Cosmetic Tips n Trix

(deactivated member)
on 9/23/24 12:01 pm

So here's the first one- I was very ( pleasantly) surprised to learn that strong Retin A gel and cream ( strongest is .10 for the cream .05 for the gel ) are now covered by health insurance plans !

Apparently someone ( smartly) decided that since they also help erase underlying sun damage and sun spots as well as wrinkles that Retin A is helpful in preventing melanoma or skin cancer. Very much an issue for the generations that grew up before sunscreen ( like my Parents).

Retin A also reduces scars so can be substituted for scar gel which is also quite expensive. A tube of Retin-A though used to cost $125.00 out of pocket.

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/24 5:01 am

So I experimented with my Retin-A and here are the results -

I used it on my neck and decollettage area to see if it would tighten that skin and hopefully ( since only skin supports them there ) slightly lift my boobs .

Result : INSTANT fix for crepey skin décolletage - skin looks firm and plump now . Could swear the boobs are positioned a tiny bit higher too . Just uses a LOT of Retin A so I'm going to have to get a tube a month prescribed I think .

I also used it on my scars from plastic surgery particularly the LBL scar which goes all around my lower body and the thigh lift scars which are essentially the unsexy leg line of granny panties if you can imagine

Though they healed exceptionally well the thigh lift scars aren't particularly conducive to ****** or sexy barely there lingerie ... so the Retin A helping both the color and smoothness ( just after a few treatments) is REALLY suprising ! FAR more effective than ( expensive ) scar gel I found !

If you can think of other uses please tell me - photo damage and wrinkled skin on the backs of hands and forearms also comes to mind.
