Oh, Those Funny Post-op Moments!

I still get a kick out of people not recognizing me. I work in a hospital and there are a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. When I would say hello to them, they would give me a weird look then turn around, run to catch up with me and say, "Oh MY G-D!". I wear my wedding picture on my work ID for a reason, and when people see that picture, they say, " Oh my, I really can't recognize you anymore! Another funny moment was when my husband and I fit into my wedding dress (size 26) together. We are going to use a picture of us in my old wedding dress as an invitation cover for our 10 year wedding vow renewal! (We've got 5 1/2 years to go!) I am so very grateful to everyone who has helped me along this journey. My faith, surgeons, family, and friends have been a tremendous help to me. Without them I wouldn't have my success and my new life. -Jan
Keyword: bubblesrn

About three years after my surgery, I attended my cousins wedding. A couple my husband and I knew from our daughters softball team walked in at the same as we did. The husband spoke with us but the wife did not. A few hours into the wedding the wife came up to me and apologized. She thought I was my husband's mistress and had an argument with her husband for speaking to the mistress! He then informed her that I wasn't the mistress. She felt really silly and I felt flattered... it was really funny. -chellseabelle
Keyword: chellseabelle

I am over two and a half years post-op and have lost over 100 lbs.
I work in a small office. We have this vendor – a friend – who stopped by the office a few days ago. In the past I would see him every one to two years, but had not seen him since losing the weight. The meeting lasted one hour. We talked and joked and then he left, giving me his business card, and telling me that he is planning to see us more often.
Later that day I received an email from him. He was telling me how sorry he was that he missed me when he was visiting and mentioned that he really liked the new girl working with Brian. He then asked me if she is single. I was laughing so hard. I then I replied to him letting him know that the girl was single, but that currently she has a boyfriend. And then I told him that the new girl was me and I shared with him that his comments made me feel so good. He called me a few minutes after he got my email and told me that he felt a connection and mentioned that maybe I should reconsider dating him. -Hala
Keyword: Hala B.

I would have to say my funniest post-op moment was the day after my surgery. I was in my bed and itching like crazy because of the PCA and I was scratching my belly and my boob. At that moment, our pastors wife walks in with flowers. She was cracking up and so was I. It was a good thing that she had her husband wait outside! -HappyMeT
Keyword: HappyMeT

My anesthesiologist woke me up in the OR to give me instructions to transfer to the bed and I realized I was alive and that the surgery did not kill me. I remember with my head rolling back and forth (still high from anesthesia) shouting, "I live, I live!" One of the nurses at the head of my bed pushing me down the hall said, "You live!" I shouted, "Yes I live!" I work in a city hospital and had my surgery in another city hospital and I recognized peoples uniforms from my union so I shouted out to them (still under the influence). "I live, Local 420 lives!" They were looking at me like I was crazy and laughing at me. The nurse said, "What about Local 1199 (Nurses' Union)? I said, "No, Me, Local 420 lives!" I said this all the way down to the elevator, I shouted, "I live/Local 420 lives" to all the people I passed while being wheeled in the bed. Everybody had a good laugh at me in my under the influence state! Mind you, I've never been high/drunk, etc. So I was zoooooooming! -ARM
Keyword: ARM

So, here's my favorite moment. I'm nine years post-op and there's been allot of moments. I'm a stylist and as I descended in my weight, a neighbors costumer and I would talk. About a year after the surgery I had not seen her in three or four months. I greeted her and five minutes go by and I could see her glancing around. I asked her if I could help her and then she asked me, "Where's that fat girl that used to work here she was so nice." All I could do was look at her. Again she says, "You know the blond blue-eyed fat girl?" God bless my buddy Heather (neighbor stylist). As I finally turned to this goober and said, "That was me, Terri." And not missing a beat, Heather ads, "Didn't you hear she has a tape worm?" I have to tell you, I laughed until I had tears running down my face! -Terri
Keyword: Terri144

My funniest post-op moment occurred at the hospital on day two after my surgery. I was sipping on my protein drink; and I finished it. My nurse was attending to something else in my room as I recall. And only after about a few minutes of drinking the protein drink, I knew it was going to come right back up. I could feel it. But I also knew how important it was to be able to keep those liquids down in order to be released to come home. I really wanted to go home! So I grabbed a pink pan they had provided for me at the hospital and yep, the protein drink came right back up. I quickly handed the pan to my husband when the nurse wasn't looking and whispered to him, "Quick, get rid of the evidence." He just laughed at me. I told him to wash the pan out in the sink in my room. I didn't want the nurse to see that I'd thrown the protein drink back up. I was still on pain meds and meds for nausea so I really wasn't thinking clearly. My husband thought my usage of the term "evidence" was too funny. We laugh about it now and that was only two weeks ago really. Luckily, I was able to keep other liquids down and they did indeed release me that afternoon. But it's just a funny post-op moment for me and one that my husband and I won't forget. -wufpackerfan
Keyword: wufpackerfan

I had just been wheeled up to my room and was kind of out of it. My parents and husband were apparently talking about who was coming, when, and other details. I shushed them and said, "I can hear you, you know." Needless to say, I remember nothing but they thought it was hilarious. -mksgr1
Keyword: mksgr1

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