Sarahlicious’s Posts

on 2/3/25 6:00 am
Topic: RE: Tell CMS You Support Coverage for Obesity Medications

Keep moving forward...I've always compared advocacy to managing chronic condition of obesity, can't stop doing what we're doing.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 1/31/25 12:30 pm
Topic: RE: Tell CMS You Support Coverage for Obesity Medications

I've been advocating for improved access to care for obesity treatments since 2013, there has always been bipartisan support for coverage of obesity medications. We keep moving forward with our stories and our ask for obesity to treated like any other chronic disease.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 1/24/25 2:09 pm
Topic: RE: Tell CMS You Support Coverage for Obesity Medications

Have you been denied insurance coverage for a GLP-1?

Click the link to submit a Public Comment to CMS in Support of Expanding Coverage for Obesity Medications: SPublicCommentJanuary2025

In November, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a Proposed Rule that would expand coverage for obesity medications under Medicare and Medicaid. There is a 60-day public comment period that allows individuals to submit feedback on the Proposed Rule.

Why YOU should submit a Public Comment:

  • Public comments play a crucial role in shaping policy by making voices heard and contributing to meaningful change. OAC advocacy efforts have been instrumental in reaching this significant milestone.
  • Your voice can help ensure access to obesity care for millions of Americans.
  • Medicare and Medicaid coverage policy sets the standard for other insurers, both private and public.

Submit comments on the Proposed Rule by January 27th at 5 PM.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/9/16 5:54 pm
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT

Yes, it bothers me that he is putting down women in general when the show is supposed to be about basketball, right? Why are they the topic of conversation at all? 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/3/16 8:52 am
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT

Yes, there is a consideration made as to whether speaking up will actually get the message through, and that is why it is directed to NBA and TNT verse Barkley himself. I mean ESPN fired Shilling for inappropriate comments, and NBA took away Stirling team for inappropriate comments. Yet, year after year Barkley is allowed to mock not only a disease but women. Trust me there are often battles I don't fight because I do not see the person as open to actually listening, and yes I'm sure Barkley's mind might not be changed but I feel it's worth a try.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/3/16 8:19 am
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT

I understand your concern. I am involved with OAC and trust them, but here is their privacy policy Also the letter recipients, NBA and TNT, would only received your name and e-mail address as the e-mail will be "sent" from you. 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/3/16 7:34 am
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT

I don't think good deeds should excuse bad ones. Shaq is an alumni of Barry University where I worked and received a second degree and it bothers me that participates in the banter and that one of them stops him or say gets him back on the topic of basketball? He's not only offensive to those affected by obesity but to women. And we're just supposes to accept he's joking. No it's not funny. And it's a sports commentary show not a comedy club. 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/3/16 7:29 am
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT

I know many people who do not struggle with their weight but do acknowledge and accept that obesity is a not only a disease but that those living with obesity are subject to unfair judgement and bias in society. Times are changing, and it's due to people speaking up for themselves and others more and more. My weight is not a joke, getting fired from a job due to weight discrimination is not a joke, going without a medical diagnosis because a doctor just blames symptoms on weight is not a joke. Weight bias and fat shaming is not just emotionally hurtful, but is physically harmful when it perpetuates stereotypes.  

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/2/16 6:55 pm
Topic: RE: Action Alert: Charles Barkley's Weight Shaming comments on TNT



Sign the petition:

Tampa, Fla. - The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a more than 52,000 member-strong organization, is calling on TNT to suspend Charles Barkley for his latest weight bias-fueled comments made during a recent Inside the NBA broadcast on TNT.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Barkley has once again taken the low road and targeted women in San Antonio for their weight and size. In 2015, the OAC spoke out publicly against Mr. Barkley's biased comments, and once again, he's unfairly targeted individuals dealing with obesity," said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.

The OAC maintains a strong stance on weight bias in that individuals affected by obesity frequently struggle with not only the health and physical consequences of their disease, but also with other social consequences. The OAC strongly believes that no person should be discriminated against based on their size or weight.

As a former NBA player and sports personality, Mr. Barkley should encourage equality and respect among society and not look to segment one population because of their size. Obesity is a serious medical condition impacting more than 72 million U.S. adults nationwide.

"My question to Mr. Barkley would be, 'What value does targeting this population bring to your abilities as an NBA analyst? Why do you continue to stigmatize individuals with obesity?' There is simply no value to his comments, and they need to stop - now," said Amber Huett-Garcia, MPA, OAC Chairwoman.

Mr. Barkley repeatedly offends individuals with obesity, and yet, TNT and the NBA fail to see the problem with this. At this time, the OAC is calling on all members and the public to contact TNT leadership and encourage the suspension of Mr. Barkley. The OAC has also contacted the Commissioner of the NBA, Adam Silver, to encourage Mr. Barkley to immediately apologize for his comments.


I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 12/9/15 8:34 am
Topic: RE: Contact your Senators to cosponsor Lymphedema Treatment Act!

The Lymphedema Treatment Act has been introduced in the Senate so now is the time to ask your Senators to cosponsor this very important piece of legislation. We have 170 cosponsors in the House of Representatives!

Wonderful news - Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) along with Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have introduced the ?Lymphedema? Treatment Act in the Senate!

It is extremely important that your Senators hear from you. Please contact your Senators to ask them to cosponsor the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

We've made it easy to contact your Senators and Reps:

Step #1 - E-mail your Rep & Senators - template letter provided, just fill in your name and address and personalize the letter if desired.

Step #2 - Call your Senators - talking points, number to call, and staff member to ask for provided - this step is so important!

Step #3 - Call your Rep - talking points, number to call, and staff member to ask for provided - this step is so important!

Step #4 - Contact your Rep & Senators Via Social Media - links for accounts and sample tweets and Facebook posts provided.

*Repeat Steps 1-4 As Needed!

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 10/13/15 1:53 pm
Topic: RE: Conference


Here are some tips from veteran conference attendees. Also there will be a Mix n Mingle Friday morning at 10 AM that will allow the opportunity to meet others. But any time you need a break just relax in the lobby, meeting a lot of new people can be overwhelming but I assure you there are others who have been in the same situation, so lots of understanding. ps-attending-a-conference /obesityhelp-community-tips-attending-a-conference

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 5/8/15 8:33 pm
Topic: RE: Exciting changes are here!

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/20/15 4:16 am
Topic: RE: Finding large woman evening wear for a wedding in a month???

OneStopPlus combines several websites, it's now called FullBeauty, they have a special occasion dress section. .aspx?deptid=15080

Also Avenue has some special occasion Might find location in your area.

Catherines sed-guest-collection/4559c17769/

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/17/15 12:21 am
Topic: RE: anyone heading to the obesity forum in october?

I have attended nearly 10 ObesityHelp events, starting back in 10 years too! I really enjoyed meeting people who I interacted with on the forums in real life. Still connected to many of them, even beyond our shared weight loss surgery experience, we have many things in common. I still like going to them because things chance, new friends keep me informed on new surgery types and new protocols, new products. Back when I had WLS there weren't a lot of protein shake and vitamin companies.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/8/15 2:26 am
Topic: RE: 600lb. life

I've seen it....was very disturbing. Manual lymph massage and compression wrapping are standard protocol, sometimes a compression pump. The information is out there if doctors care to look to find it.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/8/15 2:24 am
Topic: RE: 600lb. life

Losing weight takes pressure off the lymphatic system. With lymphedema it is recommended to try and keep your weight near normal, of course lymphedema has several causes, primary and secondary, cancer related, non-cancer related. And of course the lymph fluid weighs a lot itself, so some of a person excess weight is actually from the lymphedema. The best plan of action is to have both compression therapy while undergoing any weight loss attempts. Having the large pannus putting pressure on the groin area, which is where a lot of lymph node are located. So WLS can improve the lymphedema, some patients have a lot easier time managing it might not wear compression and be fine, others maybe not.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/7/15 2:18 pm
Topic: RE: 600lb. life

Yes, removing the tissue but that's not removing lymphedema, lymphedema is the condition and will have to be managed for life, and while Mayo Clinic might be knowledgeable in many things, lymphedema is not really one or at least not all the possible causes of lymphedema and treatments...they don't even mention lipedema on their website and it was discovered there in 1940.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 4/7/15 11:45 am
Topic: RE: 600lb. life

Glad she is doing well....

However, she didn't have lymphedema removal...the show completely misrepresents what lymphedema is and how it is treated. Lymphedema is a condition, it cannot be removed, excess skin or tissue caused from lymphedema can be removed...same as a hernia is not's repaired. The doctor on the show is always talking about lympehdema as a thing, and removing "it"...very irritating. Rarely do I ever see a person on the show get actual compression treatment for their lymphedema. 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 3/27/15 4:43 am
Topic: RE: ***ACTION ALERT*** Lymphedema Treatment Act Re-introduced

I know there are many WLS who also suffer with lymphedema. It's time to act! HR 1608 - The‪ Lymphedema‬ Treatment Act has been re-introduced to Congress! 

So please use the easy system to contact your representative and ask that they co-sponsor the bill. Please share with your family and friends, you don't have to be a patient, anyone can write in on our behalf.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 3/19/15 6:29 am
Topic: RE: Tax Deductable Expense?????

It's possible, but will depend on the specific FSA policy and guidelines established by your employer or the company they use to manage the FSA plan. This information should be given to you by request. I actually used FSA to attend an OH event, as registration and travel for a medically specific conference were eligible for reimbursement by the plan I had. As for taxes, in order to be deductible medical expenses have to be over and above a certain percentage of your total gross income. 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 3/17/15 11:02 am, edited 3/17/15 11:05 am
Topic: RE: 10 days left to save $10 with OH2015 Early Bird Registration!

10 days left to save $10 with ‪#‎OH2015‬ Early Bird Registration!

Just $75 for two days of education, support and celebration! 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 2/21/15 4:43 am
Topic: RE: New Weight Limit Trend Headed Your Way

Ok the labels are more of a safety warning (CYA for risk management) since I have heard recently that many purchasers who think they are doing "good" by getting wider chairs for waiting rooms actually FAIL to pay attention to the weight capacity of the chairs. But yes, if these are the only chairs available in the area then they do need to provide better accommodations for their patients. Explain to me how we fight the war on obesity when patients affected by obesity do not have adequate access to care? Chairs, scales, BP cuffs, exam tables? Then I'm told I can't expect everyone to accommodate my weight size??? Excuse me? 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 2/19/15 3:00 am
Topic: RE: How do you manage hair loss after surgery?

Valerie, there are so many different experiences I've seen throughout the years. For me it's always been more TE, and that's a good thing to include in tips, that some is just a normal reaction to the stress of surgery. I've always had thick hair and I have always "shed" at my worse health/highest weight I was experiencing a lot of hair loss more than normal and I could tell it was getting thinner, it was one of many concerns that prompted me to seek more/better medical help about my weight. About 4-6 months after my RNY I noticed the increase in "shedding" again, it lasted a few months. I experienced the same after my hernia repair/panni it occurred again...more than normal shedding but since it was already thick never appeared thin. 

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 2/18/15 11:35 pm
Topic: RE: How do you manage hair loss after surgery?

Time for another OH Community Tips! We often get emails, see threads or talk with people that are concerned about hair loss after surgery. We want to know how you managed hair loss after surgery? Did you take supplements? Use a special shampoo? Share your tips!

*We will turn this topic into a blog post with some of your helpful tips to further help the OH Community on their journey. Blog posts are shared on the OH Social Media pages.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 1/23/15 5:27 am
Topic: RE: My 600 pound life - Penny update tonite.

Yes, compression wrapping in order to be beneficial needs to be nearly 24/7 I would got to therapy 3 days a week keeping the wraps on in between. Sometimes they slid or got too tight and I would remove them. It's hard walk or be mobile with legs wrapped. Insurance can give issues in approving enough sessions. A compression pump you must allot hours a day to just laying in bed...although hey that can be a good excuse to be in bed!!!...sleeping with pump isn't really an option because 1. it can hurt 2. it's loud 3. not good to have legs tethered to a machine in case of emergency during the night. Patient compliance can be low, which then in turn makes insurance not want to cover needed therapies. Difficult cycle...and I've found many fellow chronic illness patients who can relate to that frustration of managing overall health, even with different illnesses.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

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