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Youre in NY now right?
I can recommend a wonderful Bariatric team for you in Manhattan who have an entire floor at one of the best hospitals in NY.
They will work with you to immediately get insurance approval and will do everything your insurance requires counseling, blood test, heart test wise on site and quickly. Dr. Parikh the head surgeon has over 15 years daily experience and he did an amazing job on me both with the surgery but particularly with caring followup.
Every six months I receive a text that its time for my blood draw and the detailed results are painstakingly explained to me and vitamins prescribed if i need them.
In addition the team helps qualify their patients for panniculectomies , medically necessary skin removal sand lymphodema treatment without insurance complications and again in the safest and best hospital without copays if at all possible
After weight loss surgery, I got rid of my depressive state. My mental and emotional health finally normalized. In addition to my physical health problems, being overweight harmed my self-esteem, social standing, and thoughts in general. Owning a new body, I found mental peace. In addition, I decided to get a dog to normalize my psychological state. It is scientifically proven that animals help cope with a heavy mental state. At, I found answers to many questions concerning such animals. They are salvation for many people who think there is no way out.
It is not a problem to take the pills after the operation; the only thing you should be concerned about is compatibility with the medical preparations you?ll be taking after the operation (if you?ll need them). However, you have nothing to worry about if you have talked about this with a doctor, and he said it would be okay. Talking about protein shakes, the same situation.
You should probably be more nervous about what might happen if you don't have the surgery. It's a lot higher risk to your family.
One thing the nurse told me before I had my surgery that stuck with me ~ All patients are nervous and results vary, but in her 20 years of working in the field, no one has ever asked for the fat back.
Mortality rate on RNY is 0.3%. It's even lower on sleeve (I can't remember exactly what it was since I was an RNY patient, but i do remember it was lower). That means you have a 99.7% or better chance of not dying on the table. And you won't. A common fear, but it almost never happens. You have a much greater chance of dying of an obesity-related complication than you do not making it through bariatric surgery.
Hi SheryIh895,
Did you have a weight loss surgery? You have to stop eating your old habit trying to full a void. It will cause you to gain some of your weight back. Most obesity people are battling excessive eating like you said trying to feel a void. Starting today, I want you to begin with a strong positive mindset starting eating healthy foods this will become your new friends in eating healthy habits!!! I guarantee you will lose weight!
I was almost 400 pounds! I ate excessively and I knew I had to change my eating habits to a healthy eating habits! The old eating habits was putting on more pounds. I just started being motivated had a strong positive mindset just strictly being mindful of continuing to eat healthy new food and there is a lot of healthy new foods choices out there for you too eat!
I had a gastric bypass surgery in 2/06/2020 I discontinue the old eating habits which is not good for us this is what cause us to become obesity. I continue to remain motivated mindful of continuing to eat healthy foods in my daily routine. I keep a journal on all the foods intake! I continue to eat in smaller portions in moderation only each day. I loss 171 pounds. I was wearing 6X in clothes now I wear size 12 in clothes now.
Just stay motivated, have a strong positive mindset and be mindful of all that you eat! Just focus on eating the new healthy foods now this is our best friends now daily. The old eating habits were never our friends and we knew that but we continue to eat excessively.
People have to take control of their eating habit back and do not let food control you? Learn to eat in moderation, small portions, and being mindful of just focusing on eating healthy food this is our best new friend now! Well, hope this all help you a lot!!!
Wish you the best in your journal.
Hi have an answer for you! Yes! go get a pedicure, do some shopping, stop at Book and Nobles just relax look at some books. Sometimes, you can eat at an restaurant order something healthy sit and relax. Keep you a daily journey of your daily activities what food intakes you eat on a day to day basis!
you can began learning how to meditate for 20 minutes a day or join a physical gym in your area! I see you want to pull your self away from food!!!May I ask you a question? Did you have a weight loss surgery?
Just eat in smaller portions and in moderation each day take one day at a time. Blueberries ? helps me crave my appetite and makes me get full faster! and I eat few strawberries ð?". I drink fruit smoothies just include organic fruits less sugar. If you drink juice just dilute i****er. I drink protein Equate protein drinks 60 grams a day.
Bake chicken, steam vegetables, salad ð?¥-- is light meal eat in small portions. keep you some organic almonds and sunflower seeds without the shells. You can have turkey jerky another source of protein.
Do not think of food all day. Then you want to indulge in eating food. You need to start a gym, swimming, it is really good to meditate and keep a long book of your activities so you will know what area you need to work on the most. I hope this help... Best of wishes you can do this!!!!
I revised my will and final arrangements before surgery. After surgery I felt great and was back to work six days later. I always prepare for the worst outcome and then go ahead with my plans and hope for the best outcome.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I dont know why have nervous and Fear of weight loss surgery I guess one could be I'm afraid what might happen to my children if I don't make through surgery, a other reason is weight over 500 lbs might I might not handle surgery well.
Please don't compare yourself with other people. It's your journey, nor someone elses.