Will I Ever Overcome this Regreting Have Had Wls?
I am still in regrets of having this Wls, I have so much anger and hate myself for doing this..I havent had any complications from Wls. I have amazingly never regained more than 5 lbs post op. I always get back on track when i see a 5 lb regain on the scale. I use my scale every day 2X a day.. I have had a few more heart attacks since weight loss surgery (heart attack was caused from too much calcium in my heart arteries)..Seems the only Pro for having weight loss surgery is that we lose weight, many other bad things happen P.O. wls nutrition deficenties. things get so stressful post op..Anxiety is very overwhelming. Dr. sez get lab work done once a yr P.O. I say get it done once every 3 months.could have prevented my last heart attack..those are no fun, trust me.
I cant do so many things i did pre op.True i am exception. my heart issues , I still cant go on amuzement park rides, I did have one good thing happen after weight loss, I can ride horses , and love riding them.which i never did pre op. even though i see obese people riding horses, i would have never done it pre op. I worry so much what kind of care i will get as i age living in a nursing home or where ever. I know i have to eat to get nutrition . I could write so much here all the Cons I have had but that would take too long..I need to update my profile and I plan to soon to tell about all my cons of WLS.
I know i could have lost weight on my own now. I love Dr. Oz show has taught me so much about foods.I couldnt afford to go see a nutritionist.I was 120 lbs overweight and know i could have lost at least 50 lbs and been ok with that.I have lost 110 lbs P.O. regained 5 lbs. working on taking it back off.
Has anyone overcame regrets later on P.O.? PeaceV Wendy
7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
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WTF????????????? You haven't had any complications, your weight has been stable for many years (I'll bet that wasn't the case before surgery) and yet you regret having WLS? I don't get it. Maybe you regret your heart surgeries as well, even though they saved your life? Try being so sick you can't leave your house and regaining 100 lbs and then talk about regret. But instead of living with regret I was proactive, did what I could to correct the problems I had (many of which I brought on myself) and turned things around so that I wasn't a victim any more. If you are so full of regret why don't you have a reversal? I am sure you can complain enough that some surgeon will do it just to shut you up.
There are people out there dying, who would give anything for the opportunity you have been given, the gift you have been given, a successful WLS with no complications but instead of being grateful all you do is whine and complain about how much you regret being given this gift. A gift that has given you nothing but positive results. Do you just enjoy complaining? Poor me, I really regret winning the lottery. I have no idea how I am going to spend all this money. God, how I wish I had the power to relieve you of this terrible burden that you have and put you back at your morbidly obese self where you really would have something to cry about.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I know that comes across as harsh but I really am tired of hearing people *****ing about how much they regret having WLS when they have had nothing but success and health because of it.
Believe me, I know regret. I had my first WLS in 2002 and I had all kinds of problems that made my life a living hell, not to mention major regain. It was all my fault and I didn't go around complaining about having WLS. No on put a gun to my head and forced me to have it.
I was able to have a revision 4 years ago that solved my side effects and along with that I lost the excess weight. Am I thrilled that I ate myself onto the operating table? Of course not. I wish I had other options but I had tried every thing and I never had any kind of long term success until I had WLS AND I did what I was supposed to do. Having WLS isn't enough, it is just a treatment, not a cure.
Anyway, I just get upset because there are so many people who would give anything to have this opportunity. I have a friend now who is 360 lbs, severely diabetic and was going to have WLS but she was required to lose 50 lbs first and could not do it.
Then she was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery and treatment and spent 6 months in a nursing home with an incision that would not heal. She finally got better but was told that she could not have WLS because it was too risky for her to have another surgery.
She doesn't have the chance that we have been given and I feel so blessed that I was, even if it hasn't always been a walk in the park and even if having WLS has created issues I never would have had if I didn't have it.
It is like someone complaining about their house when there are so many who would give anything to just have a roof over their head. Instead of being grateful for this gift all she does is complain even though according to her she hasn't had any problems because of it. I just don't get it.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
on 1/18/18 6:39 am
FYI, you're responding to a comment that's 3 years old.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I was 322 pre-surgery. Life was so miserable that I couldn't hardly bear it. I felt so ashamed about my weight. I lost 70 lbs after my surgery. I have kept it off for 10 years so far.
Some people may not consider me a success but I do. I stay between 242 and 252 all of the time. I have peace about my weight. Sure, I would love to be smaller, but I am ok about my size most of the time.
I feel that surgery was a miracle for me. I am very thankful for it.