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on 9/10/21 7:15 am
Topic: RE: New Here!

Happy you found this forum too. Hope to hear more from you!

on 9/10/21 7:13 am
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

This has always been an issue for me. Now that I am a post op I have to be more mindful of the times I eat and what I eat.

on 9/10/21 6:37 am
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

I have avoided exercise like crazy but I just started walking in the afternoons. Time for me to make other changes.

on 9/10/21 6:33 am
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

I haven't had WLS (yet). You are right about the need for change. I think my night eating habits started when I was working two jobs and would get up early and come home late almost every day. I need to break the habit!

on 9/10/21 6:26 am
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

Sleep is an issue here too.

Janet P.
on 9/10/21 3:17 am
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?
On September 9, 2021 at 1:01 PM Pacific Time, JackieLove wrote:

For most of my adult life I seriously don't eat much at all during the day but when it comes to night time, thats when I go overboard and eat my bigger meals when most people are getting ready for bed. I don't have the desire to eat breakfast or lunch most days but I do snack here and there at times in the afternoon. I know it isn't good for me to eat so much so late but not sure what the answer is for me? Anyone else have this same problem?

You don't say what type of surgery you've had. The answer is to change. You use words like "desire to eat" or "don't eat much". These sound like choices you're making. Having WLS of any kind means you need to adapt and change to be successful. So start adapting. Do it slowly. Have something small in the morning. Then something a few hours later.

I get hungry at night. Always have. I usually have something small (and usually protein) that's appropriate for me and my type of surgery (I had the DS). I always wake up hungry and I take care of that by having a full breakfast (at least 35 grams of protein - all food) before I start my day. Every day no matter what.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

Cathy H.
on 9/9/21 11:42 pm
VSG on 10/31/16
on 9/9/21 10:15 pm
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

It's pretty common, and not necessarily a problem if you manage it. I usually start the day eating a good balance of high nutrition healthy foods. By night, it's cookies, ice cream or chocolate. I've kinda accepted my shortfalls here and try to get some exercise in in the evening, and make sure the day time eating allows for some evening overeating.

(deactivated member)
on 9/9/21 2:31 pm, edited 9/9/21 7:33 am
RNY on 01/01/14
Topic: RE: Mostly hungry only at night?

But now things r gonna change ! The babies need a schedule and Mommy will just have to adapt .

For sure the best thing 4 m .

I was always told anything you eat after 8 pm you might as well apply ( as in spread on your tummy n barf) it lol

I do think there?s a lot of truth that you?re risking a lot disrupting natural Circadian rhythms .

For a bit I was an Extremely well paid Manhattan bartender- my boyfriend owned the bar . I hated not seeing daylight like a vampire ..... breakfast at 6 am used to be our main meal of the day along with just about every chef in NY .

can?t say anyone was really happy

(deactivated member)
on 9/9/21 7:28 am, edited 9/9/21 12:31 am
RNY on 01/01/14
Topic: RE: Not losing weight after gastric bypass

I was also an Extremely slow loser in the beginning.

For me believe it or not that made all the difference was my utterly loving and perfect lil Persian cat Mini me .

He would literally bump his head or paw m awake every fifteen minutes so we would walk together.

He would wind around my legs , meow , lead m 2 the garden ..... there could not have been a better human nurse . That cat loved m ! and he?d cuddle and keep m warm when the only place I could rest was an easy chair !

weight isn?t everything.... muscle weighs three times the comparable volume of fat .... I still weigh a ton but hello ... I?m a size o , double zero or max two . And I seriously weigh between 135 and 150 . Just love yourself , be proud what you?ve achieved and how far you?ve come and trust th process. ((())) hugs

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