Test Your Portion Size IQ

How much to you know about portion sizes? Test your Portion IQ with this quiz.

1. True or False: An average sized bagel is equal to four slices of bread.
2. True or False: Two tablespoons of peanut butter is equal to the size of a marble.
3. True or False: One and a half ounces of cheese is equal to six dice.
4. True or False: It takes 15 shakes of a five-hole salt shaker to equal a teaspoon.
5. True or False: One cup of pasta will serve two people.
6. True or False: One pint of juice is equal to three servings of fruit.
7. True or False: Three ounces of meat is equal to two decks of cards.
8. True or False: A half cup of mashed potatoes is the same size as a baseball.
9. True or False: One cup of raw greens is equal to the size of a baseball.
10. True or False: One half cup of cooked rice is equal to the size of a light bulb.

IQ Answers
1. False. A typical bagel is equal to three slices of bread.
2. False. Two tablespoons of peanut butter is equal to the size of a ping pong ball.
3. True. One and a half ounces of cheese is equal to six dice.
4. False. It takes 10 shakes of salt to equal the size of a teaspoon which is the maximum amount recommended per day.
5. True. ½ cup of pasta in one serving size.
6. True. A pint of juice is equal to three servings of fruit.
7. False. Three ounces of meat is equal to one deck of cards.
8. False. A serving size (1/2 cup) of mashed potatoes is the same size as a golfball.
9. True. One cup of raw greens is equal to the size of a baseball.
10. True. One half cup of cooked rice is equal to the size of a light bulb.

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