LapBand Regrets?????
Hi everyone,
I am new in this particular forum. I have been researching WLS for over a year now. I have decided that the lapband is the best option for me. Has anyone had the lapband and now regrets it
? I hope I have researched all the negative possibilities
, but I am sure there are other things that could go wrong that I may not have researched. Now that it is time to begin my journey, I am a bit nervous
; however, I am 110% sure that I want/need this surgery. Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys for letting me express my concerns

Hi Rachel, I had the lapband surgery on January 10th of this year and I have NO REGRETS whatsoever (aside from the fact that I wish I could have done this a lot sooner) I have had 2 fills and I feel great restriction. I am 51 (52 in September) and I am 5'3. I am no longer showing any signs of diabetes, my blood pressure is great, and my cholesterol level is pristine according to my doctor! When I look at my old picture and compare it to my current picture, I am amazed at the difference. Check it out on my profile page! I am so very happy that I did this. It is, however, a journey. You realize, I am sure, from your research that it can be a slow process. It can take some time before you reach proper restriction and that there are ups and downs along the way. I went into this fully aware that I will lose the weight slowly and I am fine with that. If you follow your surgeon's advice you will do great. You don't have to be perfect but you do need to follow the rules 80% (so they say) of the time. You are the one that has to make the right choices about what you are eating. The band doesn't stop you from eating junk food like cookies and ice cream, (2 of my favorites pre-band) The band only allows me to eat a small portion at a time and I now choose to eat healthy. I wish you the best and I hope that you will have great success no matter what you chose to do.
take care
Hey there,
I personally have no regrets myself, but if you are looking for regrets, and the reasons that people regret having the surgery, dig back a few pages on this forum, I know there are a few there. Not many, but a few, and if memory serves me, the folks who had the regrets had complications that I'd never before heard about (ie; probably rare).
There is a complications forum at as well, and a forum for people who've had their bands removed for various reasons. Not that I want you to read a whole bunch of bad stuff and get scared, but it's good to read up on the bad side and make sure that you know what you are diving into.
I hope this helps!
Hi...I did the research also. I had my band placed in 1/06. I was doing fine, not losing a bunch, but 11 lbs in 4 months, no gain, and I had only 1 fill,never felt restricted, just got full faster. I had my 2nd fill on 5/6/06, was able to drink water at the fill office and all the way home. Got home, tried some clear soup, and I had the worst pain in my life. I couldn't even swallow my own spit. The vomiting started about an hour later, for some reason, my band completely closed off. Of course by now it is friday nite, I went to the ER when I started vomiting blood. I was treated with IV for vomiting and was given 3 shots of morphine, sent home with pills for vomiting and pain[terrible pain and terrible nausea]. The ER couldn't access the port to remove the fluid, but they did try. First thing monday morn, I had the fill taken out[an absolutely horrible weekend]. I still could not swallow saliva, forget anything else. By 2 that afternoon, I was back in the ER, Bright red blood was now gushing out of me. I had upper GI, and cat scan, and some other test done with a gas, I was %100 blocked. I was admitted to the hospital, not having eaten or drank for 4 days, was dehydrated, had an ng tube placed into my pouch to drain the acid and blood, and was given IV decadron[a steroid] for 4 days, along with a pain pump[which was a life saver]. Day 5 my doctor felt that trying to save this band was not worth the price of my life and TOLD ME it was coming out. I had to pay for all of this out of pocket, am still paying. I was unable to eat for another week due to the esophagitis from the acid coming up and burning my throat, and was very weak for another week due to the blood loss. I don't know what happened. Inamed has my removed band, I don't know if I will ever hear from them or not. I am doing well, I'm back to work, the esophagitis is %90 better, Whatever you decide to do, at least know the downside. log onto 0ssg-gone-wrong at yahoo groups. THis is a site that has people that have had major complications with all different wls. If you decide to get it done, at least you know what you are getting into...
Hi Rachel,
My surgery was a month ago and I have no regrets at all. I'm not hungry and I fell really good. My recovery has been so much better than I imagined.
I have heard of some people *****gret not having RNY instead of lapband. That is usually based on the slower rate of weight loss lap band patients experience. However, in the end, the rate of loss and maintenance evens out.
One thing I have learned about the is only a tool. You control how you use it. It is a restrictive tool only, no malabsorbtion or dumping like the more invasive procedures. For me, the risks associated with the more complex WLS were not acceptable. I have two young kids and worried that I might be the "one" out of 200 who die after this surgery, or at least have serious complications that woud prevent me from taking care of my kids as needed. This is the only reason I chose the lapband...not because I think one is better than the other.
Katie M.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 6/7/06 3:23 pm - Tuvalu
on 6/7/06 3:23 pm - Tuvalu
i had my band for three years and had it removed because it was causing complications. There is a board I visit that has pre-banding prople, banded people, banded people with complications and formerly banded people.
I lost about 60 pounds...half of my excess weight and regained it. I'm not SORRY I got a band, but I'm happier that I had it removed and revised to the DS.
Good luck and it is wise of you to solicit the pros and cons before making your decision...
I am currently hoping to have the band taken out and have revision to the DS. I would strongly recommend reviewing the studies showing the long-term results of lapband. Actually after throwing $21,000 down the drain, I do have some resentment issues involving why I was never ever able to eat the proposed foods from the lapband diet. I still throw up everyday and there is no fluid in my band. This has been going on for 3 years and I am really tired of it.
I do think eventually the FDA will review the effectiveness of this device. (Disclaimer) My comments are in no way meant to insult those of you who are successful bandsters. This is merely my experience.
V in Tennessee

Vanessa - I would love to hear more about what type of complications you are having and what is causing them. Just out of personal interest - you can email me privately if you prefer. I to date have not had any problems but I think understanding the problems that others go through will help me to if not avoid at least recognize potental issues.
Unfortuantly there are no "long term" studies in the US due to the short time the band has been FDA approved here but Internationaly it is concidered the "Gold Standard" in WLS - kinda opposite of the US.
I hope all goes well for you and you have a successful revision.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 6/13/06 1:47 pm - Tuvalu
on 6/13/06 1:47 pm - Tuvalu
One of the European surgeons I contacted regarding my revision from band to DS wrote back that fully 20% of his surgical practice was REMOVING LapBands and converting to other surgeries.
So, yes, they have been placing the band longer in Europe and they do a lot more bands in Europe, but they take them out sooner when they prove to be the wrong choice for the individual patient. Before I was banded, another European surgeon told me that he thought the band was where wls should START...and if/when if proved unsuccessful, another choice could be made.
The problem here, as I see, it that due to the cost and the insurance companies' involvement in the US, people who have bands that are not working for them--for any number of reasons--are encouranged to try harder and to "get back with the program," and to have slipping bands repositioned, and to try to live with band-caused reflux, and on and on...and often "blamed" for not doing their part, which is ridiculous.