How do I get through the wait?

Shasta L.
on 9/2/07 2:04 pm - CO
Hello all. i have have my surgery schedualed for December 12th. This is very intentional. I could have had it done earlier, but this is the best time for me with school, and work. But now that I have chosen that date I don't think I can wait anymore. i just want to have it done right now, and get on with my life. I know that I will be using the time untill my surgery to start making healthy changes in my life, and lose some weight pre-op, but it is still sooooo hard to wait. Any suggestions to make the time go by a little easier?

Lady Lithia
on 9/2/07 2:10 pm
Make friends here, make plans, make life changes, go through your closet and make sure your smaller sized clothing is available so that you can go "clothes shopping" in your own closet.  I wish I had a date! :)

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
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on 9/2/07 2:11 pm - Simpsonville, SC
Hi, I had to do a six month diet history for my insurance and that time flew by.  That is just 3 months and as a post op patient I would like to encourage you to learn to eat slow ans sip.  I know people told me this also and I am sure you have heard it alot.  That is the biggest problem I had after surgery.  Learn to chew chew and chew some more and eat slow.  I didn't have any problem getting my fluids in before surgery but then after surgery I couldn't do it.  So that is why I say learn to sip.  Really, just take it one day at a time and it will be here before you know it.  Best of luck

Tammy P.

Shasta L.
on 9/2/07 2:14 pm - CO
Thanks for replying great ideas. Especially the one about being on here. OH is my lifeline. i wouldn't have made it this far without my OH family. Hmm I never thought about buying smalle clothes already, but that actually sounds like fun. I just might do it. I hope you get your date soon to. It is hard waiting, but Ill get through it. My heart goes out too all the people out there who are still struggling just to get insurance approval, or who will never get insurance approval.

Shasta L.
on 9/2/07 2:15 pm - CO
Thanks I too am worried about gettin water in after surgery. Right now I get in plenty of water, but that is because I can gul a class down in no time flat. I am going to use this time to practice. Thanks for the suggestions

Simply ME!
on 9/2/07 2:16 pm - Las Cruces, NM
I am trying to spread out all the pre-procedure work-ups out over the six months supervised diet i have to have for my surgery.  My hopes is this will keep my mind busy working toward my goal of having surgery in January

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on 9/2/07 2:26 pm - East Patchogue, NY
the time will FLY by and it will be here before you know it!!
on 9/2/07 2:38 pm - Pittsburgh, PA

First of all, congrats on getting your date, and for already being on the OH.  I wish I found this place pre-op!  Now is the time to start making small changes that will add up to big successes for your new life!!  Just as the other posters wrote....learn to eat slow and chew at least 20 times per bite.  Also, sip sip sip and try to do it without a straw, because straws can put air in you later on.  You may also want to try to eat without drinking, because the liquids can fill you up and  limit your food intake as well as push your food through your pouch too quickly (can lead to you not absorbing as much).    I also used my 6 month pre-op to make better food choices, eliminate grazing (stuck to a 3 meals and 2 snacks plan), and got used to at least 64 ounces of water.  You may also want to start some type of exercise routine, even if it means a 10-15 minute walk, or starting to park your car further away, or taking stairs instead of elevators, etc.  Any weight you can lose before surgery, will help to shrink your liver which is helpful during these procedures, especially if it is laparoscopic.  Plus, the bonus is that any weight loss now, will be less to lose later!! Finally, start a journal to work on your head because WLS doesn't fix the brain.  Journalling and therapy has helped me get through a  lot of the emotional stuff.   Good Luck to you and there is a reserved sign on your place on the Loser's Bench!! Hugs, Lora 

Shasta L.
on 9/2/07 3:23 pm - CO
Thanks to everyone who has posted.These are all really great suggestions. I will definatley be working on some of them.

on 9/2/07 3:40 pm - Glendale, AZ
First of all Congratulations on your date. School and work are just as important for you right now and just focus on that. I am in a similiar situation and I would feel foolish to push back my date but I know the time is going to fly by. You will have something to look forward to after a hard semester at school and going to work. Just think of it as a way to accomplish your goals this year before the year is out. Keep busy with family and friends.
}i{ Julie
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