helionoftroy’s Posts

on 6/25/15 5:32 am
Topic: RE: Need OH More Than Ever Now - cross post

Premier Protein can be found in most grocery stores. I would stay away from EAS, it's soy based. Stay strong!! 


on 6/24/15 2:59 pm
Topic: RE: Salad

You must have some serious insecurities if posting nutritional information got you upset. 2 grams of carbs per serving is not a bowl full. I'm pleased that you laughed your a$$ off because narrow minded viewpoints can't see beyond their superiority and that is more telling about who YOU are. Yeah, I like Tyra Banks and I especially like Greece, which is where this was filmed and is where I'm from. YOU have made this personal because YOU can't handle someone calling you out, and I will continue to if I read something you post that I disagree with. I"m sure you won't stop till you get the last word. Your long term knowledge is worthless when presented in the snarky tone you take pride in using. Please do us both a favor and block me. You hide behind an anonymous profile, which prevents me from blocking you.   


on 6/24/15 5:24 am
Topic: RE: Salad

What makes that salad so unhealthy? Is it the salad greens or is it the meets, cheeses, croutons, nuts, and salad dressing? And lets not forget the bacon bits, which in some cases are fake soy bacon flavored bits.


on 6/24/15 5:17 am
Topic: RE: Salad

To imply that a salad will curtail my weight loss is ridiculous. I see that you are the one becoming obsessed about this to the point you had to search for this photo, just to make your point that I am wrong and you are right. We are not talking about a bowl of pasta, we are talking about a bowl of salad. I am 3 months out, not 2, and I'm allowed to have raw foods. I understand the OP's desire for a salad. I've been there. Maybe you forgot what it was like to be a newbie. I get all my protein in and enjoy an occasional salad. Your actions invalidate your expertise and make your statements unbelievable. 


on 6/23/15 11:32 am
Topic: RE: Salad

There was a photo session on America's Next Top Model where they were posing in a huge salad bowl and pouring olive oil all over themselves. Salad forever!! No salad for you OP! So say the vets! At least she's craving salad and not a cheeseburger.


on 6/23/15 10:00 am
Topic: RE: Salad

Actually, the salad I make has cheese, garbanzo beans, and either ham or turkey with a homemade vinaigrette. Sometimes I get fancy and add shrimp to the iceberg. What other things are you referring to? Croutons? Ranch dressing? Or is it maybe other veggies that are the problem because they are full of carbs? Should we toss out the tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and peppers because they contain carbs? How about blueberries? Should we eliminate them as well? I suppose if we want to stay strictly to all meat we should make room for some type of laxative. Thanks, but I would rather have a bowl of salad full of healthy carbs and not suffer with constipation.


on 6/22/15 4:53 pm
Topic: RE: Salad

One cup of iceberg lettuce contains: 10 calories, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram protein, 2 grams carbs (1 of dietary fiber), 7 percent of vitamin A, 3 percent of vitamin C, 1 percent of calcium and 2 percent of iron. It also contains trace amounts of potassium, folate, vitamin K, magnesium and phosphorus. Sometimes you just gotta have a salad. The first thing I craved when I could have whole food was a salad.


on 6/12/15 6:33 am
Topic: RE: Opti-fast vs. Other Protein Drinks

Don't let them force you to buy Opti-fast. You are much better off eating whole food. Have you ever looked at the ingredients list for those "weight loss products"? Nothing but crap.


on 6/12/15 6:11 am
Topic: RE: Protein Powder coupon-x post

EAS is soy based. I try to avoid soy as much as possible.


on 5/31/15 11:31 am
Topic: RE: How to get packed lunches to withstand 100+ degree heat

I normally freeze water bottles and pack them into my cooler instead of ice. The frozen bottles keep the cooler nice and cold and you have water when you need it, just take a bottle out and let it thaw.


on 5/29/15 8:52 pm
Topic: RE: Protein Shakes

Thank you!!! I'll go tomorrow to Walgreens and see if I can find any!!


on 5/29/15 5:31 pm
Topic: RE: Protein Shakes

My nutritionist told me to stop drinking protein shakes and to get all my protein from food. Well, I can't eat enough to get all my protein from food and rely on shakes to supplement. I've discovered that I have a sensitivity to sucralose and really don't care for aspartame, which can be found in one protein shake or another. I also have sensitivity to soy due to my Hashimotos disease. I looked into organic whey protein shakes that are sweetened with Stevia leaf but, found they have soy. I really liked the Unjury brand while I was in the hospital. Unfortunately, Unjury has sucralose and soy. Premier protein also has sucralose. I thought I could possibly tolerate a little bit of sucralose but each time I tried I would get sick. The ones from Walmart, super advanced whey, have a metallic taste that are yucky! 

Sigh...what to do??   Anyone know of a protein shake that is sweetened with stevia and does not contain soy? I like my shakes, especially in the morning with a little bit of coffee added.


on 5/25/15 5:53 pm
Topic: RE: TruMoo

I did a search on Myofusion protein drinks and they have them on Amazon. I will give them a try. I like to have a protein shake in the mornings, even though my nutritionist says I'm not supposed to anymore.


on 5/25/15 5:50 pm
Topic: RE: TruMoo

I know right!!!! We were at Jellystone Park for Memorial Day Weekend and I found it at the gas station, thinking I found a good and new protein drink. Even though my nutritionist told me last week not to drink protein drinks anymore I still rely on them to get all my protein in. I had taken a couple of sips as I was writing and decided to look at the nutrition label. I was shocked at the amount of sugar that's in that "protein" drink. What makes it worse is that what's labeled as 25g of protein is for the entire bottle, which is 2 servings. So that 37 grams of sugar is for half the bottle, if I had drunk the entire bottle to get my 25 grams of protein I would have consumed 74 grams of sugar!! CRAZY, and very misleading! The lesson I learned? READ THE NUTRITION LABELS before purchasing.


on 5/25/15 12:55 pm
Topic: RE: TruMoo

It's not just chocolate milk. It's labeled as a Protein drink with 25g of protein and it cost me $2.49 for a small container. I thought I was getting something good. It sure tasted good but had WAY to MUCH sugar for me. My son enjoyed it.


on 5/25/15 12:50 pm
Topic: RE: TruMoo

It's TruMoo Chocolate Protein Plus, with 25g of protein. It's labeled as a protein drink and the cost reflects the marketing.


on 5/24/15 12:48 pm
Topic: RE: TruMoo

I just tried TruMoo chocolate low fat milk Protein Plus. It has 25g of protein & taste just like TruMoo chocolate milk!!! I'm in love with this!! It's the BEST protein drink I've tasted so far. Oh wait, I just read the bottle & noticed it's full of sugar. No wonder it taste so good. Darn it! I should have read the nutrition label first. Looks like my son will get to enjoy the rest of it. I should have know it was too good to be true! 


on 5/11/15 6:17 am
Topic: RE: Burping

I thought about what you both said and wondered if I was eating too fast or too much to cause me to burping as often as I do. First thing this morning I took a swallow of water to take my medication, which is just one pill for my thyroid, and immediately burped after the sip of water. Again after each sip of my morning tea. I guess I'm getting air in my stomach when I drink anything, which could be causing me to burp.


on 5/10/15 10:11 am
Topic: RE: Burping

I'm always burping since surgery. I mean, I burp A LOT and all the time. Is this common?


on 5/6/15 6:09 pm
Topic: RE: Adverse reaction to Splenda

Dang!! That's a long list of ingredients. But, Sucralose is less then 1%. I honestly don't know what else could have caused me so much pain. I was pouring a lot of syrup in my shakes. I still think it's the Splenda. 


on 5/6/15 10:56 am
Topic: RE: Adverse reaction to Splenda

You could be right about the yogurt making me throw up. But, my pain began when I started adding the sugar free syrup a week ago. It's the only new thing I've introduced into my diet. All my scans came out clear, no leaks or strictures. Even before my WLS I didn't use artificial sweeteners and didn't like what I read about the side effects of aspartame. Either way, I won't be using the syrups anymore. Better safe than sorry.


on 5/5/15 9:43 am
Topic: RE: Adverse reaction to Splenda

I was at the hospital today for 6 hours. I had to have an upper GI and CAT scan to find out why I was in so much pain. Anything I ate or drank was torture going down. Luckily for me, nothing serious should up an any of the scans. I see my surgeon after all the tests and he tells me that something I ate has aggravated my pouch. Everything had been going great up until Wednesday. My doctor questioned me about eating sweets, which I have not been. I wasn't even tempted to have a bite of my sons birthday cake, so that wasn't the issue. He put me back on stage 1...liquids plus some meds. I go back next week to follow up.

I racked my brain to think what has changed in my diet. As I was sitting at the kitchen table thinking about the foods I have eaten I took a sip of the protein drink I made the day before and had in the fridge. Pure protein vanilla creme with skim milk,yogurt, and sugar free caramel syrup. You know the kind of syrup...Torani, made with Splenda. As soon as the second swallow hit my throat it felt like lead going down and then the pain started. I ran to the bathroom and threw it up, I felt so much better afterwards.

I waited a couple of hours before I tested anything else. It was already 5:00 and I was starving so I had a premier protein shake, chocolate pre-mixed carton. Not so bad, in fact, it didn't hurt all that much. There was some discomfort but I think it was because my throat was raw. I also had a bowl of chicken broth about 30 minutes ago and that went down nicely. The warm liquid felt good.

Therefore, I have deduced that Splenda is not my friend. If anything, it is my worst enemy and will not ever cross my lips again. I told my mom that I will only keep it natural from now on and will be avoiding any food product that is processed. If I have the urge for something sweet I will extract sweetener from pure stevia leaves.    


on 4/24/15 9:42 pm
Topic: RE: Help please!!

Your headaches are withdrawal symptoms. Once your body is clear from caffeine you headaches will go away. 


on 4/23/15 7:35 am
Topic: RE: Fed Up

I love watching documentaries. I just finished watching "Fed Up" on Netflix. It's narrated by Katie Couric, who I love, and it talks about the food industry and childhood obesity. If you have Netflix I highly recommend watching. Several children are interviewed about their struggles with obesity and several Doctors and experts are also interviewed. One child, 14 years old, has weight loss surgery. I will not spoil the ending but I will say that it is well worth the time to watch. I, along with many others, struggled with childhood obesity so it hits pretty close to home for me.  


on 4/1/15 11:54 pm
Topic: RE: XPost To all ex-banded people or those who are "anti-band"

I found where the FDA recalled the Realize lap-band from 2010-2011.



