You know what ? I'm REALLY tired of having the " last word " on here

(deactivated member)
on 10/26/21 5:09 pm
RNY on 01/01/14

I understand there are a bunch of former posters circulating.

Please understand that you are absolutely loved and valued ... please talk .. your experience benefits all of us .

on 11/3/21 2:27 pm

Veggiewoman, I don't come to the board every day..

. I try to post when something is posted and i can add to the information,. My surgery was early - my strong suite in commenting is On Problems.. because my surgery was a early and invasive a world teacher of the Gastric ByPass., i have had a variety of issues. I also lost my weight , to my target and hover near it ,still. There is no one right answer for every individual re: surgery or follow up care. If i can help someone find their "even Keel" for their health and help them understand the process they can use to come to their best response.

many have had bad experiences wth gastric surgery...Mine was successful and i have no regrets.....At some point i have had... 2 intestinal twists,pernicious anemia, multiple gastritis events.(precurser to intestinal twists), multiple enzyme deficiencies.,dumping syndrome ( before and after surgery ) Plus the backfeeding (finding and evaluating food intolerances and "work arounds" for those). , low energy of post op, and stopped hair loss.

.. i have had a variety of issues over the 25 year post op period. I DO have a nursing am able to comment on complications and relate issues to medical results... ie NSAIDS and post gastric By pass.

My DM and i had surgery-type by same surgeon 6 months apart, and each of us handled different food challenges differently inside.. different tolerances... that was eye opening .

The surgeon can give tools for weight loss. We must learn to use them.Encouraging others in that is why i do come. .
