLS as a whole has affected everything I do, as always I say to each his own, but I would not stop writting how much I lost for fear of hurting someones feelings, because that is your progress and you should be proud and flaunt it because you have done GREAT. I applaud you because you are a very strong woman and that is why I respect you and love you alot.
I know what you mean about the emotional part. It has been totally devastating for me. Plus, I have added stress of a separation and divorce right in the middle of all of this. Some days I feel I just can't cope very well. I feel like the only thing that gave me joy and comfort (my food) is now gone and I have nothing left but stress. I can't even enjoy things right now because I am so awfully tired and exhausted just from the surgery and mine went well. I am almost 7 wks out and still tired. I just want to feel better. I figured if I could feel better, coping with the loss of food might be a bit easier. I am going to a psych. this month and am already on Prozac (1x/wk). I feel like some days I am just losing my mind. I can definately feel where you are at. I have said a million times if I knew then what I know now I would have never done it. And I have lost 55 lbs. Weight is not everything. I just wish I could eat a big old salad. And I used to hate salads. I feel like a left out freak, even with my family. I can't even eat supper with my kids anymore because the chaos makes me throw up. I hate all the stuff that goes along with this right now. I just hope things improve soon. Good luck to you!
Hi Marsha,
Congrats on your loss. Let me say that you are still very early Pre Op and although I am 9 months out I still miss my food. However with that being said it is a great posability that things will get better for you. My life is full of stress, such as yourself and that added stress and pressure is what makes dealing with this that much harder.
Be strong and hold on girl, but you may just email me one day and say hey, I am glad I did this.
Good luck to you....
Adrienne, I can appreciate your opinion. I am only 10 weeks post surgical. I am hating my decision thus far... I have had numerous complications, setbacks, & I am quite unhappy. I am happily married w/ 2 children & I always have been overweight. The truth is food has always been a great source of comfort to me. I just never really liked the idea of being "morbidly obese"... So here I am post surgically depressed. I watch my family eat & I feel like crying( I usually do) I almost resent them eating the way they like, now that I have trouble w/ everything I seem to put into my mouth. People say "wait until next year at this time. you will be sooo happy." The truth is I don't know how I will survive a year of these negative emotions. Fat or not, this life is only lived once. I am feeling like I have made a great mistake. I know it's early, but my heart is w/ my friend "food". Marianne
Dear Marianne,
I am 3 weeks post and I know how you feel but remember. the truce purpose for food is not to be a friend but to provide nourishment for our bodies. Let your doctor know how you are feeling and maybe he can help. I try to think of it like my old best friend moved away and there is nothing I can do about it but make another "friend " ( all the things we can't do because frankly we are too overweight). Good luck and best wishes