my mom mary wright died from complications due to a

Nic M
on 6/18/08 2:38 pm
Kitkat24, what an intelligent post. You said this very well!  I didn't have gastric bypass. I had the lapbanding done with horrible complications being the end result. I received a message from some random nasty woman today telling me that I MUST be lying or a hypochondriac since SHE didn't have any problems at all.  No one knows what anyone else goes through while striving for a healthier life.  It takes a very small minded person to have no compassion for those who had poor results, in my opinion.
on 6/19/08 12:10 pm

Thank you !  I would be interested in learning about your complications of surgery.  I agree with your post.  I am still scheduled to meet with Dr. Buchwald on July 16, but I am scared to death.  It sort of freaks me out.  I go back and forth about having surgery at all, and then about what type of surgery to have!  It is all so overwhelming, even after researching and reading and contemplating for years and years. Kathy



Body by God; alterations by Buchwald.  I love Jesus.  I so so so appreciate my DS.

Nic M
on 6/19/08 1:12 pm
It is a scary propostion, no doubt. It is a very vulnerable feeling being on the operating table. I think if your surgeon has a lot of experience, you need not be as worried. I wish I had chosen a more experienced surgeon, personally. I wish you the best with whatever you choose! To the children of Mary Wright, you have my sympathies on the loss of your mother. I am very sorry. Nicci
on 6/5/08 4:12 pm - Seattle, WA
The % rate of complications is alot less these days then even 4 years ago, You also have to remember that if very easily could of been the surgeon, I work at a hospital 5 days a week, we do many bariatric surgeries and do not see these kind of complications on new surgeries, techniques are becoming better and better, it's just a shame that good people like your mom had to suffer so much in her battle with obesity. Alot of people have been saved with these surgeries, we must all remember this too.
on 6/12/08 7:47 am, edited 6/12/08 7:48 am - marysville , OH
I can not believe that (starving artist) you would attack her like you have she has lost her mother and is not coming on here so you can vent and attack her havent you ever heard of the saying if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all if you dont like her post simply dont read it. I am not trying to rain on your bashing parade but come on have some sympathy she lost her mom and she was just trying to inform some of us of the coplications she went through I am sure she didnt come on here so you could bash her if you dont like a post move on we are all adults here so act like it.... 

on 6/17/08 1:27 am, edited 6/17/08 1:28 am
Well said, Barbi!  InHonorOfMaryWright, I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your mother.  I realize  people who have WLS place a lot of hope in the surgery and, yes, almost all surgeries "can" have complications.  However, the flavor I'm getting here is those of you who are either success stories (so far, that is) or are contemplating having this surgery are basically treating Mary Wright as if she is the "sacrificial lamb", the "token death".  This is unacceptable and I sure as heck wouldn't be comforted by the "thousands of others" who didn't have comps.  What is Mary's daughter supposed to do....put away her grief and be ever-so-happy for you? Just about everyone who I have known that has had this surgery has insisted that as long as they do "everything right", bad things won't happen to them.  Two or three years later after they've developed their first vitamin deficiency, even after "doing everything right", they start to realize that there IS another side of WLS.  I commend this girl for coming on here and telling the truth, the truth that most newbies or hopeful pre-ops DON'T want to hear.  You NEED to hear everything.  No, not to take the joy out of your experience or change your mind about having the surgery or rain on your parade.  Just to fully inform you of the good, the bad and the ugly and so you will realize that the bad and ugly can be just as much of a reality as the good.  
(deactivated member)
on 6/17/08 5:09 pm, edited 6/22/08 1:35 am - losing it in, TX
I am so very sorry for your loss!  It is truly a tragedy and I can not believe you were attacked by some of these women on here.  Please know that not everyone is so cold and thoughtless as some of these women who I feel personally attacked you for sharing your story........ And before anyone corrects me,   I am FULL aware of the date of the original post and do not give a ****!  I just now came across it, and as someone who just lost two of the most cherished people in my life ( my granny to cancer and my childhood BFF to suicide ) in the recent months, I couldn't imagine someone being so insensitive during this trying time!  I will pray for your heart to heal as it will take time and if you EVER need to vent, you can always pm me!  God bless you and your family.....
Beth K.
on 7/1/08 5:22 am - Finksburg, MD
Well said Jennifer. I too don't care about the date on the post. To tell this woman she has an agenda that is wrong is stupid, insensitive, and purely selfish. Her story is her story. She has all the rights in the world to tell people to think twice, think three times, and think four more...the fact is if you don't think you can end up in a bad way just for not thinking! God bless you and your mother. I pray for peace in your home.  I pray for the idiot that judged you in the responses. What goes around comes around.
46 lbs lost pre-op Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy

Starting Over
on 7/12/08 6:18 am

Jennifer & kesleea1,

I don't think it was most of the "negative responders" intentions to BASH her. They were just asking questions that weren't being responded to. did this happen? What were her pre-op problems? The OP has never answered these questions. I think we can ALL agree that losing a parent is a horrible thing that is painful and takes alot of time to get over, if you CAN ever get over it. No matter what the cause of death is, it's not a positive thing! However, if someone is going to post about the negative aspects of this surgery as if it's the ONLY thing that caused her mother's death (and who knows...maybe surgery DID cause her mother's death...maybe it was some other health issue), then more details would be great.


on 7/5/08 5:56 pm - MA
im getting sick to my stomach reading some of the replies to this post. alarmist or not, you just don't act like a jerk to someone who just lost their mother. that's like someone trash talking our soldiers fighting across the seas in front of the family who has a loved one in the service over there fighting. your entitled to your opinion but it's just common sense and respectful to SHUT THE F*** UP when in the presense of them. it makes you look like an insensitive @$$h0le, especially with a real rich one-liner like "i could care less how you feel" well guess what hunny bunch, i'm sure your hostility is a result of people in your pathetic exsistance not caring less how you feel aswell. did you grow bitter from the loss of yours or something? seems like it. i pray for people like you, who have nothing better to do with their time than to dig up old posts and all that crap. and guess what? i don't care how old your threads are or your replies, i'm going to say what i said even if your post is 5 years old. and to the other real prize who said something like this poor girl could be doing something better with her time, well wouldn't that go the same for you? maybe exercising? and have you done any of those things you suggested? i highly doubt it, you know why? because the types of people who DO do those things would never come to a post like this and say anything that could be taken in an insensitive manner. now, to the original poster, thank you for posting your story, it took a lot of courage, and i am so very terribly sorry for the loss of your mom. i appreciate it and god bless you, aswell as the others that have replied to this. they need it.
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