Weight loss surgery for teens?
Children's Hospital here in Colorado have an adolescent weight management program that includes WLS if appropriate. They do programs that include the whole family for the best chance of success.
It's awesome and I would highly recommend you see if your local children's hospital has a similar program.
It's a big step for a teen and I would not recommend any program that is cut and run.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
MKMGirl, all need to know it is not an easy fix. there are other programs one in Memphis did some selected surgeries on teens.2 decades ago.. is life changing in many ways... totally changes morbidities. Young man will need lots of emotional support and counseling- the changes can occur so fast- hard for an adult to process obesity clinic best place to start.
I think it really depends on the teen, how mature they are and how well they cope with challenges. In any case, I think now is an excellent time for him to get involved with a good programme and begin working toward the goal of surgery. A good programme should include at least one visit with a psychologist, plus some work with a dietician.