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on 4/18/22 9:34 am
Topic: RE: Hitting a Rock Bottom / wake up call

I am ready to make a change. This has gotten me to a really dark place and I need the help.

on 4/18/22 7:06 am
RNY on 04/15/19
Topic: RE: First day here

Hello and welcome! I know this is a very exciting time for you. Having weight loss surgery was the best decision for me personally and I have no regrets. I am off of several medications and feel like a new person. My advice is to make sure you are mentally ready for all the changes and to be very dedicated to following your surgeons plan. Also, support is very important and easily accessible these days as many centers offer online support groups and seminars. Good luck on your new journey!

on 4/18/22 7:01 am
RNY on 10/21/20
Topic: RE: New Here...finally scheduled initial consultation

I think I may have replied to another post of yours but I wanted to post to this one and tell you that while you are waiting for your consult and ultimately your surgery start with the changes in your lifestyle NOW. Start cutting back on the carbs and sugar and focus more on proteins and low carb. The surgery is just a tool and if you start with the small adaptions it can help your mental approach once you do have surgery. There are a lot of people here who are willing to help answer questions and cheer you on but there is also a page that is dedicated to recipes. I did not know about this until about a month ago when someone at my support group printed off a recipe she found to share with the group. It was from here. I don't know where to find the page I have been looking when I find it I will share it with you.

on 4/18/22 6:58 am
RNY on 04/15/19
Topic: RE: Hitting a Rock Bottom / wake up call

You sure have been going through a lot. Time for a change and you can make it happen! You deserve to be healthy and live life to the fullest. It took me a long time to get to a place where I asked for help and even considered weight loss surgery. But I am sure glad I made the decision and moved forward.

on 4/18/22 6:54 am
RNY on 10/21/20
Topic: RE: Three weeks post of Roux en Y and having issues

Nausea and weakness are both factors in dehydration as others have pointed out. You have to constantly sip on water or some liquid to keep yourself hydrated and I know that can be hard when you are only a few weeks out. I struggled with feeling queasy after drinking water and I found out that the cold water was the culprit. My nutrition girl told me to drink room temp water and see if that helped. It did - I now only want ICE COLD water and I do not have any issues with nausea so it did get better. Since you are having nausea it could be another reason why you can't get your protein in. I really do hope you can get some resolution to the problem but it does get better and this surgery is so worth it.

on 4/18/22 6:46 am
RNY on 10/21/20
Topic: RE: First day here

Hi and welcome You have come to the right place to get advice and learn more from people who have had surgery. I also found out a few months ago that obesityhelp holds a national conference and there are several people from these boards going. I am planning on going because it is just another tool to help me stay on the right road. I had surgery in Oct 2020 and I have not regretted it one bit. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I am about 50 lbs from my goal and my life has been so much more rewarding now that I am able to do more with my family.

on 4/18/22 6:38 am
RNY on 10/21/20
Topic: RE: Hitting a Rock Bottom / wake up call

I was in the same shape before I had my surgery and i can't tell you how much this has changed my life. I was super morbidly obese and I had several health issues including high blood pressure and fluid retention in my lower legs along with many more issues. I was in the hospital about 6 times before I finally realized I had to do something and doing on my own was going to be discouraging and hard. I am not saying this surgery is easy, I am saying that I needed this tool to help me succeed and have long term success. Don't let too much time go by before you set your mind to this. You will find some awesome people here that are always willing to answer questions or share their experiences so don't feel like you are alone you may be at the beginning of your journey but there are plenty of people here who will cheer you on this road to better lifestyle.

on 4/17/22 6:44 pm
Topic: RE: New Here...finally scheduled initial consultation

Thank you.

I had another "wake up call" moment yesterday. Ended up in the ER with chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and weakness. Was concerned about my heart again and it turns out I have multiple pulmonary embolisms at 31. My health is very poor and I'm afraid of dying young if I don't get this surgery.

on 4/17/22 11:57 am
Topic: Hitting a Rock Bottom / wake up call

I think I've hit my rock bottom with my weight and the life I'm 31, I'm slowly killing my self with food and that's shaken me.

My recent ER visits with cardiac / stroke concerns have really shaken me. They've been wake up calls, honestly.

Just last night I was back in the ER with a diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism so now I'm on blood thinners on top of my already lengthy medication regime for all of my illnesses. At arrival to the ER my BP was 178/108 and a heart rate of 137. This is with anti hypertensive / arrhythmic meds already on board.

I can barely walk without getting totally winded, constantly in pain, labs getting worse and's time for change.

White Dove
on 4/16/22 4:17 pm - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: New Here...finally scheduled initial consultation

Hi Carrielee,

I had surgery in 2007 and still have almost all of the weight off. I am about six pounds over my goal, but have had several gains and losses in the last 15 years. I would advise you to research and make a list of questions to ask.

I really believe that a surgery with malaborption gives a great long term advantage. Surgery does not do the work for you, but it is a great tool. Keeping the weight off for me requires constant support. I get a lot of help from this board. I hope you continue to post and keep us updated on your progress.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

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