Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:56 am
Topic: RE: There's a Surgeon Chat in Progress!
Just click the banner at the top of this page. It's easy and you can just leave a window minimized and check in on it every now and then. There are so many folks asking good questions that you can benefit from it just by being a "lurker." Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:52 am
Topic: RE: Technical help needed...
Davasha, Try contacting Kirk Thompson Alias- CROW -450# Lost He should have posted in your local state board today. He's presently monitoring a Physician Chat. Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:45 am
Topic: RE: LBL and exercise
Connie, I'm headed for the same thing in December. Sorry I don't have any advice to pass on, but do keep us posted on how it all works out for you. This would be a great help to those of us just a few steps behind you. Congratulations on your success! Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:18 am
Topic: RE: There's a Surgeon Chat in Progress!
Check out the chat with Dr. Shawn Garber going on right now. Clear answers to alot of questions Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:04 am
Dx E
on 8/2/04 8:20 am
Hey Nancy, Go back to the main entrance and go to the recipe forum. E-mail Patti B. or Cathy Hoffman, If these ladies don't have the recipe, I'd be shocked. Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 8:16 am
Michelle, I'm one of those rare folks like you that had complications. In my case I had a G/J tube in place for four months after my second surgery. It was really the least of my pains. The pump delivered food in minute doses during the day and while I slept. It helped me gain strength while allowing my body to heal. Here's hoping and praying the best for you- Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 8:09 am
Topic: RE: Why do RNY?
Statistically, the RNY is more successful due to the mal-absorption coupled with the restriction of available stomach space. The Lap Band does introduce a foreign substance into your body where as the RNY is far more invasive. The RNY is considered "the Gold Standard," to quote the RNY company line. I originally was seeking a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, but ended up going with the RNY after extensive research. I think it is a very personal decision- Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 8:00 am
Topic: RE: Poll question...FOOD NETWORK
Same here Ms. Taylor, That "Low Carb and Lovin' It" Guy has very low charisma. He just does the same things over and over. No big news there. Where as Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa, make "simple" a thing of beauty. I would like to have her as a friend. Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 4:51 am
Topic: RE: HELP! Swallowed Gum
The 7 years to digest is an "old wives tale." If it doesn't block the stoma out of your pouch, it will pass on through. It never really digests, but it will pass on. Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 4:37 am
Topic: RE: HELP! Swallowed Gum
If it was a small piece it may be no problem. Try drinking a little hot liquid, coffee, tea or broth. This often helps it slide on through out of your pouch. Hope no problems- Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 4:15 am
Topic: RE: Protein delimma
Valerie, The Unjury protein powder is great and can be added to anything. I was on PROMOTE. You can get it from the Pharmacy, but they may have to order it. It's a FULL NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT; 18.5 grams of protein in each 8oz can, along with all of the vitamins and micronutrients needed to keep you going. It's what they poured into my feeding tube at the hospital. I use the Vanilla. It's smooth and doesn't have that chalky taste. It's what they give Chemo patients who can't keep anything else down. Hope you find one for you- Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 4:07 am
Dx E
on 8/2/04 4:01 am
Topic: RE: Poll question...FOOD NETWORK
OK Ken, Obviously an Excellent post! I was always addicted to food, but now that my WLS has taken care of that, I'm still addicted to cooking. We entertain a lot and I love cooking huge meals for a party of 20 or more. All the while I was recuperating (Extreme complications 2 months in a recliner) I watched Food Network constantly. Now that I'm back up and running I still watch and try new twists on the dishes I see there. My wife also asked me why I would torture myself. It doesn't make me hungry to watch, it's just fun. I Love Mario Batali, for everything he cooks, Bobby Flay's Southwest fusion, Alton Brown, for his quirky Science experiment take on cooking, Rachael Ray, who I believe I could beat in a side by side speed test, (I'm a fast cook), Sara Moulton for all of the helpful hints on Sara's Secrets, Tyler Florence, just a bit, some times he comes off as a little ****y, And Iron Chef is hysterically funny to me. There is still the History Channel and those of us who watch Trading Places- Another time- Dx
Dx E
on 8/2/04 3:42 am
Topic: RE: Gettin closer...
Ken, Way to go man! You'll be there before you know it. I'm 11months out and have gone from 370lbs to 213lbs as of today. My next hurdle is falling under the 200lbs mark. Race Ya! Just kidding. Even after I'm down to my goal of 185lbs I don't have a chance at being a "Stud Muffin", My muffin days are passed. I'm just looking to be an "old muffin." It's good to see some more guys out here. We are the smallest minority but end up losing really well due to that muscle mass / male physiology stuff. Keep up the great work- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:32 am
Topic: RE: Taking crushed pills
Hey Mary Jo, I just crush mine, pour the powder on my tongue and rinse it down with a little water. Like a "BC Powder." I have found this far easier than mixing them with a liquid and then trying to drink it. Wishing you the best- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:28 am
Topic: RE: Need prayers !! ASAP!
Melissa, I hope you can feel the crashing waves of prayers coming over you. There are so many out here lifting you up. Have a great day tomorrow and a smooth surgery. Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:25 am
Topic: RE: Oh My, I'm Eating...........
Great for you Randall, I tried but still I don't have a taste for it. Only cooked with some ricotta in my eggplant, noodle-less lasagna. It is funny how our tastes change. Happy health- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:21 am
Topic: RE: hi every one i have a question for after surgrey
I did the 10 minutes out of every two hours for the first month that I was able to walk. I'm one of those rare folks who had extreme complications. I had a physical therapist come to the house three days a week and soon as I was up and able to walk, we did the 10 minute rule. If I waited 4 hours between walks, I would just walk for 20 minutes. At first it was just up and down the hall in my house. As I got more stable I made laps around the outside and took my dog for frequent walks. If you're headed outside, really keep sipping tha****er. It's very easy to dehydrate in those first 3 weeks. Best of wishes to you and all our prayers- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:13 am
Topic: RE: update
Great News Steve! It just gets better! Keep up the good work- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:06 am
Topic: RE: YOUR EMAILS GAVE ME STRENGTH - SURGERY 8/3 - feeling restless
Hey Nancy, Welcome home. Do take it easy these first few weeks. Just a little bit of walking, a lot of water, and get your rest so your body will heal. Do small little flex and stretch exercises with your feet when ever you think about it, these will tone your calves. Also get a little rubber ball or a "koosh ball" and squeeze it 10 time with one hand then 10 with the other and back and forth until you tire. These will tighten your forearms and elbows. It's not just the exercise but also overcoming the effects of gravity that fights the "sags." Overtop of your abdominal binder, (I'm assuming you're wearing one), where a tee-shirt or a stretchy fabric top that's just a bit tight. This will help hold the tissues in to your body and fight off the tiniest bit of the effects of gravity. The same is true of hose or tights. Every little bit helps. Most important is staying hydrated. Wishing you the best and a speedy recovery- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 10:37 am
Topic: RE: Six Week Plateau
David, With that amount of exercise you're probably gaining muscle mass. Since muscle weighs more than fat this could be some of it. I'm 11months out 6'1" and am down 157lbs I'm now at 213lbs and my goal is 185lbs. All along the way I would hit plateaus and then for no apparent reason I would start dropping again. How far from goal are you? At only 8months out you still have about 10 good months of "prime" losing time left. Don't get discouraged, just keep on keepin' on- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 9:49 am
Topic: RE: Survey...$$$ Saved ???
Saving a fortune. I'm buying more expensive foods, but in such small portions that I'm still way ahead. And when eating out, I'm the cheapest date in town. Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 9:43 am
Topic: RE: How do you count your weight loss??
Hey Ramon, I was at 385lbs when I first started towards surgery and at 370lbs on the day of my surgery (08/04-22/03. I had severe complications so I had a few surgeries right in a row. Even finding my start date there is a little sketchy. I'm now down to 213lbs as of 08/01/04. I'm counting it as a loss of 157lbs. from my surgery weight. But it would sound better to figure it as 172lbs down from the original 385lbs. Either way, I'm happy as can be, and the weight is still falling. Wishing you the best- Dx
Dx E
on 8/1/04 9:25 am
Topic: RE: 10 days post-op need help
Marilyn, I used Promote. It is a premix that comes in 8oz cans. It has 14.8 gs of protein per can and only 29 calories. It is a complete balanced nutrient drink, rather than just a protein shake that is loaded with vitamins and micro-nutrients. It's what they put in my feeding tube while I was in the hospital for quiet some time. It may be used as TOTAL nutrition or as a supplement to meals. The flavor I use is Vanilla. It doesn't have that powdery taste than the protein shakes tend to have. Hope you find one that works for you- Dx
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