17 years out and intense heartburn
Hi All:
I haven't visited here in YEARS. Shame on me, I know. I am going Monday for an endoscopy and colonoscopy. The endoscopy is to determine if the acid in stomach has caused any issues.
To explain, a few years ago, swallowing was becoming difficult. Maybe "uncomfortable" is a better way to say it. It progressively got worse and I went to see the doc when I lost about 30 pounds without trying. He put me on prilosec and said I would likely be on it for life! Ugh. That concerns me as to long term effects.
He said the acid was causing swelling in my throat and with the prilosec - it is gone. I can eat again (and gained 16 pounds back over a year! bummer). He ordered the endoscopy to make sure the acid wasn't harming my stomach scar from my DS surgery. I'm anemic no matter how much iron I take orally ... and I'm just hoping I don't have to go back to have iron infusions.
I'm hoping that all turns out well. Prayers appreciated.
Debbie ~
on 7/23/23 1:47 am
Hi Debbie,
I just had a dual EGD and colonoscopy a few weeks ago. Not fun but hopefully you'll get the feedback you need for treatment of your symptoms! Acid reflux is no joke with the damage it can do. It sounds like you've been having concerns for some time, so hope you get a resolution with this, or closer to one!
Best wishes.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
So sorry to hear this and wish you the best, Debbie. I noticed your DS surgery date was just a few months before mine. I don't seem to be having the issues you report at present, but then who knows what the future may bring.
btw, if you haven't already, you might want to cross-post your post on the DS forum, in case any other DSers on there may have had similar issues and/or can offer some helpful advice to you.
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
Not really The only issue I might have is in regard to my blood levels of vits and minerals .. Only thing is if they are off (significantly) I wouldn't know it since it has been ages since I have had the usual levels checked (bad, I know!
). And, I don't really take any supps for them. I did carefully track my levels the first few years out and even diligently kept an Excel spreadsheet of them, but it seemed the ones that were in fact off I never could get back on track, no matter how I tried to supplement. One of those was the "good" cholesterol (HDL) level, which was just slightly out of range. I tried eating avocados and other "good" fats, but nothing seemed to affect it (I guess b/c of the fat malabsorption issue) and get it back up in range. I also had an issue with my "hemos" (e.g. hemoglobin, hemocrit, etc.), but they were usually just below normal range a tad. Again, taking iron supps (e.g. iron sulfate) just didn't see to make much of a difference, and the deficiency was not so bad as to warrant getting iron transfusions (IMHO). As to the calcium levels, they admittedly did seem to be way off, but after taking those calcium (citrate? carbonate? forgot which one was better) supps (along with those massive D-3 doses - typically 100,000 mgs.) every few hours and seeing those measures also had little effect, I finally just gave up and decided to live with levels the way they were (what else could I do - have my DS reversed?
). It's possible I may have some bone density issues this far out as a result, but I never did have a Dexascan done (I know, bad also) so I don't know for sure. However, I haven't run across any noticeable issues in that regard.
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
Debbie, I am sorry to hear you are having issues. I had surgery in 2000 and I have had some issues with swallowing as well as minimal heartburn which had been non-existent for years. My dr suggested an egd as well and said that if I have any scarring they will do some laser and dilation. He seems to think those will help with the heartburn but we will see.
It does sound like your dr is covering all bases, especially verifying your stomach is not damaged from the reflux. Sending prayers your way.
Thank you! I did have the EGD done on Monday and stomach is not damaged. He did end up dilating esophagus and did a biopsy of the area (should get results in a few weeks, I think). My throat is still a bit sore. I can feel where the biopsy was done, but I don't think the stretching caused any pain.
I also had a colonoscopy done that day. They couldn't fini**** as I have a long/redundant colon and he couldn't get through all the twists and turns (not for a lack of trying as I guess they turned me on my back and pushed on my belly and tried to finish, but couldn't). Nothing was found in the first part of the colon, so they ordered Cologuard for me to just check for things that way for now.
I was hoping to not have to take Prilosec for life -- but even with the stretching, I still have heartburn if I don't take the prilosec. Sooooo, I take it. Need to research some more natural remedies as long term use of Prilosec scares me. Maybe a good probiotic?
Hi Debbie - I am also 17 years out from my DS. I did start having acid reflux a few years ago. I do remember that the doctor told me that acid reflux could be a result. However, I was surprised when I went a lot of years with no reflux and all of a sudden it is here with a vengeance.
I keep up with my lab work and my million supplements, and have no other issues. I am sorry to hear about your iron issues.
Nevertheless, I would make the same decision today. I have kept the weight off and have avoided serious family co-morbidities like diabetes and heart disease.
I have not been on this forum in a verrrry long time, also.
Have a blessed day,
Debbie P. How are you doing now?
I had a different wls in the mid 90's. I began having some late night, early morning heartburn a couple of months ago... I found if i eat a high protein snack - 3 oz meat, maybe 2/3 crackers.-.No junk..... about 2 hours before bed, i don't have any heartburn. If your issue has not resolved, you might try this...
You are wise to be concerned about acid reducing meds.. no acid = more impairment of nutrition, bone and tooth loss.
To build your blood count, iron .. try dessicated liver, it comes in Organic in capsules.. follow directions on bottle .. Liver is the perfect food, it contains every item needed for your body to utilize the iron in it and any additional you recieve from other items you eat.. I am missing an intrinsic factor and can not absorb any Iron except prenatal and Foltrin. from pharma... easier to get and keep liver pills.. . in a pinch i can make my own... from raw ingredients.