I'm getting scared. Help.
Hello, my surgery is scheduled for May 30th and I'm getting scared. There are three specific things that scare me, complications, losing my hair permanently, and gaining it back.
I'm estranged from my husband, live alone in the mountains 10 miles from the nearest town of a whole 5,000.
I am not a healthy person to begin with, I have been told I have MS, they are testing now.
I've been heavy since preschool, I have pictures of me in 1st grade with cellulite.
I want to be healthy, I'm just afraid.
Can anyone give me some feedback on the hair thing? My hair is the longest it's ever been, the middle of my back, blonde and thin. It grows very slowly. Is thin worth bald?
I'm just scared, thanks.
your worries are all normal! They are the three things I worried about myself. In fact, I think if you were not worried, it would be strange. Complications happen, you can't tell who will have them and who will not. But going into the surgery with all the information you can is about all you can do for that. Positive thinking and imaging work wonders. Your hair will come out after the surgery more than likely. The women in my family have baldness issues and I was really worried that mine would not come back. It did! Mine was thin to begin with, but it has come back and looks normal. I am almost 2 years out now. Being thin is not worth being bald, but being healthy is! I can do things now that I never would have done. In fact at the local water park, I outrun my 13 yr old son! That is what is worth it. Being back in the world and living! Taking walks, playing outside (instead of sitting outside and watching my kids) are things I do now without thinking. Before I never would go anywhere that I would have to walk all day or stand around. Weight gain is an issue for most of us WLSer's. The surgery does not last forever, you do have to work on food issues and learn how to eat healthy for your new body. But believe me, it is worth it! Being scared is normal! Good luck on your surgery! Susan
The main reason why your hair will fall out is because of lack of protein. Make sure you keep your protein levels up and you can also add a biotin supplement to help keep things as normal as possible as well. I am two months away from my surgery and I've already started to take a hair, skin and nails vitamin that has about 2,000 units of biotin in it. I figure that preventive care will help me in the end.

My surgery is tomorrow-
I to am scared-
but I am more scared if I do not have the surgery. To continue on the path of gaining more weight- getting more health conditions-more pills to take- and the loss of the
ability to enjoy life down to the most simpliest joy of sex with my husband-all on my part because I am embarrassed by my size-
The hair thing is minimal to loosing your life from diabetes or heart attack or stroke.
if it falls out- you are still the beautiful person you are inside-
there are hair extensions or even great wigs until it comes back-
if you die from comlications from being overweight- you can't just put on a wig to hide
and come back- you are gone.
I am sorry to hear about you being estranged fromyour husband-
I am on my second marriage of 24 years- and beleive me-
you will have many more loves in your life that are worthy of who you are-
do not give up on that either-
Good luck-
god bless
I completely understand you being scared. I have MS and I still have MS and until they find a cure I will continue to have MS however,my symptoms are so much better since having bypass surgery. I have lost 108 lbs and feel great!!! I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and now am not taking any of the medications. Yes Cyndi I lost some of my hair but that was my own fault for not keeping up with my protein, but it is growing back. However, as I said my health is so much better I can't even begin to tell you. I can actually walk up the steps without holding on to the railing. It is not just about being thin. It was about me being on the road to diabetes as was my father who died from complications of diabetes and heart failure and being over 400 lbs. Both of my brothers have diabetes and are over weight, one also has MS too. I wanted to be healthy!!! I wanted to live longer and see my grandchildren grow up. It is definitely not just about being thin. Although it is a great thing too!!!! I just now sent in another picture of myself and I have been checking my profile and it is not posted yet but I have gone from 268 lbs to 160 lbs. I want to lose 30 more lbs.
My prayers are with you and your surgeon Cyndi!!!
You will be happy!
Obviously if you are having this surgery you must feel that your weight is a big enough problem to do something about it. What you have to keep in mind is that your hair may or may not grow back, (with me I lost alot at first then it slowed down) but that is not the point. The point is that your hair is not you. They make very beautiful wigs these days. You losing weight is not just about being thin is it? It shouldn't be. It should be about being healthy. Once you are healthy,then you can focus on what you need to do about your appearance.
Good luck with your surgery, May God go with you on your journey as he did with me on mine.
Ps. If you keep taking your vitamins post surgery your hairloss should be minimal.
There was a question about this the other day on the lap band board.
My feeling on the matter is that they can have every hair on my head if it means my body will feel, look and BE healthier for it! I can always get a new wig to celebrate my shrinking butt! Don't get me wrong...I'd be upset if I lost hair to the point of baldness. If that's what it takes, though, it's a small price to pay to be healthier, move more easily and live longer.
About a year ago, ALL my hair fell out. It was never determined why, but it was so short, all I could do was slick it to my head. I have always had nice hair. I was a mental mess due to my hair loss. What I did to start it growing (and boy did it grow) was each time I shampooed it, I used an egg right before conditioning it. Let the egg sit on your hair at least 10-15 mins. covered. I have a head full of hair again. Before my hair loss, I would use a relaxer (permanent) to straighten it. I have naturally curly hair and hated the curls. Now, b/c I never figured what caused the loss, I will never put another chemical in my hair. I wear it curly, braided or I will flat iron it.
Remember, one egg before conditioning. It's always good to use a separate shampoo and conditioner, not the combined ones. Hope this is helpful.