Dx E’s Posts

Dx E
on 7/18/08 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: Another WLS patient died here...How common is this?
This is where I heard it...

so sad...

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/16/08 2:53 pm, edited 7/16/08 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: Hey Everyone
Hey Ryan.
A lot of folk out here with plenty of experience.
I did wanted to drop by an Invitation.
It’s great to see other men out here.
We make up such a small percentage (12%)
Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery,
But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less
Or at least Different hassles than the Gals
Due to Male physiology.
Drop by the Men’s Forum
And check out what other men like you are going through.
It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc…
Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops.
Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc…
Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding
That WLS for Men can be a Totally Different Journey.
Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at-

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone,
And that there are others pulling for you.

Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards!

Best Wishes-
Dx E
on 7/11/08 3:45 pm
Topic: RE: Congratulations Sonja, Pinalope, Gwen & Theresa!

Hey Gwen...
I thought it was you mentioned in the article above!
(I typed VSG when I meant VBG)
I couldn't get the link above in the post to work...
Yours is the profile I send people to when they ask about long term success.
In a meer 5 years out, so still a bit of a newbie!
I didn't make it to the Pittsburgh Meet in '06
Just the Lexington One.
I've been a reader/lurker at AMOS since back in the end of '02,
And started posting in 03....
(Haven't shut-up since!)
I have an "abridged version" of Sockman somewhere,
And it's still makes me giggle.

Great to see you out and about!

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/7/08 3:17 pm
Topic: RE: Congratulations Sonja, Pinalope, Gwen & Theresa!
Big congratulations to All 3!!  I don’t know Sonja, (sorry to have missed her) but Gwen’s Long-term success I have followed for years, and have had fun interacting with her in her capacity as Photo-Dept in the past.  (can we say sock-man?) I have passed her profile and contact info on to those looking into the VSG as one of the longer-term successes with that procedure I know.  Pinalope I also correspond with quite often in that she is a fellow member of Quixotic WLS Surgery Education Foundation.  Quix-Link (  You're a Sweetie!!!) She has attended a number of Quixotic-Non-Conventions, "mini-meet-ups" and I look forward to meeting up with her (and W) in the future. Thanks for the update! I look forward to seeing the article! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/3/08 4:10 am
Topic: RE: Are you struggling? I do too. (Letter of encouragement)
Great Post Mick! Hey, I was in Atlanta for 14 years! Love that place!

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men, can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/2/08 3:27 pm
James, Hope to see you there. I'm also obsessed with Nutritional info.... Here is the url for American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: http://www.soard.org/

 The website offers a free pdf document that summarizes state-of-the-science info regarding bariatric nutrition. It's technical but worth working through. There are charts of supplement needs and so on. Very, very interesting.

Here's a teaser quote:
"One popular myth is that only 30g/hr of protein can be absorbed. Although this is commonly found in both lay and some professional reports, there is no scientific basis for this claim." Also, info regarding relationship between protein sources and amino acids, and more.

Go to http://www.soard.org/ and click on the yellow oval to get this comprehensive report. I think this one is a cut above lots of the stuff we find. or just hit the link-

http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/15 50-7289/PIIS1550728908001639.pdf  Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/2/08 2:32 pm
James, Congratulations on your success! I'm 5 years Post-op, 4 years at Normal BMI. There is no such thing as too much research! Also look at adding Fiber component to your regimen. (Every gram of fiber, takes 7 calories of fat and keeps the body from utilizing it.  Also super for keeping regular, great for cholestrol, etc...) Great to see more folks out here making a total life change!

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 7/2/08 9:58 am
Topic: RE: Peroxide?
Hey Jay!!! Glad to see you on this side of surgery!! Hang in there these first weeks are rough! I'm not sure about the peroxide.... Maybe a little Neosporin? Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 6/30/08 8:29 am
Topic: RE: New here.
Hey Vinnie, Hope you find all of the info and experience you are looking for.

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS, for Men, can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 6/27/08 4:18 pm
Topic: RE: New Fella in GA...hopeful, with lots of questions

Dan, I started out at 385lbs, and lost down to 185lbs in my first year. Been holding there at normal range BMI for nearly 4 years. (including this, because I was about the same size,  and 46 yrs when I had my surgery.) Click on profiles, checkout other website about WLS as well. I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. I lived in Georgia/Atlanta, for over 10 years. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 6/21/08 5:06 pm, edited 7/16/08 10:32 am
Topic: RE: ?Will I ever be able to eat like a normal person??
Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 6/21/08 4:58 pm
Topic: RE: F is for?..FEAR!

F is for…..FEAR!

I’ve seen several folks out here dealing with the anxiety of upcoming surgery
And thought I’d re-post-
(quite a few years old- Please skip if not an interest…)
Some Thoughts about FEAR…..

Everyone seems to have those Pre-Op “jitters” the week or two before surgery.  From reading the Boards over the last couple of years, that just seems to be a given fact.
With some,
It seems to be shear excitement,
The kind one gets just before the wedding.
And yet with others,
It seems to be full-blown FEAR!

I was not one of the Fearful and I’ve given it some thought as to Why that might have been.

2 reasons-
First, I don’t know that I viewed the procedure of WLS as THAT risky.
Four months earlier I had just had Open Heart Surgery to replace an Aortic Valve that had been faulty since birth.
I remember thinking-
“Compared to an operation where they stop my heart for 45 minutes, cut out a major portion of it, replace it with Teflon and Stainless Steel, then Hope it starts back up when they hit it with the electricity?  WLS - Is a ‘Walk in the Park!’”

Perhaps that’s why I got to be one of the Rare individuals who had extreme complications. 
I don’t know that I would have been as serious about my aftercare and so completely compliant with my Dr.’s’ orders if I didn’t view them at the onset as a matter of Life and Death.
Jolly for me – I’m now Below Goal and I attribute that success, (Rightly or Not) to the seriousness that I felt in approaching all of my aftercare, Diet, supplements, exercise, etc….

The Second thing that kept my fear at a minimum-
Was a combination of my Personal Spiritual Faith and my belief in the “Odds.”
I do, and have done a great deal of flying in my line of work. 
(A lot easier now that I fit!)
I made and make as many as 40 flights a year.
I’ve had people ask me-
“Don’t you ever get the feeling that one of these flights, Your Number will ‘Be Up?’”
I have faith in the fact that “The Odds” are MUCH greater that I’ll be killed, driving within 2 miles of my own home, than meeting my death in an Airline Accident.
My Spiritual Faith lead me early on to jokingly pray-
“Let me Make it Home, or Make the News!”

That said, I’d leave it in the hands of my creator to watch over my safety, or use my Spectacular Death in such a way to focus the attention of the Media,
Perhaps even the whole World, on some issue that needed to be addressed.
(talk about Attention Hore!)
I just didn’t ever want to die in some insignificant way.
Of those faiths – Odds and God,
The only one I think I could pass on to others is “The Odds.”

Everyone has his or her own personal belief system in place,
But many have a skewed view of the statistics of DEATH.
We tend to hear about sensation deaths because
The News doesn’t cover the boring stories, or No one would watch.

Here are some facts / figures-
The following are the chances of how one might die figured over your full lifetime and calculating only those people who come in contact with the various means of Death.

Only counting those people who ride motorcycles-
The chance of Death in a Motorcycle accident are-
1 in 1,214.  
Get it?

Car Occupant? - 1 in 247. 
(And who says motorcycles are so dangerous?)

Air Travel? – 1 in 4,023. 
(That’s why I’m less afraid of flying than driving home)

So, What about Surgery?
Lumping ALL surgical procedures together, Tonsillectomies, Lung Transplants, Trauma Reconstruction (from all those Car accidents)
The risk?
Death due to Surgical Complication? – 1 in 1,222.
Seems scarier than flying,
But not nearly as bad as being in a car.
How does it compare to other events that we take for granted?

Accidentally Poisoning yourself? – 1 in 262.
Being Assaulted by Someone? – 1 in 182.
Burning in your home? – 1 in 1,116.
Burning in a Building (such as Office) ? – 1 in 1,382
Inhalation impairment -
(choking on food or under cleaners bag) ? – 1 in 665.
A fall outside of your home? – 1 in 472.
A Slip or Fall in your home? – 1 in 246.

Yes, more people are killed each year in the tub, by a piece of soap, than die on the nations highways!

For the skeptics among you- You can spend your own time researching such morbid trivia yourself at-
Kearl’s Guide to the Sociology of Death.
Just put the- http://www. In front of it.
(told Ya this was an old re-post – pre-link days)

Now all of this is not to add to your angst about the world we live in,
But rather, to put it in perspective.

You are more likely to be killed by an assault, in your car,
In your burning home, choking on your food, or slipping
On your front step or worse yet, your bathroom floor,
Than you are of dying in surgery.

Are you afraid to go in to your bathroom?
Get in your car?
Pass people in the Mall, who might very well attack you?
Probably not.

On the “Surgery Boards,” Some often get caught up in the
Differing complication –vs- success rates between
Lap and Open RNY, DS and Band.
Those differences are very real, but I avoid focusing on those options in the
Same way that I avoid fostering My Spiritual Beliefs, on to others.

Everyone has his or her own Salvation (medical or mental)
And it’s the same when asking people
Who have had what they know to be a “Life Saving Surgery,”
“Which is Best?”

I prefer to try to opt for the notion that Pre-Op jitters really are the equivalent to the Pre-Wedding Nerves. 
(On that point, With the Divorce rate as is, your chances of a complication free, Super Successful WLS are Far Greater than having a marriage last for more than 8 years!)

Your Odds of Dying from Obesity related causes are FAR greater than your Odds of your Surgery going wrong.

Give your aftercare and Diet more serious and solemn concern than you do the thought of surgery.  In the long run it will be AS, If not MORE important to your health.

Throw off the Shackles of FEAR!
While preparing to lose Weight, Take the Time
To “Lighten Up,” and Let Go of Fear and “Hostile Dependencies.”
You Take With You, What you Embrace. 
Don’t ‘Embrace’ the Negatives,
Let ‘Em Go!”
Have the Greatest!
Be Nice to the Nurses-
(They’re overworked)
Enjoy the Drugs
(As much as you can)
And most importantly,
Hurry home to start walking –
(Away from those pounds, and)
Into your New Life!

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 6/13/08 3:24 pm, edited 6/13/08 3:24 pm
Topic: RE: OT:Update On Medical Tests Today

Lindy, Many prayers out for you! Hope they hit on the solution soon, At that your condition turns the corner toward health With miraculous speed. Know that Sunday Morning a whole batch of Mississippi Methodist Will be lifting you up in prayer. Pulling for You (and Dan!) Best Wishes- Dx

Dx E
on 6/11/08 12:29 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for a Lactose Free Protein Drink.
Many of the Whey Protein Isolates contain no lactose. Check UnJury-Unflavored Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 5/26/08 9:31 am
Topic: RE: Purple under my eyes??/

The Dark Circles under eyes? Hits Men and Women.... The Number One cause is Heredity, So send a nasty note to your great-grandparents. It comes from the skin layer  under the eye being thin. Thus, the blood (on it’s way back to the lungs) That is ‘bluish’ shows through the thin skin, Causing a dark purplish or black appearance. For many, the excess fat tissue in the face, disguises this fact And with the loss of extra fat tissue, the veins are ‘more exposed.’ So, it may have NOTHING to do with nutrition Just on facial tissue composition. Dehydration, even mild dehydration also thins down the ‘plumped up’ skin And allows the thinner skin to show through the veins beneath. The dehydration after a night of drinking Shows up big time. The Number Two cause is sun damage. For many (and once again this is inherited) The pigment (melanin in the skin) just below the eye will “Tan” better than other portions of the body And because this is a ‘low-friction’ area of the face/body It accumulates over the summer season or when exposed to sun. The Number Three cause is irritation/blood vessel dilation. This can be from allergies, reaction to meds, anything that Irritates those blood vessels.  Rubbing the eyes will do it big time. The Number Four cause is (for the average person) is Nutrition problems. This one may be higher up the list for WLS Folks. Low Protein Levels, imbalance of nutrition/vitamins Can show up as ‘circles’ under the eyes.  It maybe that your Dark circles are just thinner skin because of loss Of fat tissue, but just to be on the safe side- “How’s your Blood-Work?” Taking your Vitamins?  Getting in your Protein?  And Complex Carbs? This could be it. For some, who’s circles went away after WLS, it may be due to getting in more Nutrition and less junk in the diet.  Yes? The Last causes are Lack of Sleep and Simple Aging. Being tired due to lack of sleep or fatigue, makes the skin in general More pale, and therefore the dark beneath the skin shows through more And with greater contrast. As we age, our skin tends to thin more and contain less pigment Which allows the color beneath to show through. Part of the aging is also permanent folds in the creased areas of the face Sort of ‘soft wrinkles’ that punch up the shadows in these areas as well. If your circles were visible before, they will just get more obvious with age. There’s tons of ‘anti-circle’ creams on the market, most of which do nothing. There is a ‘Loreal for Men’ anti-pale-sunscreen that helped me greatly about 2 years ago. But the vast majority of cosmetic “fixes” are for women. Shop around.  Clinque has some that people swear by. Back when I had the Dark circle thing pop-up I worried that it was mal-nutrition.  But, it was just thinning facial skin that got better with sun screen. This is all I found when looking into mine…. Best Wishes- Dx



 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:56 am
Topic: RE: Question about info for support groups? Your opinions wanted!
Hey wendy! No handouts yet.... Putting together some based on the input of many... One suggestion this morning on another Board was to keep them Short blocks of information- ALA- USA-Today. Illustrations and clear info, With perhaps links to, or additional material for those who are interested in that particular subject... Just gathering the "Group opinion" Before working to put together something that would be Less than useful... Thanks!  See Ya 'round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:41 am
Topic: RE: Question about info for support groups? Your opinions wanted!
Thanks Dave. I also find support groups to be very helpful for long term success. See ya 'round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:38 am
Topic: RE: Question about info for support groups? Your opinions wanted!
Ah, Walkie-Talkies! Great Idea! and the kids love 'em! Thanks! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:13 am
Topic: RE: Question about info for support groups? Your opinions wanted!

Hello All!! I’m putting in a little time surfing the web today and have a question- For those of you who attend support groups, (Or those who went, and stopped going for whatever reason) A question- What sort a material would you have found useful? For example- If the Support Group Leader had a stack of Handouts, Which ones would you have taken and read? "Tips and Tricks of Successful Post-ops?" "WLS Friendly Products and where to find them?" "Simple WLS friendly Recipes and Food Ideas?" "Nutrition/Vitamin Info?" "Exercise Helpful hints for the Obese headed into rapid weight-loss?" What? Short lists? Detailed info with illustrations? Links to websites? Over all plans? or Short "Blocks of info?" No doubt those "just starting" will have different needs and wants than those Who are further out Post-Ops.  I'm interested in Both. Just gathering input…. Thanks! Best Wishes- Dx

Dx E
on 5/15/08 3:49 pm
So Sorry you’re having a hard time- How about trying some non-med help with the pain. Heating pad on the back helps some, As does walking. Alot of the pain that folks feel early on is the result of trapped gas. For that "trapped Gas?" A little trick from my Dr. --Lay on your left side with your knees slightly bent. A pillow between your knees. In this position, because the way our intestines are arranged, Gravity will aid the natural peristalsis of the intestines And the "Trapped Gas" will "Pass on Through" much quicker. When you can, Walk. The motion of walking also helps greatly. That and Gas-X were Great for me. That seems to help many people with just that problem.…" Hope you’re doing better soon! Only 3 days since surgery? Oh Yeah! This is the worst part. Give your doc a call first thing in the morning. Post-Op depression is also quite common And your doc can write a prescription For something to get you past the rough part. Hang in there, It Does Get easier. Best Wishes- Dx
Dx E
on 5/15/08 1:36 pm
Topic: RE: "R" is for the way you Rook at Me
Fun post. Hope your shoulder is doing better each day! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dx E
on 5/12/08 3:32 pm
Topic: RE: Called UCLA Medical Center Today....

Congratulations David. Now the paradox- The months will pass faster than you can imagine And seem to take forever too…. Hang in there! I also just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 5/10/08 2:32 pm
Topic: RE: Fellow Weight loss Surgery member upset.

Eric, Just about one week post-op? Hope all is going well for you. I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/


It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


Dx E
on 5/8/08 9:04 am
Topic: RE: Anyone have constant runny nose?
From Quixotic WLS- http://quixoticwls.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1761 Pretty common actually. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

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