Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:34 am
Topic: RE: ?Is my pouch Too Big?? -or-?Have I stretched My Pouch??
Hey fellow- "Representative of Everyone!" Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:30 am
Topic: RE: ?Is my pouch Too Big?? -or-?Have I stretched My Pouch??
Congratulations on Amazing Progress in those 8 months!! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:29 am
Topic: RE: ?Is my pouch Too Big?? -or-?Have I stretched My Pouch??
Tell it! I'm way to nosy and curious Not to keep asking- "Why? Why? Why?" Fortunately, Docs will provide answers. Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:23 am, edited 7/16/08 10:43 am
Topic: RE: Some Thoughts about FEAR?..

F is for…..FEAR!

I’ve seen several folks out here dealing with the anxiety of upcoming surgery
And thought I’d re-post-
(a few years old- Please skip if not an interest…)
Some Thoughts about FEAR…..

Best Wishes-

Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 9:45 am, edited 7/16/08 10:44 am
Topic: RE: ?Is my pouch Too Big?? -or-?Have I stretched My Pouch??

“I’m able to eat a lot more than I think I should!”
“Is my pouch Too Big?”
“Have I stretched My Pouch?”
Very Common concern and question from those with an RNY.
(saw a quite a few “Pouch Stretching” questions, and thought I’d “Re-Post.”)
As always- skip if you’ve seen it…….



Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 9:14 am
Topic: RE: Does anyone have Empire BC/BS PPO and ............
Mia, I have Empire BC/BS PPO but a different "Case-Managment" group than SHPS. My WLS and PS were both covered completely. Have no idea if you situation is similar. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 3:44 am
Topic: RE: Iron Help Needed!
  Glad to be of Help! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 12/14/07 3:42 am
Topic: RE: Hiccups...ack

Weird as it sounds, this works…. Put your fingers in your ears- (really tight) And have someone hold a cup of water for you to sip- While keeping fingers in your ears. After about 3 sips, (still with fingers in ears) Stop sipping, take a few breaths, about 5 seconds later Remove fingers from ears. Works every time for me and others who’ve tried it. It has something to do with pressure change in the eustachian tubes From your ears to back of throat.

Hiccups for Post-ops, can be a sign of eating one little bite too much Or a touch too fast. It’s pretty common.  Right up there with that sneezing & runny nose From eating thing. If curious, check out- VagusNerve-Hiccups-Sneezing Hope this helps! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 3:11 am
Topic: RE: Iron Help Needed!
Here's a link to a post that surfaces on the Men's Forum frequently. Iron-EVERYTHING-you-ever-(and-Never)-wanted-to-Know Hope it helps. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/14/07 2:54 am
Topic: RE: Losing after 3 years???
 I Know! The first time I heard about increased calories needed to overcome the cold? I was ready to go sit in a bathtub full of Ice! "Dang, I knew I should have moved to Maine!" Not Sunny 80 here, But Mississippi has been in the mid-70's some of the week. I'm off to Texas next week through Christmas, So not a lot of chance for a white Christmas there either. Have a Happy Holiday in the tropical beauty! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 12/14/07 1:14 am
Topic: RE: Losing after 3 years???

Laura, I’m just over 4 ½ years post-op. I originally dropped to 179lbs Below my Goal of 185lbs, and then bounced back up to 184. Over the last 3 years I have “bobbed” up to 186 and down to 180 without any change in my exercise or eating. One thought…. Are you keeping warm? When you subject yourself to lower temperatures Your body burns more calories to keep the body core temp higher. One of the Guys from the Men’s Forum is in Antarctica And has been given Doctor’s orders to keep his caloric intake above 3200 calories a day to keep from wasting away. Obviously that’s an extreme example, But even little differences make a difference for us further out and maintaining. I correspond with a large number of 4+year out post-ops Over on the QuixoticWLS-MessageBoard  

Several there have lost “bounce-back weight” over the years. Perhaps they would have more insight. What is “Typical” for Men seems to vary greatly from ‘Norms’ for Women. Hope it’s just a Bonus of the Winter season! I’d think it would be “Fixable” by adding a tiny bit more Healthy Fats To your typical intake. Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/13/07 1:41 pm
Topic: RE: Im gonna do an Iron Man

Hey G Wolf! Big Congratulations! 3 years ago would you have imagined this at all?

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board, Share your story, and check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… A few of the guys there have taken up Marathons, weight lifting, Cross-country biking, And even a couple of Iron-Man Competitions as well. The one that comes to mind is- A.J. P. Check it out…. How weird would it be if the two of you were passing one another without even having an idea of the other’s super-similar journey. It’s a Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men, and the remarkable life changes it allows, Can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to share your story, add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/12/07 1:35 pm
Topic: RE: OT: Anyone else have this problem
If you use an exfoliator (sp?)  Drop it during the winter months And avoid any cleanser that makes 'suds.' Maybe look for Eucerin Extra Protective Moisture Lotion. It does wonders with dry skin. (My wife's product, I used it after long hospital stay.  good stuff) Kroger, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, they all seem to carry it... I'm with Michelle, It could be your fat intake. Checkout- F-Is-for-FAT Yes it's on the men's board, But can't hurt to read.... Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/12/07 3:02 am
Topic: RE: Today (wednesday) only - vot for our very own Mrs. Songbird!!!
You Got it! Best Wishes- (the other) Dx!

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/11/07 12:30 am
Topic: RE: Another B-12 Question

Shara, I use B-12 injections, and they are completely covered by my insurance,(BCBS) Along with the needles, etc… I self inject, so it ends up being no $ out of my pocket For any of it. Self injection sounds worse than it is. Super simple. Checkout- Self-Injection-B-12

I’m sorry I don’t know how much it would cost If it wasn’t covered….. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/9/07 5:58 am
Topic: RE: Sneezing when stuck...anyone else have this?
DD, Pretty Common actually. checkout-  VagusNerve&WLS-Post-Op-quirks   Usually a sign of eating too much, or too fast. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/5/07 11:45 am
Topic: RE: is it possible or have someone done it .. get a 6 pac stomach
Brutha, I think I've seen a few guys who can give you the answer.... Over on the Men's board we have a handfull who have made AMAZING changes! Dave(in Japan) CF, AJP, CarbonBlob, and many others... Check it out... It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/5/07 11:42 am
Topic: RE: Some questions, and Hello.
Hey Steve, Congratulations on your loss so far! Keep it up. The gurgling stomach? Do you notice it more with some foods rather than others? For me it happens with lower density, wetter foods Or if I drink liquid along with meal. Back in my first 6 months or so post-op It could make enough noise To cause the dog to bark in the other room! The shots to improve skin elasticity? No info there. However, I lost from 385 to 179 in just over a year And my chest, arms, etc...(all but a touch at my waist, Drew up just fine. Some info specifically for the Guys--- PlasticSurgery-LooseSkin-For-Men And an invitation...

It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/5/07 11:33 am
Topic: RE: WOW Moments ....
Wow!! Have smooth sailing on getting your tube out! Time for you to start those dancing lessons!!! Some "Happy Dancing" is in order! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 12/3/07 4:23 am
Topic: RE: I met a post-op this weekend.

Some of our biggest detractors Can be those who have not felt successful themselves. Your apparent success (congratulations!) Holds up a harsh mirror to confront their own weight los / gain/ control issues. They feel bad, your success in their presence is Psychological “Salt in the Wound.” Even villains don’t feel like they are villains. Yes? She’s perhaps using the Alcohol to numb her painful life. Yeah, her comment was thoughtless and rude. That? You can’t control.  Deciding to “cash that check” Or just treat it like plain paper, Is up to you. ”Water off a Ducks back!” Keep up Your Awesome success!! Everything can be used for good. Maybe she can serve as a great example of what “Not To Do.” Yes? Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/16/07 6:32 pm
Topic: RE: Do you blow your nose too???
jc, Yep. Happens to many of us. my post about it?-- (in it's entirety- at-  VagusNerve... Now,

I also  just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12% to 19%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/11/07 12:08 pm
Topic: RE: Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood
Yep, behind that bulb, is just a tube sock.... It caused "quite" the stir... http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/status.php? N=H1002253833 Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 11/11/07 11:52 am
Topic: RE: Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood
C, bulbmanphoto.jpg picture by DxxxxE  [ note: Lightbulb added to original posting photo for PG-Rating!] I remember the one stellar comment- from Dee Dee- "Nice Watch." Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 11/11/07 8:07 am
Topic: RE: Sipping your drinks ALL day long?

Hey Charlie! I was just sharing your Tilapia pecan dish with someone yesterday! Still one of my favorites! Glad you’re back off the road. (You are back?) I’m originally from Texas and will be out there over the Holidays. I’m doing great. Off to Portland Oregon this week to Open a Christmas Carol. CarolBlog (I'm about 3 photos down the page) 

My wife and son are flying out to meet me there for Thanksgiving. (I’m always doing Xmas Carol or a Nutcracker Suite over day.  Great to have them with me this year.) Hope all is going Great for you! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 11/11/07 6:02 am
Topic: RE: Sipping your drinks ALL day long?

The typical "Sip, sip, sip" is a description of Keeping fluid going in without taxing your freshly chopped on guts. Don’t rely completely on your feeling coming from your stomach just yet Because for many, it is numb from the surgical trauma still for a while. Don’t do anything that might bring on even a touch of pain or gagging, But do keep getting in your liquid. Water is a great one. Same with ice-chips. SF popsicles are a good way to keep hydration going While fighting off “head hunger.” Hey, it feels like you’re eating SOMETHING. Hang in there! These first weeks are terrible for most everyone. I also wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/


It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope you’re up and hitting on all cylinders soon! Best Wishes- Dx




 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

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