Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 8/1/04 9:12 am
Topic: RE: Low Carb Recipe Collection - free for the asking
Nikki, Yes I would love for you to e-mail me one. Please send it to [email protected] Thanx for putting this out there. You're a doll! Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 8:55 am
Topic: RE: Should I call DR/or go to ER?
Rebecca, I'd call the Dr. and tell him or her that you are on your way to the ER. I had a blockage that caused a ruptured bowel that ended up creating massive complications. Better safe than sorry- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 8:52 am
Dx E
on 8/1/04 8:40 am
Dx E
on 7/31/04 1:18 pm
Dx E
on 7/31/04 1:11 pm
Topic: RE: Hi just here listen to love songs borned
You need to keep your options open about your future. If your always fighting and his lifestyle isn't quite compatible with yours, and your not really sure that he's a Trustworthy man, Perhaps you need to move on. People will treat you the way you let them. Men, speaking as one, do not change, they just get to be more like themselves. Distilled as it were. If you're getting hints of areas where he should change now, those will only get more pronounced as he gets older. This is only my opinion, I'm no Dr. Phil. Best of wishes to you- Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 1:02 pm
Dx E
on 7/31/04 12:34 pm
Topic: RE: Poll:Who does strength training (weight training)?
Amen Gail! Tell it. The exercise gives me so much energy. I do Very light weights 2.5 to 5lbs with multiple repetitions. I also added the ankle weights to my walking. I also have Iso-bands for building and toning my back and shoulders. I've added a little bit each week. I'm an 11month post-op 6'1"tall, down from 370lbs. 08/22/03 to 213lbs. as of today 07/31/04, and still loosing. My goal is 185lbs. The exercise makes all the difference. Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 12:09 pm
Dx E
on 7/31/04 6:41 am
Topic: RE: I did it ......I quit smoking and
Linda, Can you get a prescription of Welbutrin? It helps not only cope with the Nicotine craving but seems to be a bit of an appetite suppressant as well. I quit about 16months ago and still chew sugarless gum like I'm getting paid to do it. Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 6:11 am
Topic: RE: Pain
Joy, I'm one of those rare individuals that had extreme complications. I was in the hospital for my first 4 and ½ weeks. I had intense pain for the first two months. Go for the pain meds so you can get some rest. Walk when you can, sip tha****er (in little tiny sips) constantly, and get some rest. We're praying for your recovery. Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 6:05 am
Topic: RE: The Big Picture
I'm with you Lulu, I can't eat but about ½ a cup of anything, therefore, I order the best. Usually I get a very elaborate appetizer or a cup of soup. With the money I save from passing by fast foods, I can afford the Lobster Thermador. Seriously, I don't know how McDonalds is making it with out my business. I thought I was keeping them and Burger King in business. Maybe that's why they're offering all of these salads now- It's a desperate attempt to get my business again. Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:56 am
Topic: RE: How Do I Eat It??
Love pickled okra! The spicier the better! I'm an ex-Texan living in Mississippi, there's no such thing as strange southern food!
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:53 am
Topic: RE: How Do I Eat It??
I have just the tiniest bite and with a lot of roasted pepper. The salami mostly just flavors the other items for me, but my dinner guests gobble it up. I'm also a big fan of the super thin sliced prosciutto wrapped around a piece of cantaloupe. Yum! I just eat such small portions, but at 11months post-op I can pretty much have a nibble of anything, that's not sweet, or too fatty. I'm a dumper, fortunately.
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:41 am
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:14 am
Topic: RE: Shellfish anyone
Hey Christi, I'd have to agree with the others on the oysters, muscles, and the clams. These could be a *****ewy. Tuna seems to be getting a bad rap here. I'm a big fan of it grilled or broiled, just not canned. Even the White Albacore tends to taste ever so slightly like what I imagine cat-food would taste like. Shrimp ****tails are my Favorite! Because you will only be able to eat tiny portions, remember that seafood tends not to keep or reheat well. Buy it in tiny portions and get the best that money can buy. With the moneys we're all saving from passing by the fast food, We can afford the caviar. Best wishes on finding your tasty favorites- Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:01 am
Dx E
on 7/31/04 4:49 am
Topic: RE: Saturday weigh in....
Congratulation Roger, It gets even easier to add in exercise once that weight keeps coming down. I'm an 11month post-op, and I now feel like I've taken over someone else's body. Good to see you other guys out here on the site. We make up such a small minority of the people who get this surgery, but due to male physiology, we tend to lose faster and with fewer plateaus than the ladies. Keep on keepin' on- Dx
Dx E
on 7/31/04 4:45 am
Dx E
on 7/31/04 3:58 am
Dx E
on 7/31/04 3:45 am
Topic: RE: Counting 'em Down!!!
Randall, Great going guy! Take this next week for you. Get a little more exercise and rest than you normally would and try to avoid the "Last Meal" syndrome. The better shape you're in, going in to the surgery, will mean a speedier and more comfortable recovery. We're out here praying for you, Keep us posted- Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:36 pm
Topic: RE: Side effect form B-12 OR?
Hey Janine, I take a B12 shot once a month, but have not had any such side effects. Have the Dr. check on this. The increased energy seems likely connected, but the pain in the arm and the popping out vein seem very odd. Best of luck- Dx
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:32 pm
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:20 pm
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:09 pm
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