Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 7/30/04 1:01 pm
Willie, Great for you man, supporting your wife this way. My wife was also very supportive, but I did all of the reading up on it, and spent a good bit of time calming her fears. Do check up on the physician, and the hospital. I was fast tracked as well. From the time I decided to ask about it, to the time of my operation was just a bit over a month. The best thing you can do is all of the pre-op questioning you can about your wife's care that she will receive and the Dr.'s track record. There is some risk by having this surgery. But there is enormous risk for carrying morbid obesity in to later years. You just don't see a lot of fat folks over the age of 60. If Paris and you move forward with this, the greatest thing you can do is make sure that you and or family is there with her in the hospital to serve as her advocate. Having some one you love watchdog over you at the hospital is the surest way to avoid complications and un-even care due to a staffing error or oversite. Best wishes to you two- Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 8:08 am
Dx E
on 7/30/04 7:58 am
Patti, Bless you for making it through that year so far. As for a job, what is it you do or did prior to all of this? Perhaps there are folks out here on the boards that could help you network into a new job. Follow this up, there are a lot of real angels floating around out here, just like yourself- Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 7:50 am
Dx E
on 7/30/04 6:58 am
Topic: RE: Im A Happy Ass!!!
Go for it Neil! I'm an 11month post-op who started at 385lbs two weeks before my surgery, lost down to 370lbs for the day of my surgery 08/24/03 and am now down to 214lbs as of 07/26/04. I had some real problems early on but I'd go through all of my complications in a heartbeat to do it again. I'll be healthier in my 50's than I ever was in my 30's. Here's wishing you a hassle free surgery and a quick recovery- Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 6:52 am
Dx E
on 7/30/04 3:17 am
Topic: RE: Is it to early to eat Broccolli?
Whenever your Dr. says for you to add it to your diet.
Dx E
on 7/30/04 3:06 am
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:50 am
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck advice!
Thanks for the Advice Beth.
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:48 am
Topic: RE: Stomach gurgling ???
Heather, I'm an 11month post-op. And mind still sounds like a plumber is in there working over time. I bubble, gurgle, growl, sometimes so loud as to cause my dog to bark in the night. Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:45 am
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:38 am
Topic: RE: Food for One...
Just throw it out. Even by being "wasteful" you're still going to be seeing substantially cheaper grocery bills. Remember back when you would eat it because it was there? I have always loved to cook and still do. I invite guests over and still cook like I was cooking for 8. I have my little 1/2cup of my absolute favorites then send home leftovers with visitors. Using the fresh stuff is what makes food worth while. I say don't limit your self to frozen or easily kept ingredients just because you're eating less. Go for the highest quality you can. In what you're probably saving in fast food costs you can afford the caviar. Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:23 am
Topic: RE: Survey of Pre-Op Weight Loss
I was at my all-time high of 385lbs two weeks prior to surgery and lost down to 370lbs by the time I checked into the hospital. My Dr. didn't require it but I thought it would be a good idea from reading all of the posts on this site prior to my WLS. You know we're all pretty good at losing weight, it's just that "keeping it off" part of the plan that typically alludes us. In the past I've lost 50lbs in 48 days only to gain 85lbs of it back over the next year. In this instance I've gone from 370lbs on the day of my surgery 08/22/03 to 214lbs 07/26/04. It's still dropping about a pound a week. My thought is that I'm just 15lbs ahead of schedule due to my pre-op dieting. Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:10 am
Topic: RE: Did I do something to my pouch??
Melissa, It doesn't sound like a pouch problem because of the location. It really could just be trapped gas or there could be something else. Just get that Dr. on the phone and make sure your very clear about the pain and it's location as well as what you've eaten and done prior to the pain. In the mean time try laying on your left side with your knees bent. This is the best position for allowing trapped gas to pass on through. Hope you're better soon and that the Doc gets back with you asap, Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 12:04 am
Topic: RE: Can someone please explain???
At 9-months out I wouldn't worry. It sounds like you're gaining muscle tissue that weighs more than fat. Keep up the excellent exercise. I'm an 11month post-op and I hit a couple of plateaus that lasted for about 3 to 4 weeks along the way. Just keep on keepin' on and the lbs. will start falling again. Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:46 pm
Topic: RE: Tape Residue - I can't get it off!!!!
Nancy, I was in the hospital for about 5 weeks and was about 10% tape residue when I can home. I went for the nail polish remover and in some spots did use the Goo-Gone. Just wash well with soap and water afterwards and use moisturizer or lotion to keep the spot from getting to dry or damaged. Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:39 pm
Topic: RE: A Weighty Issue!!
Ok Folks, I'm one of those "middle-of-the-roaders" when it comes to politics. I've never been left or right. In the car I switch back and forth from National Public Radio to more conservative "Talk Radio." Yesterday, Twice, two different Talk Radio Hosts, Mike Savage and Bill O'Reilly both made mention of how fat the Democrats looked at their convention. Savage mocked the Over weight and even bashed the idea of insurance paying for WLS. O'Reilly said that if the voting booths had scales and that the votes were calculated by lbs per vote, "the Democrats would win by a landslide for their 'on the Hoof' Vote." Like I've said, I'm usually not at all political, but these folks are just bashing and the people they've decided to bash are the overweight. Grrrrrrwwrr! In an election year, I think it's time we threw our weight around, as it were. Find out where the candidates stand on weight issues. It's clear that the far right radio folks think we're and easy target for slamming. I'm e-mailing those two to let them know that we are not the minority that they think we are. Sorry for the long post and the breach of "don't talk about politics or religion in public" rule that I was brought up with. Just blowing off steam and sharing it with all of us.... What are your thoughts? Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:11 pm
Topic: RE: Can you give me some ideas?????
Hi Nicole, This is one of those "taste" things. Everyone will have a different set of things that will taste good or bad to them. Many have praised the clear Isopure, but for me it leaves a metallic taste in my mouth. I like Promote vanilla, it is pre-mixed in a can and has super high Protein as well as a full spectrum of vitamins and micro nutrients. It is the stuff that was poured into my "feeding tube" at the hospital. It's not usually thought of as one of the "tasty" ones, but I find it to be very good. The Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast is also great, but you need to mix it up in advance or use a blender so it doesn't have that "powdery" quality. Hope you find one you like, Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 12:19 pm
Topic: RE: 5 Weeks Post Op and Im Having a Sensitive Gag Reflex
Randall, I'm 11months post-op and still have bouts of dry heaves every couple of months. Those first few months I had them all the time, even without any triggering incident such as a new food or eating to quick. My Dr. wrote me a very limited prescription for Phenergren. It's an anti - nausea medicine. They had used it on me in the hospital in IV form, but is available in a number of non-IV forms. Since it seems that some of us just have "fussy" pouches, my Dr. gave me about five doses per prescription. And only told me to call him whenever I needed to take one of them. He didn't want the medicine to "mask" some potentially serious complication that was presenting itself through the dry heaves. It has saved me hours of dry heaves just by having the Phenergren on hand. Perhaps check with your Dr. and see if he'll call you in a perscription. Best of luck, Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: Hair Question from newly post-op
Nancy, I'm 11months post-op 370lbs down to 214lbs, and I never had the hair loss problems that so many complain of. I did keep my protein very high, 95grams per day, and I took in a good bit of gelatin in the form of sugar free jello. I stayed on Promote protein drinks and used Fructis hair products and well as a leave in "hair strengthening" spray conditioner. (my wife's suggestion) Hoping you the best, Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 12:02 pm
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:32 am
Topic: RE: help!! newly post-op ate too much
Sorry, Nothing but to let it pass or come out. Walking does help it pass on down quicker however. The gravity and the natural movements of the body help the natural parastolsis of the digestive system. Hope it passes quickly. Take baby spoon bites and leave some time between them to avoid that "Oh my gosh, that was to much..." realization. Even at 11 months out I still find I often end up hiding a last chewed bite of food in a napkin rather than swallowing it. Gross I know, but true, Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:23 am
Topic: RE: What did YALL eat today??
Heaven, I had my favorite food, Paella, Made with Chicken breasts, shrimp, bay and sea scallops, turkey sausage, roasted red, green and yellow peppers, mushrooms, sugar snap peas, a touch of fresh corn - all in a bed of saffron rice with garlic, onions, and tomatoes. I had a half a cup of it for lunch and dinner. Llow carb Yogurt and "Protien Total" cereal for breakfast and snacks. 1 Promote protien drink between lunch and dinner. As far as Paella, I think of it as "Human Chow." I could eat it for every meal. Dx
Dx E
on 7/29/04 11:13 am
Topic: RE: sorry bowel question i apologize if this grosses anyone out?.............
Susan, I'm at 11months post-op and I still have radical swings from time to time. In the first 2 months I went from one extreme to the other constantly. In about the third month I settled down to a "regular" BM schedule for the most part. I think it has most to do with your bodies change of metabolism during the extreme weight loss, as well as the by passing of so much of the intestine. Don't despair, You're not alone on this one, and it does get better, Dx
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