brenda F.’s Posts
Topic: RE: Rest In Peace Mama aKa RED
We would like to thank everyone who sent get well wishes for my mother. The cards and gifts was great. The lord took her home this morning around 7:30a.m. Everyone she loved was right by her and she went so peacefully. My mother was a wonderful woman and well be greatly missed. She has been through so much these last 4 years.It's so hard to believe she is gone. It feels like im dreaming and cant wake up, but hey God only takes the best and my mama was that.I am so glad Ya'l got to know her and I can tell all of ya'l feel the same. May God bless each and everyone of you.
was 400+ june 15th,06, 145-150 as of may15th,09 ...
wow!!!what a ride

this happen to me ,they would not help me find a surgeon .I found one on line that took my insurance and had all my pre-op sent to the new surgeon ...good luck .oh I had to drive an extra 4 hrs ,but it was so worth it

Topic: RE: Whats the best way to make friends on OH?
Hi doll ,welcome to OH . there are lots of great folks here .just remember Hun ,don't take everything that is said to heart ...hugs Red in TX .

Topic: RE: I have to lose weight help
Hi Hun ,I lost over 30 pounds in 2 weeks before my wls .my Dr had me do 3 Adkins shakes a day, then for dinner i would have a big steaming bowel of veggies and if still hungry one more shake .

Topic: RE: I can't stop feeling my collarbones!
girl ,me too .I would stand in front of the mirror all day if I could and look and feel mine .lol. now I'm amazed with my pelvic bones .lol. hugs red in TX .

Topic: RE: anyone ,went back to work after ?
Hi all ,I would like to ask if anyone has stopped there SSD and went back to work ?if any have please give me a shout .

Topic: RE: What's worse for RNY .. Fats or Carbs?
I agree ,I think carbs are the worse .. that tends to be what starts putting the wt back on me .

Topic: RE: What's worse for RNY .. Fats or Carbs?
wow !! u r looking great Hercules ..good job in TX

Topic: RE: Bottom Heavy Ladies... I have a question.. :)
Girl ,I lost my a$$ and all my fixings .lol.

Topic: RE: Lung Biopsy ? any1.
hey gal ,well ya ask yr dad, if they just put him under full anest ... lare did he tell them too ...

Topic: RE: Lung Biopsy ? any1.
Hi y'all I have heard that its every pain full when you get a lung biopsy done .have any of you had this done ? would love to hear from y'all .I go next Friday for mine ..Red in TX .

Topic: RE: I change my Mind
Hi Red here .if medicaid didn't pay ,I would still be over 400 pounds and still in my wheel chair .now I'm running with mt grand baby's ...

Topic: RE: Telling strangers you had weight loss surgery
I tell anyone that ask me .lol.. hell it was all over my little town that I was dying of cancer ..