After Surgery Gift Ideas
I had WLS 20 years ago. I have maintained a weight loss of 150 pounds. My mom is going to have WLS on July 15th. I want to make her an after surgery gift basket and would like to include some books that will be helpful for her in her journey, especially right after surgery. I need suggestions of books and other gift ideas for someone that is about to have surgery. She is concerned with the emotions she will go through after surgery, specifically the grief some people experience. Does anyone have a suggestion for something that specifically helps with the emotional effects? Thanks for your help!!
It can be a bit of a shock the first time you feel stressed and realise you can't comfort yourself with food. So perhaps you might include some good ways she can comfort herself and explore other senses besides taste, like a fragrant herbal tea, a scented candle, something soft to touch, a blanket to curl up with in a chair, a good book, a nice massage oil or body lotion, a bag stuffed with lavender or similar to place under your pillow...