Regretting Choosing RNY...some days
As Jan is flying bye and I am at a lack of mobility now. I have been thinking,
I have been questioning, was this worth it. Up until December, I would have said yes.
In the past 30 days, I probably would have said no. I would definitly rethink choosing the original RNY surgeon I chose based on how I was treated recently. I had some pain issues last summer and this surgeon wasn't very effective in my care.
I had no major symptoms except nausea and reflux pain during christmas. I wasn't even going to call the dr's office, because i HATE dealing with the surgeon who did my RNY. I decided to call because I was having difficulty eating and drinking. I did find out there's a second surgeon in the group and he was oncall during christmas weekend. So, on 12/26 suffered from an internal hernia in the petersen's space, which is the mesentary colon and removal of adhesions (endometrosis). I thought I was bouncing back from the surgery quickly.
I was still suffering with nausea and pressure in my upper chest, however, the surgeon who did my origianl rny wasn't as helpful as he could have been. I went back and forth for 1 week before I was seen again. This time, I went through a day of testing and a week of being really sick. Then, last week, I had a second surgery, there were an assortment of things done at this surgery had a band of scar tissue removed from liver, from bowels, from pouch area, then revision to pouch area, revision to internal hernia, and intestional hernia repaired. I will pretty much allow the doc's to do anything, while I'm asleep. Being in the hospital two times in two weeks has worn me out. Discourging as it is, I'm still suffering with nausea and reflux burning in my throat. Currently, I am waiting for my refereal to the GI dr.
I will most likely be having an endo scope next.
The thing I would do differently is to have chosen a different surgeon. I don't like the care that I've received when I've contacted them and also during a previous encounter. The distance between where I live and where the dr is located has also become an issue.
I'm fighting off letting this turn me blue. I"m laid up, bored, so ofcourse my mind is working over time, over and over. I have everything on hold again, waiting to see what's next. Thanks for reading.
Jen 2/22/06
And a continued gripe, there were some people whom I thought were 'support' people on another board, and they just turned out to be typical, back stabbers. Why do I attract these types of people? If I wanted someone to be negative to me, I can find plenty of those people.
I was reading your post. I am truly sorry about your difficulty during your weight loss journey. I do understand that people can be insensitive sometimes they don't know they are being that way. I only have one suggestion is to put your hope and trust in God. Ask him to guide you to the right type of people and minimize your attraction to negative people and situations. Sometimes it is something within us that draws these type of people. I know I have been in your shoes. But keep your head up because you pain will pass. And you will enjoy the beneifits of your surgery.
Take Care!!!!!!Hugs
You know what Jen that is why i left 2 years ago...i had enough of the drama from some of the biting my head off because I was new and not posting any replies. I asked for advice but all i got was bad responses. I too have met a lot of negative people on and off line! BUT i met my man on line and he isn't so bad lol
He is the best thing that has ever happened to me despite his stereotypical faults :rofl:
I am sorry for your troubles. I hope you are feeling better soon.
As far as the negative posters we run into, try to ignore them. I know it can be difficult but in the online world people can hide behind their keyboards and say hurtful things without seeing the hurt they are causing. I have found though that for every negative post there are more positive supportive posts. Just because one "negative Nelly" says something hurtful does not mean that is what the rest of the community thinks. There are many supportive people on this site - don't let the bad ones drive you away.
Hi Jen,
I am so sorry that you are experiencing some bad issues with your surgery.
I also had horrible reflux and nausea after surgery. I had the endoscope to insure that there wasn't anything serious going on, then was put on Nexium, which helped with the reflux but the side effect of Nexium is nausea.
I had read another post praising "Carafate" (not sure of the spelling) which worked very well for me. It stopped the reflux and no burning or nausea. After a period of time I was able to switch to over the counter Zantac 75.
I still have reflux occassionally but its my fault and bad eating habit. I have since learned to not eat anything spicy (including ketchup) with dinner. Most questionable foods are eaten for lunch, for dinner I eat foods that I know won't wake me up at night with reflux...ugh! I also sleep on 2 pillows to help and eat nothing after 7pm.
Take one day at a time, hon, and I know very well how easy it is to be discouraged, but with some adjustments and experience you will overcome all the difficulties.
Keep in mind "this too shall pass" and believe it!
If you need to chat me [email protected]
I am a WLS Grad of 2001, so I've been there and experienced that.
Hugs and Love,
Jen, I am sorry to hear about your complications. As a pre-op person who is scheduled for surgery in March, I pour over these boards every day looking for information. I want the good, the bad, and the ugly. I appreciate your honesty, and my hope for you is to be healthy and have a full recovery. As for the "negative" people, they are everywhere in our lives. Be strong for yourself and for your family and remember there are very caring supportive people on this board. Best of luck to you.
Post Date: 10/14/07 4:25 pm
1 yr post lap gastric bypass 9/22. I was bad and started smoking again, developed ulcer, little gastric reflux but not bad, did not know I had ulcer. ulcer perforated had emergency surgery 9/14/07 pouch was revised with all new clean tissue. after bypass started where I could not have a bowel movement, I could not pu**** out; thats been going on for appox 9 months . While in hops for ulcer developed acute renal failure, high bun and creat, tpn and lipids infused and g-tube conts with conts feeds. they said renal failure was due to vancomucin antibiotics, toradol pain med ?
creat and bun now normal. potassium was high, now normal but albumin and proytein and iron still low. I keep losing weight, no energy, voming/dry heaves, DRY mouth, lehtargic alot of the time. MD says I am hooked on drugs. Drugs started post ulcer and I have taken less than what was perscribed. I am not taking any pain med now so md can find out what is going on. I want to get better, I have 2 little girls and i love my job. No history of alcohol. was healthy prior to this. any ideals or paths suggested to take?
Amy Spears