Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 11/11/07 5:55 am
Topic: RE: G-Tube Clogging

A little club soda was my doc's recommendation. I would also run a syringe of water through mine between each bag. I was on mine for over 4 months, and found "milking it" (By which I mean massaging it on the outside, not contaminating your site with fingers) To be a quick way to unblock it. Once you get it open and running freely again, Call the doc in the morning and ask about recommendations for keeping it from clogging. Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/11/07 3:30 am
Topic: RE: Newbie Down 114 pounds

Jess, Huge Congratulations! Lifestyle change rather than “a Diet” is right on target! Great to hear you are continuing with success! I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people either having Weight Loss Surgery, Or tackling Obesity through supervised “Life-Style” programs. And either way, we tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops, Non-Ops, new and some Old (at Goalies) Lap-Banders, RNY’ers, DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Keep up the Great Work! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/11/07 3:22 am
Topic: RE: My Babie's first christmas picture - 17 weeks old

Frank, Proud Dad! Congratulations on your beautiful baby. And Congratulations on your Loss --that’ll have you dancing at her wedding, And racing your grandkids in the park! I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx




 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/3/07 11:58 pm
Topic: RE: what can you not eat
At 4 ½ years post-op? My list of “Can’t Eat” is pretty short. Refined Sugar over 4gms at once and Ground Glass. At One week? Hang in there.  Those first weeks are Super Tough. Your “long-term” goal of “Normal Sensible Meals?” Yep!  When at a restaurant, I eat the same as any other Normal Range BMI person in the place. Had a visit with some other RNY friends last week. We ate at a Bar-B-Que place in Memphis . I had the same order of ribs as the folks there who had never been Obese Or had any surgery. Do I eat ribs all the time? Nope.  But a very wide variety of foods, that aren’t normally Associated with “Post-Op Life.” I think much of the “Living on Protein Shakes” notion Comes from the fact that the vast majority of people who post here Are still in early stages or in their first couple of years. Keep your eyes on the horizon! Use these first 6 months to establish New Eating Habits And those habits will make the following 20+years much easier. For now? Go by “The Book!” Basics first, then you can do “tricks on your bike” After you’ve gotten good at not falling off.  Yes? Hang in there.  It Does Get So Much Easier! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/1/07 12:26 pm
Topic: RE: need help....

I don’t know, Sounds pretty great to me. At that rate? You’ll be 92 lbs. in the first year. How small were you planning on going In first 18 months of the "Honeymoon phase?" Step back from the scales and think "long range." As soon as able, do get some exercise, Even the littlest each week makes a Huge difference each month. I was in Portland Day before yesterday. Quite a few WLS’ers in your area. Get in your protein and water, And make sure you vitamin intake is as recommended. Hang in there. It does get easier. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/28/07 12:14 am
Topic: RE: Initial Post Deleted
Thanks Paul. Cross post to the guys? My surgeon is one listed here, But I didn’t know that until after the fact. One of the reasons I also keep membership at an actual “Non-Profit” Site that is a “Peer-to-Peer” exchange Message Board. I have always been supportive of OH. There have been a number of times over the last 4 years Where the dollar has spoken louder than the membership. We are not “the clients.” We, and our demographic uniqueness, Are the product being sold to advertisers. Fortunately, We get to swap experiences By sharing our info on such Message Boards. I’m glad that there are some that don’t have a financial agenda, Just open exchange of information. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/15/07 1:18 pm
Topic: RE: Just checking in to say hello!

Glad to hear all is going well for you two!      ------153?! Keep it Up!! For Linda?  My only advice…. ICE PACKS WORK!

Uncomfortable as all Getout!  But they speed the healing… That, and the swelling will last about twice as long as seems sane… No matter how soon it goes away, it’s never soon enough. Hang in there! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:07 pm
Topic: RE: Someone please yell at me...I'm doing awful!

Sarah, Do keep in mind…. Before having WLS, if you “screwed up” And ate what you shouldn’t and didn’t get your nutrition, etc.. The result was becoming obese or maintaining obesity. But now? Not just tight fitting clothes to worry about, But Neuropathy, tissue damage, cardiac damage, Osteoporosis, Etc, Etc, etc…. The stakes in this game are Much Higher. Call and reschedule the appt with your doctor- First. Then, clear your house of stuff That triggers your snacking on Carbs and sugar. Get in Protein. Get in your Vitamins, Calcium, etc…. Once you’ve made that step, Then, Look for a counselor to work on coping mechanisms to prevent self-sabotage. Just because you are “Screwing Up,” Right Now, Doesn’t make you a “Screw-up.” That old saying- “You can fall a hundred times and not be a failure, if you get up 100 times?” It’s true. But that sure makes the trip a lot Longer! Get back with the program, and focus on it. The repercussions are far worse Than they ever could have been prior to WLS. Yes? Go for it!  You Can do it. You kinda have to.  Get busy living because the alternative is not an option. Hope to here a string of success stories coming from you in the future! Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:20 pm
Topic: RE: Belgium vs. Brazil
No clue Edward. Maybe drop a line out to the german board? at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/german/ or the South American Surgery Board? at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/south_american/ Then, there are a few on the DS Forum- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/a,messageboard/board_id ,5357/ That I believe had there work done in Brazil... Certainly worth a try there...

I did want to also drop an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 9:45 am
Topic: RE: Profile update
Great to see you out and about! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 6:51 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...

I do still get that “full-feeling.” Mostly when I eat denser, less watery foods. I tend to eat a good bit of seafood and meat, But I can get full on eggs as well. One of my “Go To Foods” Is last nights leftover whatever, Chopped up and put into a thin omelet the next day. Often re-heated leftovers seem a little dry But this gets them to that “Goldee-Locks-Just-Right” consistency For Me. I have heard from folks that they started never really feeling full And they went back to a few days of liquids only, then full liquids, Then mushy, etc… Back through their original advances of a “staged diet” And they claim to have gotten back Their old level of restricted eating capacity. I have no first hand experience, but have met some who swear by it. Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:55 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...

Ha! OK, Fine! Rub it in that you’re in Beautiful France!!! I do eat fruit, mostly apples-(nearly every day) And lots of berries. (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc… A little citrus, and the occasional mango, pineapple, etc… I also pick up dried fruit every now and then. Apricots mostly. Not a big fan of bananas, peaches, plums, the “Soft/succulent Fruits.” Dunno why. Rare for me to enjoy sardines, But I do pick up the odd can of salmon or mackerel That come with the bones cooked in. Sssshhhh…Those I use for fried Crochets! Send Photos!!! I did a project in Paris about 12 years ago, and it was beautiful! Planning a trip to Northern Italy this next spring….. Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:45 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...
Ooop, My Bad, I saw the 09/11/07 out of the corner of my eye And thought that was the surgery date. Hope all goes smoothly for you! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:42 am

People mostly post who are asking for ideas with their own problems, So rarely are there a run of posts that read- “Everything going Perfect as Planned! Just thought I’d Share!” Off the Board though, I am floored by all of the people in my local support group. No complications what-so-ever. One couldn’t tolerate chicken for a while, Till she started cooking it differently. And just look at these beautiful folks in this thread alone!!! I’m So Jealous!! Know that these Boards represent only a slight handful of the people Who get Bariatric procedures each year. There are many other WLS Community sites- WLS Forum, QuixoticWLS, Susan Maria’s Site, Yahoo Groups, Bariatric-forums.com, Duodenal Switch Support Forum, Lapbandbuddies, etc, etc, etc…. Many sites similar in focus to OH. Still, mostly used to swap ideas, So even though some are more focused on specific procedures, or further out Post-Op folks, they can often seem "all about the problems." Do your research, But don’t be jaded by the majority of posts being about difficulties.  Those with zero issues to discuss, Are often off the boards somewhere living their lives without checking in. Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:22 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...
Steph, Nearly at your first Month anniversary? Hang in there! You'll be having real foods of all sorts soon enough! Keep up the Great Work! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:20 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...
Thanks Dreamz! Hope some find my old stuff useful... Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 5:19 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...
Val, Did you get the nurse to respond yet? Stay on em!! Hope you are doing Much Better Soon! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 4:39 am
Topic: RE: "The Grocery List" - hopefully useful for some...
Just a Long Re-post from my past- But may have some useful info for some who’ve not seen it. Maybe. Pass on by if not……….. ----------------------------------------------------------  The Grocery List! I see questions about "What to Eat?" And people talking about not being able to resist Certain items at home. Here’s a "WFM" – (worked for me?) Take it or forget it. It’s mainly "Food Choices." **(and these are for the 4 to 6 month-plus "SOLID" choices) A Way to get veggies and Fiber back in your life along with protein- Very important-   Its Hard to resist eating something at home- When no one is around or if you are just in the mood for a snack. But it’s Easy to resist items in the middle of a Crowded Grocery Store. So, I’ve kept the "Food Choice" activity IN the grocery store, and Out of my home. (example- It’s easier to Not Pull into a Shop and Buy Cigarettes Than it is to Not Pull one from the pack sitting in your pocket.) Yes? When I shop for groceries, here are some of the items That I buy Nearly Every Time. My "staples." *PROTEIN/MEATS- Chicken breasts, (Skinned and de-boned. Pricier but worth it in time.) Fish, - (Tilapia, Catfish, Salmon, Shrimp, Tuna, etc… Usually fresh or frozen) Tofu, (Extra-Firm) Textured Vegetable Protein, ("Health-food" section) Deli Sliced Roast Turkey, *The MAYBES- depending on sale prices- Maybe a little Sausage- (Sweet or Hot Italian every other grocery trip) Maybe Center Cut Pork Chops, Maybe Laura Lean Ground Sirloin, Maybe some Deli Meat for antipasto, Frozen or Fresh Turkey Breast (when on sale) *VEGGIES/PRODUCE AREA- Peppers, (a lot!) (I eat these nearly Every Day) (Red, Green, Yellow, Jalepenos, Banana peppers, etc..) Onions, (Green Onions/Scallions, Red, Yellow) Celery, Turnips!! Fresh Bean Sprouts, Little "prepped" Carrots, Radishes (when available) Spaghetti Squash, Fresh Mushrooms, (Portobello, Chanterelle, Enoki, Shiitake, Cremini, etc…) Pre-Washed-Prepped Salad, Roma Tomatoes, (a lot) Broccoli, Fresh Green Beans, Zucchini and Squash, Cabbage, (Red, Green, or Napa/Chinese) Berries of some sort, (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries) Apples, (I eat an Apple a Day or close) Lemons, Limes, Un-Salted Produce Packed Nuts, (Raw Almonds, Walnuts) I’ll also pick up one Produce "special" item each trip such as Fennel, Eggplant, Bok Choy, Asparagus, etc… Hummmmm? No Potatoes? *CANNED AISLES- Diced Tomatoes, (With Italian Spices, Mexican Spices, or Rotel with Peppers) No Sugar Added Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Beans, (Pinto, No-Fat Re-fried, Butter Beans, Red Beans, Black, etc…) Albacore White Tuna in Water, No Sugar Added Peanut Butter, *FROZEN FOODS- Little Nibblet corn on the cob Zucchini and Squash, (if not available fresh) *DAIRY- Eggs (a lot. Like "Cool-Hand-Luke" Bet - A lot!) Carb Countdown Dairy Beverage, (Low Fat) Carb Control Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, (Reduced Fat) Skim milk, Cheese, (Lower-fat and normal- All Kinds) Low-Fat Sour Cream *MISC- Olive Oil, Maybe – Kalamata Olives (from the deli section, my true guilty pleasure) Total Protein Cereal, (or some low-carb-high-protein cereal) Spices, (at least one new or fresh herb each week) Sugar-Free Popsicycles (still love them from my start of Post-Op) Mission "No Carb" Tortillas, FlatOutBread-the Best! - http://www.flatoutbread.com/movie.html Diet V8 Splash, (Love It!) Starbuck’s De-Caf Sumatran Coffee, Slimfast Low-Carb Chocolate Royale or Vanilla Cream Shakes (I put a splash in my coffee, Yum and high protein) AND THAT’S MOSTLY IT! And now and then some "staples" such as- Ezekial Sprouted Grain Bread, (For the Family, I have it maybe once a week) Corn Meal, Flax Seeds, Canola Oil, Textured Vegetable Protein, Steel-cut Oats, Low-Fat Canola Mayo, etc… I’ll pick those up. Yes, on occasion, I’ll pick up something "special" For when guests are coming, Like the makings for a SF Banana Pudding, or SF Low Carb Baking stuff, But those are for "Special ‘Planned’ Events" not just ‘the usual.’ But Notice the general lack Of Processed Starch in this grocery list. I get my Carbs, sure, but mostly through Veggies, and Fruit Rather than Potatoes, Breads, Noodles, Rice, etc… No Pretzels, Chips, sweets, etc… Not a bunch of "Faux-Sweets." No "SF-Ice-Cream, SF Cookies, ‘Baked’ Chips, No Thin-Crust Low-Carb Pizza, (not a lot of "Less Healthy Choices" dressed up in – "Lite-or Re-duced Calorie" versions.) Also a low incidence of Butter, Margarine, Crisco, etc… Canola and Olive Oil rule in the kitchen. Also Notice the high concentration of Non-Processed Produce. Very Good for you! Not only the fiber to keep "Regular," But, I try to eat one "color" From Each Phyto-Nutrient Group every day. Red Peppers or tomatoes, (Lycopene) Purple cabbage or Blueberries, (anthocyanin has anti-cancer properties) Deep greens of salad greens,( Isothiocyanates/thiocyanates, Strong Antioxidants) Yellow/orange from Carrots, Squash, etc (lutein, beta carotene, etc…) I Try to get in all Of the possible Phytochemicals each day. Push the nutrients- "Food is Fuel, not a reward or treat" So go for the highest Quality Fuel! Yes? I also buy in very small quantities. Just a bit of each fre****em So that nothing "goes bad" before I can use it. By taking one Meat/Protein, and preparing it With at least 2 veggies, Limit to one canned or dairy item, Recipes are a breeze and depending on the spices used You can have an endless variety of meals. (I Love Bob’s passed on quote- "Spices are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.") I cook a lot, but when out of town for my work, I follow the "protein first rule" when eating out. By the time I finish the piece of fish or chicken, I’m usually full before I can get in much or anything else. At home, it’s far easier. I Just eat what’s in the house! I tend to keep some sort of Cucumber/tomato/onion/pepper salad combo ready in the fridge, along with some Ostrim, or Poached chicken breast. If there is stuff all ready and waiting, it's easier to just grab it, than to linger over "what will I make to eat?" All of that standing and staring into the fridge is short-circuited by a fridge full of "Good Stuff" to eat already prepped. This is a lot of babble, but for those out there having difficulty Avoiding High-Carb/Calorie, Low Nutrition Foods, --This has helped me, And become ROUTINE enough so I’m not constantly Facing "Food Choice Issues." I don’t have to Think about it, I just follow my habits. That’s what got me Obese to start with, Habitual Eating, rather than Consciously Choosing each Item I put in my mouth, So I figured it was a fairly effective Course of Action For Habitually eating Healthy Choices as well. Yes, Now that I’m beyond 3 1/2 years out, On OCCASION, I eat Noodles, Potatoes, etc… But because I have set up New Habits in eating, It always is a very conscience choice rather than just a constant. When Not Thinking about it, I usually just eat Low-Carb/Cal foods that are packed with nutrition.   For those looking for the easy simple idea-? Just shop the "Outer Aisles" of the grocery store. This way you’ll hit FRESH PRODUCE, DAIRY, MEAT/FISH But not the processed canned stuff. Yes? Try it and see. Stick to the perimeter!! It works. This has made getting to and staying at a normal BMI (with Normal Bowel Movements) Easy for ME. Hope this helps some- I’m sure that others will have "Go To" Choices as well that work for them. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 2:39 am
Topic: RE: ?How in the World?? - to get enough Protein?

Karen, I actually use it most in my meatloaf! I soak it in Beef Broth or chicken broth till it swells up And when it’s at the same consistency as the hamburger or Ground turkey, I mix it in with the meat. Adds protein without adding fat. I love the stuff. I’ve also ran it through my blender and added to Cornbread! My son jokes that I sneak protein into EVERYTHING. His house is the only one that has High-Protein Corn Bread with Pinto Beans for dinner. Kroger keeps it in stock, if you have one of those there. Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:51 am
Topic: RE: Post-op Diet?
Amber, Many different versions depending on the doctor. Your Doc may well have a "handout." Most do. For a look at some of the Typical handouts from Docs? Checkout- PostOpDietPlans These are the typical 3 stage and 5 stage systems Used by the majority of Bariatric Clinics. Hope this helps! Best Wishes-Mike Wazowski Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:46 am
Topic: RE: Ever able to- Eat Like a "Normal Person?"
jen, pre-op jitters are super common. Like a wedding day approaching. Have the Greatest! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:44 am
Topic: RE: ?How in the World?? - to get enough Protein?
Thought I'd share this... Some Random, yet Perhaps Timely info…. (a lot of Protein questions lately) Someone asked – “How in the World” could someone Get in the amount of protein needed without relying on constant supplements? I thought I’d give a simple/typical- “What Ya’ll Eat Today” answer- I, like many other Post-Ops Eat multiple meals/feedings per my nutritionist’s recommendation. If Your Doc or Nutritionist recommends otherwise- (and there are some that are adamant about 3 “shakes” a day!) Then DO That! But, In answer to “How in the World?”- This is what works for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Breakfast De-Caf Coffee with SlimFastLowCarbVanillaCream as creamer -10gms Protein Breakfast- 1 CarbControlYogurt with Total Protein Cereal and 2 Tbsp Flaxseed Meal -21gms Protein Mid Morning snack- small apple and handful of SoyNutz -12gms Protein Pre-Lunch De-Caf Coffee with SlimFastLowCarbVanillaCream as creamer -10gms Protein Lunch- 6oz Tuna and a boiled egg -51gms Protein Mid-Afternoon Snack- Handful of Soy Nutz and a String cheese -19gms Protein Dinner- 6oz hamburger meatballs with chopped tomato with Textured Vegetable Protein ½ onion and 2 stalks of celery-58 gms Protein Cup of Skim Milk later that evening with bell pepper slices 14 gms Protein ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That brings me to 195gms of Protein for a Typical Day Even Leaving off any coffee with SlimFast (in case one would view creamer as shake) Still leaves me at an easy 175 gms of Protein a day. And calories? With the Coffee creamer substitute it comes to 2125 A little lower than my goal of 2400. I use a calculator to get my target. http://annecollins.com/calories/calorie-needs-men.htm Obviously there are many days where I have closer to 120gms of protein But generally I’m able to stay above that with no problem. And to this I add Vitamins, Calcium, Iron, B-12 shot every month, And enough water to bath in daily. But no potatoes? Noodles? Rice? Nope. Protein First, then Veggies, then… There are many different daily combinations of foods That get me easily to my Protein goals. I think that the simple Directive that we see every day – Protein First! It’s sort of a core value that will serve one well. At Least, This is what has Worked for Me! “Your Mileage may vary…” How has this “simple idea” Without the Supplement Industry’s Support worked for me thus far? Started at 385lbs, I’ve been at or below goal for over 3 years Without struggle. 183lbs. Perfect Labs, perfect Blood Pressure, Better than Great Cholesterol numbers, etc… Healthier now than I was 20 years ago. Lucky? OH Yeah. Started a bit rougher than most would refer to as lucky.  (profile) And maybe I’ve done well “In Spit Of” my Poor Dietary intake… But, “How can Anyone Get Enough Protein Without Shakes?” Easy! Enough it Seems, To Me…   Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 1:11 am
Topic: RE: Ever able to- Eat Like a "Normal Person?"

Kelly, Some folks get stuck on protein shakes and develop a touch of “Food Fear,” Early on.  Something causes them to feel un-easy or gak, And they develop an aversion to that food. But, if they would wait a few weeks and try it again, Most find that they can in fact tolerate many more foods than they thought. Most, not all. For Me (your mileage may vary) the trick was making sure that everything I ate, had some protein in it. Yogurt, High protein cereal, Meats, Beans, eggs, etc… Many find that around the 6 month mark, Their pouches swelling has gone completely And they are able to get in a bit more food. As long as that extra food in high in protein, lower in calories, then Great! I also eat 5 to 6 “mini-meals” a day. Per-Doctors orders, I have Breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, then dinner.  Sometimes followed by A little something later that night like cottage cheese with a little fruit. My total calorie intact is for maintenance rather than losing So I get in around 2200 calories a day. (based on my height, weight, activity level, resting metabolic rate and sex.  Men do tend to need more calories.) Use the supplements till you can swap in enough foods that will bring your Protein levels up to the requirements for your body’s needs. It does seem impossible early on. Eventually, little by little, as you re-build your new dietary intake You’ll be amazed at how easy it becomes. If you don’t start adding in High-Cal-Low-Protein Starches There will be plenty of room for the protein. Hang in there! It does get easier! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:40 am
Topic: RE: Up since 3am sick

Yeah, that sounds very different from mine. I had no “ache or pain” that far away from the entrance of the tube. I actually had two of those things. I had to have mine replaced with a new one after damaging the balloon That holds it in place while turning around in my sleep. There’s a small little balloon down inside, that they inflate- (That other little ‘port’ on the thing? That seems to have no purpose? That’s the one.) They went ahead and pulled out my first one, And I had to make a quick trip through the OR to have them set the second one in place. No-anesthesia, just local, and it didn’t hurt. My second one lasted for another 3 months. The hole where it goes in, eventually gets less raw. Sort of like a pierced ear. I was worried that mine wouldn’t grow closed when the took the tube out. But it was completely closed up within 2 days. Keep on that Doc till you get some relief! Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 10/8/07 12:19 am
Topic: RE: Ever able to- Eat Like a "Normal Person?"

Rachelle, Thanks for the kind words. Sugar?  Ain’t it somethin’? Ends up being responsible for more health issues than Cocaine, just as addictive, And just as sensible for Humans to be consuming. I get by without it just fine. Great start on your first 9 weeks! It gets better each month! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

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