What is the best advice you would give to a pre op?
Buy the best and smartest scale you can find and use it every day. I highly recommend Garmin Smart Scale. This is really about weight. When your weight is the ideal amount for your body, everything else becomes easier. You feel light, full of energy, confident, and able to cope with whatever life throws your way.
Being over your ideal weight affects your body, your energy, your moods, your self-confidence, and the way others perceive you. It makes everything in life harder. After weight loss surgery, it is pretty easy to get to your ideal body weight. But it is very difficult to stay there after the magical first few years of surgery are gone. That is when the scale starts creeping up and your health and happiness start creeping down with it.
Make weighing yourself the top priority in your day. Don't ignore it or try to tell yourself that it is not important. Make exercise the next most important thing you have to accomplish. Think about what you are eating and why. If you do this without a plan for success, you are really planning to fail.
Five years after achieving their ideal weight, about 95% of people without surgery have gained their excess back. About 50% of those with surgery have gained at least half of their excess weight back. Be one of the people who get surgery, lose the weight, and then work to keep it off for life.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends