What are the Complications from Reversing an RNY?
on 2/8/17 8:32 am
Greetings to my fellow RNYers!
I had RNY surgery 3 1/2 years ago. I lost all the weight needed and more within the 1st year. I am exactly the same weight that I was after my 1st year weigh in 145 lb., high weight -325.5. The problem is the complications that I have had including 2 Petersen Hernia Repair, Exploratory surgery, 3 Kidney stones (involving 4 surgery related to their removal). All the these are directly related to the RNY surgery. I am still getting some sort of pain that almost mimics another Petersen Hernia but was assured by my Bariatric Surgeon after exploratory surgery that it wasn't the Petersen Hernia (that had previously come undone). He referred me to a Gastroenterologist who said after one appointment that I probably had IBS - very vague term for this (his secretary handed me a strip of paper - cut out from many others - given out to all) - don't eat dairy, take Metamucil, take Align and avoid sweets and gave me a prescription for Buscopan (to stop intestine spasms) which don't seem to work and by the time they do the pain is gone within the hour. Well a year later I am getting these terrible take your breath away, make you bend over, excruciating pains in my breast bone area. I recently found something that may explain what I have -- possibly peristalsis (intense Intestine contractions).
If any of you have had a reversal (or takedown) or know of someone that had one, can you please share your experience as to what complications there may be?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and let me know if this worked for you. I am hoping if I get approved by the surgeon that OHIP may pay for this reversal.
Clare Anne
Ontario, Canada