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I have been thinking the same when he talks to many things he will miss out on and the health issues he will have if he continues to gain weight and even maintain his current weight.
Excellent post! Thanks for the great advice. I am 13 years post-op and these are great reminders for me.
Thank you very much for the message. I certainly hope my experience can benefit others who may be struggling.
Thanks for the information. An adolescent program would be ideal. Especially like the one you described! My sister and her husband are looking into it.
Congratulations Lisa.
And Thank You so Much for sharing your experience.
If one person is spared from fighting your same struggles
Because they got this message,
Then you have saved a Life with this post.
Best to you and your new life.
Congratulations on 18 years of weight loss success and welcome back to the boards. I always appreciate hearing from longer term post ops because I most always learn something or am reminded of things.
I so very much can relate to your post and share similar struggles. Congratulations on 18 months! That's so great and you should be very proud!
Your story has been repeated thousands of times. But most never get and stay sober, so you have something to be very proud of. We all struggle with something and the secret is to figure out what to do about it and then follow through to live a better life.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
You are right! Not the easy way out at all. I am glad that I did it after much apprehension before surgery. Glad you had great support!
Thank you so much for responding and for your insights!