Graze, eat, upset stomach, vomit
I grazed on fruits throughout the day today and at 6:30 I tried having some turkey and carrots. Unfortunately, it caused a very upset stomach and within 15-20mins I was vomiting. Did the grazing plus my meal have been to much and be considered overeating? I did not like the feeling of my stomach being in knots for 15-20mins. But what a relief now that it's out! Is my pouch ok if I vomit? What if it was to much food, is my pouch ok? Thinking back on what I ate today: strawberries for breakfast, string cheese for a dairy snack, apples and grapes at lunch, yogurt for dairy snack, a few blueberries, and then the turkey and carrots.
I know you are not a new post-op. But I used to teach a class where I used a empty 2-liter soda bottle to represent what the old stomach could hold and then the bottlecap from that soda bottle to represent what the new pouch can hold. At your stage you can probably hold less than 1/2 cup of solid food.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends