MikeMiller’s Posts

on 11/29/10 6:31 am
Topic: RE: Want to be in OH Magazine?
Hey Guys,

Michael here again,  Art Director for OH Magazine. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to the last issue, I am currently designing the next. We will be featuring some really great articles and I would love to include photos of some of you to go along with them. So if you have any photos that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me too. You can send all photos to [email protected] for consideration. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey. If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! 

Michael Miller
Art Director 
OH Magazine 

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!

on 9/21/10 8:21 am
Topic: RE: Would you like to have your photo in OH Magazine?

Hey Guys,

Michael here again,  Art Director for OH Magazine. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to the last issue, I am currently designing the next. We will be featuring some really great articles and I would love to include photos of some of you to go along with them. So if you have any photos that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me too. You can send all photos to [email protected] for consideration. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey. If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! 

Michael Miller
Art Director 
OH Magazine 

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!

on 7/21/10 3:17 am
Topic: RE: Your Chance To Be In OH Magazine!
  Well there isn't really a specific theme. Just weight loss in general. So exercising, or shopping or eating, or just having fun in general. Even a posed shot is fine. :)
on 7/19/10 6:24 am
Topic: RE: Your Chance To Be In OH Magazine!

Hey Guys,

Michael here again,  Art Director for OH Magazine. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to the last issue, I am currently designing the next. We will be featuring some really great articles and I would love to include photos of some of you to go along with them. So if you have any photos that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me too. You can send all photos to [email protected] for consideration. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey. If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! 

Michael Miller
Art Director 
OH Magazine 

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!

on 5/18/10 3:37 am
Topic: RE: Want to be in OH Magazine?
 Hey Guys,

Michael here again,  Art Director for OH Magazine. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to the last issue, I am currently designing the next. We will be featuring some really great articles and I would love to include photos of some of you to go along with them. Here is a list of specific photos I need. 

* Photos of you having Orange Juice or anything rich in Vitamin C
* Photos of you exercising 
* Photos of you shopping for groceries or buying food. 

I know, those are the specific requests I have, but if you have any other photos that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me too. You can send all photos to [email protected] for consideration. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey. If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! :

Michael Miller
Art Director 
OH Magazine 

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!

on 4/23/10 7:44 am, edited 3/10/10 3:26 am
Topic: RE: Want to be in OH Magazine?
Hey Guys,
I am the Art Director for OH Magazine and I am currently designing the next issue. We will be featuring some really great articles and I would love to include photos of some of you to go along with them. Here is a list of specific photos I need.

* Photos of you traveling (on a plane perhaps)

* Photos of you exercising
* Photos of you resting
* Photos of you with your spouse or significant other
* Photos of you with your children
* Photos of you showing off your healthy skin or hair

Those are the specific requests I have, but if you have any other photos that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me. You can send all photos to [email protected] for consideration. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey. If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! :

Michael Miller

Art Director
OH Magazine

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!
on 4/23/10 4:09 am
Topic: RE: OH magazine question!
 Hey Mary, unfortunately we do not sell the magazine in stores. The only way to receive it is through subscription, but if you would like a sampling of the articles from it we post a few from every issue here on the site. Just go to the homepage, scroll down about 1/2 way and look for "Latest Articles". That might give you a good idea what the magazine is like. Hope this helps! :)
on 4/23/10 3:54 am
Topic: RE: OH magazine question!

Hey Michelle, your picture is indeed in the May/June issue and you should see it in the mail sometime between this time next week and the following Friday. Thanks again for submitting your photos and being part of OH Magazine!

on 4/9/10 6:24 am
Topic: RE: Want to be in OH Magazine?
 Hey Guys, we are wrapping up the May/June issue and I just wanted to give a big thanks to all of you who sent photos in. I got some great images and I think the next issue is going to look wonderful thanks to you guys! 

Please keep in mind just because you were not selected for this issue doesn't mean that you might not be selected for a future issue, it just all depends on the topic of the articles and how relevant the photos are to them. Also, even though this post will be taken down soon I am always accepting submissions, so keep them coming. Thanks again everyone!

on 12/22/09 5:59 am
Topic: RE: Help...I've become a scale junkie!
 Hey Jana, there will be a 4 page article on scale obsession in the Jan issue of OH magazine. But in the mean time this might help as well. Thanks.

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4072710/Im-obsessed-w ith-weighing-myself/
on 12/11/09 6:05 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
I totally agree. I'll have to do some research on that, it sounds like it would make a great article for OH Magazine! Thanks!
on 12/11/09 5:54 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
 That's a great point! Well said Sarah!
on 12/11/09 5:35 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
 I couldn't agree more...gonna call this one a Photoshop Fail!
on 12/11/09 5:30 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
Has anyone read some of comments that people left on that photo? Some of those people are down right jerky! Especially this one: "THEY SHOULD MAKE ALL OF THESE OBESE PEOPLE SIT TOGETHER AND MAKE EACH OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE" Seriously buddy? I am nominating FRED STEMMING as douche bag of the year!

Here is what I think. People like this point their finger at obese people and say "it's your fault!" but why don't any of them look at the airlines. When I was at my heaviest (almost 400lbs) I flew cross country a few times, and I don't have tell you it is really painful. One of the things I was looking forward to during my weight loss was being able to fly comfortably, but guess what? I am still uncomfortable! I am 6'2 and an average size now but after 1 hour in one of those seats I am hurting. My knees are in the back of the seat, and the seat is so upright you cant get comfortable. So why does no one look to the airlines and ask "why cant you sacrifice a little profit to make seats that will fit at least 50% of the population?". Granted, some obese individuals probably still wont fit, but at least for some of them on the border line the person next to them can't complain.

on 12/11/09 4:29 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!

LOL...AA would not long stand for American Airlines, but rather Anabeth's Airplanes? ;)

But yeah, I agree. Legally, yeah it's in public and they are probably not breaking any laws. But morally, they dont have a leg to stand on. This is the point that worries me. Obese people are looked a differently, they are seen a fair game for some reason. Can you imagine if this was the same story, but instead of the interesting fact being that it's an obese guy, what if it was a double amputee? The outrage would be incredible. you would hear activist groups chiming in all over. But no, he's obese, and that makes him fair game. It's just not right

on 12/11/09 4:15 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
 Yeah, i wondered that too until I did some research. It looks like the blog never pulled it down...or at least put it back up. Nice conspiracy thinking though! :)

http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/unusual-attitude/2009/11/p assenger-creates-big-debate-a.html

on 12/11/09 4:06 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
 Yeah, I agree. I didnt want to get into the details, but since you brought it up. ;) If you zoom in and look closely, the pixels that exist around the edges of where the man meets the background are a lot rougher and larger than those in the rest of the image. This tells us 2 things. If this is a fake then the original photo of the man was a smaller resolution than the shot of the plane. The other thing is that the faker, if there is one, didn't blend the foreground and background together well enough. Okay, Photoshop lecture over...you can wake up now! ;)
on 12/11/09 3:37 am
Topic: RE: Conspiracy Theory of the Day!
 So most of you have probably already seen this image this week, but for those of you who haven't here it is:


The image was supposedly taken by a concerned flight attendant who was worried about the safety of the passengers on an AA flight. At the risk of rolling out the conspiracy bandwagon, I have a few concerns about the photo. As someone who spends a minimum of 30 hours a week in PhotoShop (because it's my job and has been for 7 years) there are a few things that are off.

1. The man is at least 1 1/2 feet taller than anyone on the plane. So either is he VERY tall and obese, or he is average height and obese and someone as increase his size, height and width.

2. Unless you are in the emergency row those armrest on the isle do not lift up, which means that he must have one cheek on the armrest and the other in the seat. So why does he look level? He should at least be tilting a little.

3. At the point that his butt is no longer supported by the seat/arm lift, if he is that overweight there should be a bulge there. Any of us that has been that overweight knows that. But instead it looks level, as if he was sitting on a bar stool or something.

I'm not saying this photo is a fake, the truth is I don't know if it is or isn't. What I do know is something doesn't look right. So my question is this: If it is a fake who stands to benefit? The faker perhaps, but on a larger scale the airlines stand to benefit. It makes it easier for them to say "see, obese people should pay more, they are a safety risk". My other question is if it isn't fake should a flight attendant be permitted to take a photo and submit it to the AP for the whole world to see. After all, even though we can't see his face, this guy, if he exist, knows it's him.

As someone who spent 24 years as an morbidly obese individual I'm pretty sensitive to this kinda stuff and obesity acceptance in general. When I was obese I would see people staring or get rejected in everyday life, but I would tell myself "you are over analyzing, it's not because you are fat." And then after I lost the weight and there were no more stares and not as much rejection and I came to the sad truth; it was because I was fat. Being fat truly is the last acceptable prejudice in America. We live in a country where a movie like Shallow Hal is released and no one bats an eye. I mean after all, it's her fault she is fat, that means we can make fun of her right? Wrong. So concerning the topic at hand. Do you think that prejudice is spilling over to the corporate word when airlines charge the obese for 2 seats? Or is it just a business based decision that they are making?

Michael Miller
Art Director
OH Magazine

on 11/20/09 7:53 am, edited 11/6/09 5:06 am
Topic: RE: OH Magazine Needs Your Photos!
 Hey OHers!

I am the Art Director for OH Magazine and I need your help. You might have seen some of my other post about the changes we are making to OH Magazine. If not the short version is this: We are making it all about you! So whenever possible I’d like to be able to use images of members rather than generic stock photos. This is where you come in. If you have a picture that you would like to have considered for use in a future issue of OH Magazine please email it to me at [email protected]. Also, please include a short blurb about yourself and your journey.

For Before & After photos please click here for special instructions.

If we choose your photo to use we will send you a few copies of the issue you are in to show off to your family and friends! So get going and send me your photos! :)

Michael Miller

Art Director

OH Magazine

PS: Be sure to send photos that are large enough to be used in print. At least 1000 pixels wide or tall. Thanks!
on 11/19/09 5:11 am
Topic: RE: profile help

 Hey Jessica, first click on "my oh" in the nav bar. Then on the upper right corner of your profile click on "Customize Start Page". From there you can change lots of stuff, feeds, colors, etc. Have fun!

on 11/13/09 5:56 am
Topic: RE: Government Cheese...
 Oh yeah, Victor Lawson is teaching 6th grade art with him now I think. Bob Lane partied? Wow...I cant even wrap my head around that.

Wow...it's too bad Mike wasn't supportive. Actually, scratch that, it's too bad that WLS has such a stigma too it. You get a couple people running their mouth about things they aren't educated in and BAM! It's sticks and is trusted as fact.

Okay, anyway...getting off my soapbox. As far as telling him I had WLS too, while it would be funny, it wouldn't be true. I was fortunate in the fact that I had never really dieted or exercised and my body took too it pretty well and I was able to lose my weight like that. I am blessed, not everyone can.
on 11/13/09 5:25 am
Topic: RE: Government Cheese...
OMG! Are you kidding me!?! Mike Smith was my Art I teacher! He was teaching me around the time that myself and a friend decided we wanted to teach art. Long story short, after high school I changed my mind and when into Graphic Design, my friend didn't and is now teaching side by side with Mike. Wow...crazy huh? Ask him if he remembers me, I'd bet anything he does. And Bob Lane, yeah, he was my Algebra I teacher...great guy, even if he is a little scary looking...to an 8th grader anyway.
on 11/13/09 5:01 am
Topic: RE: Government Cheese...
LOL We just might be! I think they are up to 2 McDonalds now! Moving on up in the world Richlands is! Although all the business is moving to Claypool Hill cause the town taxes them to death. I went to Richlands Middle school and have a niece going there now! What is your brother's name? You know it really is a small world...I make a message board post and get a reply from someone from Richlands and someone else from Tazewell...craziness! 
on 11/13/09 2:10 am
Topic: RE: Government Cheese...
 Ooo...really?!? Is it close to the government stuff. I think I might be heading to the grocery store for lunch! :P
on 11/13/09 12:33 am
Topic: RE: Government Cheese...
 Sorry...my bad I guess! ;)