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I'm glad you reached out and found support this way. I'm lucky that my husband and children support me. I won't share with my best friend because I KNOW she will not approve- she will feel the risks aren't worth it. Self esteem depression, not doing things because of weight, current health issues.... that's a risk... not feeling like I'm ever going to be dedicated enough to lose the amount of weight I need to lose to even touch Overweight let alone healthy weight. I looked into the surgeries and scared myself out of one of them but decided on another. It's right for me. You know what's right for you. I'm the most motivated and dedicated I've ever been because I feel hope and trust that I can get there before I die..... that makes it right.... you know. I am sorry you don't have support with family but you have support with people who get your struggles. God luck and keep posting.
Hey, I understand you so perfectly, I want you to know everything will be fine, I also had surgery not long ago and am here for support.
It's not vain to want to get fit and feel good about yourself. I had the Sadi DS in Nov 2014 and was considered a lightweight for wls (under 40bmi) with co-morbids. I did not ask anyone's permission or views about the surgery, and I have many people in my family. The surgery helped me achieve a much healthier weight and lifestyle. It would have never been possible w/o wls for me to lose the amount of weight I needed to, and keep it off. It's your health and your decision. My experience is that a majority of the nay-sayers are overweight and lead unhealthy lifestyles but somehow feel they should be telling you what is best.
FYI - There are many wls support groups for both in-person and online support. Your physician should be able to help you identify some.
Hi there...I keep tons of small amounts of food in my pockets!! You ready; all nuts (almond, walnuts, ect), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), rye crackers, other whole wheat crackers, raisins. When I feel my blood pressure dropping, I'll pop something into my mouth.
on 10/27/22 4:07 pm
I do have a latex mattress. There are no springs but it does have cores for support. Part of what sold me on it initially is that they're supposed to be cooler than regular mattresses. I'd say that's true. This past year I have added a memory foam topper since I had previously liked firmer mattresses but seem to feel everything more as I age. Part of what helped was going in and laying down on everything they had on display. So for me, latex worked. No springs in mine, though.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 10/27/22 3:12 pm
I would not go with just a memory foam. I bought a new mattress pre WLS and the research on what was good for heavy people led me to get a Saatva, it's a spring, latex and pillow top mattress and worked great previously and was so comfy I haven't bothered to change it. I can't remember all the research outcomes but know I definitely wanted something with springs.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
I could really use some support as I have almost none. I have surgery scheduled for 11.23.2022. My BMI is 36-35 but, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, no energy, everything is a struggle, feet problems from the added weight, and am pre-diabetic. The list goes on. I have yo-yo dieted my entire life, tried every eating plan out there and I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been at. My friends and family (the few I have told about surgery) all say ... your not that big, you should just diet & exercise, just set your mind to it, its your age, you are being vain etc. It give me an influx of feelings. I am not dictating what they should say and they are completely entitled to their feelings but where is the compassion for me and my struggles? Is this selfish of me to feel this way?
Is a latex mattress a good type of mattress for a heavy person? My spring mattress needs replacing and I'm trying to figure out whether to get a latex mattress or a memory foam.
Most people use memory foam mattresses now but I've been reading they don't have the bounce needed to help a large person move when in the bed. memory foam can be difficult to move from side to side.
Is latex good for someone plus size do you know?
I don't want to fork out a lot of money and then realize it was a stupid idea.
We were also recommended this book, but I didn't take it seriously. It might be worth a read, thanks.
I fully support your position. I am a member of the future patient's family (at least I hope so), and I understand that inaction can lead to more disastrous consequences. It's normal to be afraid of change, but it's not normal to understand that you are on edge and do nothing.
The nurse's words cheered me up.