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on 9/4/21 6:28 am
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
I'm thinking everyone s bodies R clearly different....but also what we choose 2 do post op .
I've shared way too many after-meeting meals where milkshakes and high fat hamburgers were the norm.
on 9/4/21 1:47 am, edited 9/5/21 2:51 am
It?s really not that hard ! I went back 2 work about 2 weeks after .... and my ( longtime aquaintance
) totally considered M a heroin addict because my arms were scarred from th IV S -/beware!
All I could eat at that time were protein shakes available in every grocery store
.I still attended all my city council and county planning meetings.... because I had 2 . Didn?t kill M ... yes I was totally tired.... really wasted but they didn?t notice TG
on 9/4/21 1:18 am
It sounds like Ur doing GREAT!!!
on 9/4/21 1:13 am
But Ur not. Ull get through this ... exercise and post everyday... we'll support U (((())))so many hugs I TOTALLY understand the frustration ((()))
on 9/4/21 1:04 am
I believe you have cleared up a mystery for me. It does make so much sense that the revision just makes a small stomach into one that is a bit smaller.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 9/3/21 6:46 pm
Thank you for Ur kind and sympathetic reply Leona ! How R U feeling now ?
on 9/3/21 6:07 pm, edited 9/3/21 11:10 am
I feel Ur pain n frustration!
I?m so glad I had an RNY the first time out because it keeps working.
That said .... I eat basically no slider foods ( it?s a CHOICE! Every time you eat ! )
For me that means no ice cream ,fast foods or cheeses. I don't believe in keto magic where you can supposedly eat all the butter and fatty steak and cheese you want ... most of the people that I know that eat like this are seriously obese .
honestly sometimes it?s a hard choice ... also choosing to swim an hour or run/walk first thing after I get up ...... not necessarily my favorite thing. But the endorphins released by that exercise keep me from overeating that whole day .
Sounds like your doing fine to me. I was one of the slowest monthly losers on these boards. Maybe 7 or 8 lbs the first month.
A year to 18 months later I was down way north of 100lbs.
The turtle wins this race, not the rabbit.